Confessional booth for cheating spouses


Sep 21, 2012
I can't help but wonder if there isn't anyone out there like me: happily married, great family, but sexual wanderer and "church boy" who has no one in their circl of friends they can talk to about their extra-curricular sexual experiences. Anyone care to talk about it?
I love sex. Much more than my wife does. Always looking for more of it. I am someone who is a church leader, but is always looking for sex with more women...and my wife hasn't a clue.

I've voyeured my pastor's wife in our masturbation tool I've ever had.
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It's the thrill that's so hot. Doing something nobody would expect you to do and getting away with it. No its not "right", yes it's selfish and has dire consequences if found out. Maybe that's half the rush and turn on? Humans are sexual beings. We are supposed to be anyway.
I have no spouse to cheat on, guess I need to find someones spouse to cheat with. :devil::devil: