Commie California To Mandate Schools Have Bathrooms And Locker Rooms For Transgender


Jan 23, 2011
Celebrate Diversity! Commie California To Mandate Schools Have Bathrooms And Locker Rooms For Transgender Students…

It’s stories like this that make libs feel all warm and fuzzy.

Via Red Alert:

Schools in the state of California will soon be required to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their preference.

A bill being discussed in the state senate would mandate that schools have bathrooms and locker rooms that are fully equipped for transgender students, as well as requiring the schools to allow transgender students to take part in sports and other activities of the gender of their choosing.

Assembly Bill 1266 is aimed at prohibiting “discrimination against transgender students” in the state’s school districts, Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco), the bill’s sponsor, told The Christian Post.

The bill, which the state assembly passed last month, is expected to pass in the Democratic state senate and be signed into law by Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown.
Why are we so broke?? GIVE US MORE MONEY !!! MORE!!!! MORE!!!! MORE!!!! -CA

Wait till they decree it segregation and have to tear it all down LOL
Celebrate Diversity! Commie California To Mandate Schools Have Bathrooms And Locker Rooms For Transgender Students…

It’s stories like this that make libs feel all warm and fuzzy.

Via Red Alert:

Schools in the state of California will soon be required to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their preference.

A bill being discussed in the state senate would mandate that schools have bathrooms and locker rooms that are fully equipped for transgender students, as well as requiring the schools to allow transgender students to take part in sports and other activities of the gender of their choosing.

Assembly Bill 1266 is aimed at prohibiting “discrimination against transgender students” in the state’s school districts, Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco), the bill’s sponsor, told The Christian Post.

The bill, which the state assembly passed last month, is expected to pass in the Democratic state senate and be signed into law by Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown.

Will they have swinging doors?
How does the article relate to the state's budget (which I believe is balanced)?

1) Public schools are funded by public dollars....from the state....and to build new bathrooms will cost money....from the state.

2) Of course you would...

Washington Times 1APR2013

"A financial report issued by state auditors finds that the state of California is in the red by an unsustainable $127.2 billion."

And now they want separate facilities for transgender folks? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Good thing the LIBURHULZ out there have their fuckin priorities sorted. :rolleyes:

Like I said....MORE!!! LIBURHUL WANT MORE!!! MORE!!! MORE!!!!
1) Public schools are funded by public dollars....from the state....and to build new bathrooms will cost money....from the state.

2) Of course you would...

Washington Times 1APR2013

"A financial report issued by state auditors finds that the state of California is in the red by an unsustainable $127.2 billion."

And now they want separate facilities for transgender folks? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Good thing the LIBURHULZ out there have their fuckin priorities sorted. :rolleyes:

Like I said....MORE!!! LIBURHUL WANT MORE!!! MORE!!! MORE!!!!

You still haven't read the article. The article specifically states transgender students would get their choice of already existing restrooms.
1) Public schools are funded by public dollars....from the state....and to build new bathrooms will cost money....from the state.

2) Of course you would...

Washington Times 1APR2013

"A financial report issued by state auditors finds that the state of California is in the red by an unsustainable $127.2 billion."

And now they want separate facilities for transgender folks? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Good thing the LIBURHULZ out there have their fuckin priorities sorted. :rolleyes:

Like I said....MORE!!! LIBURHUL WANT MORE!!! MORE!!! MORE!!!!

Why don't we just have unisex bathrooms, then? Half the bathrooms, half the money. Makes sense to me.
So the USSR had separate locker rooms for transgender people? I guess I don't know why TG facilities are an aspect of communism.
You do know that California has a surplus right now, right?

Really? That's not what the gubbmint says. 407,320,815,000+ in the hole as of this post. It's going down a smidgen but the spending is going up like a bat out of hell while the revenue is dropping too...which means that surplus is going bye bye real soon.

Prob because some fucking moron liburhulz want to give it to someone other than their own people.

Why don't we just have unisex bathrooms, then? Half the bathrooms, half the money. Makes sense to me.

Fuck I'm all for it....women been bitching for equality for years...let's do it!!
Why don't we just have unisex bathrooms, then? Half the bathrooms, half the money. Makes sense to me.
That doesn't mean you can have fewer bathrooms. You still need enough fixtures for the people in the building.