Con artist outed by Rupert Murdoch paper


Literotica Guru
Jun 5, 2006
"I never called Meghan Markle 'nasty'," he tweeted on Sunday, adding: "Made up by the Fake News Media, and they got caught cold!"​

Thus twatted the con artist after numerous reports were put out quoting him and his remarks about Meghan Markle, who is married to second in line to the throne, Prince Harry.

This was first reported during his interview with The Sun, a newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch who also happens to own the Fox tabloid here in the U.S. The tabloid is well known for giving a voice to the con artist's delusional ramblings, even if they leave the talking heads speechless about how inane he sounds:

or commentators quittng because of the tabloid's hyper-partisan schtick which does everything it can to deflect from the crimes of the con artist:

Except there's one problem. The interview was recorded in full, glorious sound and a tape of him stating, unequivocally, that Markle was nasty was attached to his lying tweet:

The remark came seconds after he was told Markle had previously called him a misogynist and an all-around terrible person..

Now that the con artist has been caught cold lying, and has eclipsed the 10,000 lies threshold, it's onto 11,00, which, at his current rate of lying, should be before the end of the year.
If Murdoch turns all of his media on Trump, he's toast.

How much did Murdoch lose on Wall Street last week? When Trump costs him enough, Lumpy is toast, but not if he is getting enough clicks with his bullshit. Diversity of assets is it's own reward.:)
“I didn’t know that. No. I didn’t know that,” Trump responded. “No, I hope she’s OK.”

The interviewer noted that Markle “said she would move to Canada if you got elected.”

“A lot of people are moving here. So, what can I say? No, I didn’t know that she was nasty,” the president said.

When asked if it’s “good having an American princess,” Trump responded:
I think it’s nice and I am sure she will do excellently. She will be very good.
I hope she does.”

Official Trump War Room Verified Account

Fake News CNN is at it again, falsely claiming
President Trump called Meghan Markle "nasty."
Here is what he actually said. Listen for yourself!

(link to audio)

6:12 AM - 1 Jun 2019

Karen Tumulty Verified Account

He actually calls her “nasty” in this audio.
That is the exact word he uses.
Who is running that war room? George Orwell?


6:42 AM - 1 Jun 2019