Common Breast Cup Sizes on Lit


Literotica Guru
Apr 3, 2005
I wonder which ladies on lit have the most common cup sizes on lit?
Would it be A, B, C, or D cup breasts?
Barely a B.

But does size really matter? I've never heard a man complain about the size or shape of any woman's boobs.
*standing in line folding arms under breasts*

Yeah. I am not hitting double letters.


C or D

Gosh somedays your back has got to be killing you!
Barely a B.

But does size really matter? I've never heard a man complain about the size or shape of any woman's boobs.

I agree with you I've never heard them complain either . . . they just asked so they could see all our boobies :D
DDD. Just recently was properly fitted and everything so it's official. Dammit. [laughs]
DDD ..... and umm where is the thread where the GUYS post the size of their cock ... huh . HUH why does it ALWAYS gotta be about BOOBS?!