Come now the NGO's.


Loves Spam
Feb 26, 2022
I never signed on to Twitter. Never felt any compulsion to do so. Even with Musk's acquisition of the platform I merely thought, "Fine, maybe he'll level the playing field." But I still didn't rush over to sign up.

I read the letter that Media Matter's sent out with a list of their "demands" along with a list of teary eyed, hand wringing, 'what if' prognostications of the world coming to an end. Undersigned by a list of NGO's. That list along with the authoring party is a list of reasons why I may want to sign up.

I'll wait until the deal is done and the new policies settle in before I make a final decision but for the time being that letter along with the signatories is one of the best reasons I can see to want to join the platform. They are among the foremost enemies of Freedom of Speech.
No one cares about your irrational views on a social media network that you have never perused.
"I've never logged into Twitter and don't have anything setup and so I believe what I've been told"

The key to Twitter has always been creating lists. If you aren't using lists, then the algorithm is a pain in the ass.....just like every other media platform with an algorithm.

This is the only social media that I have ever done and the only thing that I learned was how anti-social a keyboard make you...

So, I was over Twitter before it ever was brought to fruition.
Good on you for earning your righties street cred badge of honor...lmao
This is the only social media that I have ever done and the only thing that I learned was how anti-social a keyboard make you...

So, I was over Twitter before it ever was brought to fruition.
You still watch Survivor, FFS, loser. Hush.