Coming Soon to Nevada: Border Patrol

A Desert Rose

Simply Charming Elsewhere
Aug 16, 2002
In order to curb what will be a huge influx of Californians into Nevada, we may have to institute a border patrol.

When it finally hits those Californians that they are looking at more than triple taxation, they will most definately want out. The state says it can no longer pay for ALL the entitlement programs, so they are mailing the bills to the counties and the municipalities, who in turn will have to raise taxes, too.

Governor Davis is proposing that those bad-ass smokers - a minority in California - pay an additional $1.10 per pack. Makes one wonder what this state is doing with the tobacco money they were "awarded."

And libraries will have to raise fees. As unfortunate as it is for me to say this, I don't believe libraries are heavy traffic places in California, where a large segment of the population does not even speak English.

The Democrats have bought their votes. Now they have to figure out how to pay for them.... oh wait, they have figured it out-- RAISE TAXES several times.
mbb308 said:
Is that an order to fix bayonets?

Well actually I want them here, means they spend money on gambling and other such vices. We love tourists, even if most are losers. LOL
A Desert Rose said:
Well actually I want them here, means they spend money on gambling and other such vices. We love tourists, even if most are losers. LOL

Losers leave more $$$$ than winners do.
Yup Davis and the Ca assembly have done themselves in. A few years ago they used all the projected money that the .com and hi-tech industry was supposed to yeild to vastly increase entitlement programs. And then their own peculiar form of Electric Industry deregulation.

It all came down like a house of cards and left them with what? A $35 Billion dollar deficit?

But cut back spending? Never, hose the taxpayers some more.

Ishmael said:
And then their own peculiar form of Electric Industry deregulation.


This is a great line. It bears repeating.

I hope Unclebill comes around tonight, too.

Thank you for your post, Ishmael. ;-)
It's a double edged sword thingy:

We want people coming here, we want them settling here, we want them to pay taxes and spend money here....


those Californians bring their crazy mentality with them. And we do not want their style of legislature in Nevada.
Maybe if all the "foreigners" went back home where they belong, Cali wouldn't have so many problems. ;)

Can you imgaine border checkpoints?
"Sorry ma'am, California is full. You'll have to go back."

I wish.
mbb308 said:
I enjoy using mathematics in my day-to-day existence.

Tell me again how tall you are and how tall I am, in meters, I mean. LMAO I sound really tall in meters.
April said:
Maybe if all the "foreigners" went back home where they belong, Cali wouldn't have so many problems. ;)

Can you imgaine border checkpoints?
"Sorry ma'am, California is full. You'll have to go back."

I wish.

I agree... And California IS fucking full. It's the last and only bastion of socialism in the U.S. But every one calls Americans Imperialists?

California has run amuck for far too long.
I pay taxes in Indiana and California. I get screwed by Socialist Democrats and slapped in the face by the buckle end of the Bible belt.

I do believe he's got the largest state deficit to overcome. My property taxes went up 170%, and Gray Davis is contemplating on having a new governor's mansion being built.

No easy solution in California. Non-profit organizations that have over a 2.5 million dollars at the end of the year should be taxed.

Churchs should be taxed. (Don't cry separation of Church and State.) They recieve the public protection (fire and police) as everyone else.
Out with the foreigners!!!

California for Californians!!!

Go home Yankee!!!

Save our deserts!!!

Choke on your own smog!!!
Oh, wait, that's for L.A. :D
A Desert Rose said:
Tell me again how tall you are and how tall I am, in meters, I mean. LMAO I sound really tall in meters.

Me: 1.83 meters

You: 1.55 meters (rounded up, slightly)

During WWII, the SS had a division with a height requirement minimum of 1.9 meters - that's about 6'-3".
HeavyStick said:
I pay taxes in Indiana and California. I get screwed by Socialist Democrats and slapped in the face by the buckle end of the Bible belt.

I do believe he's got the largest state deficit to overcome. My property taxes went up 170%, and Gray Davis is contemplating on having a new governor's mansion being built.

No easy solution in California. Non-profit organizations that have over a 2.5 million dollars at the end of the year should be taxed.

Churchs should be taxed. (Don't cry separation of Church and State.) They recieve the public protection (fire and police) as everyone else.

You have a valid point on the public protection.

I love that quote, HS about everything rude..... ;-)
mbb308 said:
Me: 1.83 meters

You: 1.55 meters (rounded up, slightly)

During WWII, the SS had a division with a height requirement minimum of 1.9 meters - that's about 6'-3".

Those were some tall fucking Aryans.... wow.

I guess I don't sound so tall after all. Maybe lets try centimeters?
A Desert Rose said:
Those were some tall fucking Aryans.... wow.

I guess I don't sound so tall after all. Maybe lets try centimeters?

155 cm. Multiply by 100 to go from meters to centimeters.
A Desert Rose said:
Thank you. 155cm sounds better than 61 inches or 1.55 meters. LOL.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog that counts.
mbb308 said:
It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog that counts.

Somehow I know the word bitch fits in here somewhere... LMAO
A Desert Rose said:
Somehow I know the word bitch fits in here somewhere... LMAO

Damn it, I'm being positive here.

Don't make me pull out the "short women" jokes!!!!