cone see the best two stories in the history of mankind


Literotica Guru
Jun 17, 2002
Francis Wild Dary

its located in a satire section but it also could be located in the smut section if we had one because it can be both. Basicly a wild ride where anything that can go wrong goes wrong. Filled with every clique imaginble. Filled with every fethis imaginble. Just read the sci-fi part of it to see where I'm coming from it has the best choices there. Well I personaly like the choic in the attic section when you take the blue vial. But it may scare some of you guys but hey thought it was funny.
Smut at a Level that would make Larry Flint look like Jane Austine. Reading this story will bring your IQ down a 50 points. all ready the story filled with choices. All ready we have Robots, Giant women. insane dominatixes, Genies, shrinking men, Aliens, incest. Body hopping

Now note even though so far most of Francis adventures seem to lead to disastor for our hero they don't all have to. I just did this to start things off and give the writters a challenge. Also thought it be funny

here the second one

Ladies of Gordor
it in the sci-fi fantasy section

Fantasy story about 4 women in a magic kingdom. You can choose any of the 4 women to start the story. Their stories tend to connect. How much you want them to connect is up to you. I all ready made some connection with each of thier stories

each of them have differnt personailties and different back rounds so each of thier stories will probally have a differnt feel to them. In fact one of them kind of evil and pop up as the villain later in the other chacter story. plenty of choices so a lot of places to take each chacter
ok Cyhoo fucking up on link so I'm going to just tell you where the stories are

The Four women of Gordor- Niceguy added a thread in the natasa section

Francis wild day- Niceguy added a thread in the attic section that goes to the vial section
Come see lilguy butcher the English language would have been a better title for your post.

Mekay you need to chill.

Pretty harsh for your first post.

So far there has been a refreshing lack of personal attacks on Chyoo. I, for one, would like to keep it that way.

