Colorado sheriff says new state gun laws won't be enforced Read more:


~Armed and Fuzzy~
Mar 14, 2001
Colorado sheriff says new gun laws won't be enforced

Weld County Sheriff John Cooke won’t enforce new state gun measures expected to be signed into law by Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper, arguing the proposed firearms restrictions give a "false sense of security."

Lawmakers in Colorado on Friday approved a landmark expansion of background checks on firearm purchases. Earlier in the week, Colorado lawmakers approved a 15-round limit on ammunition magazines.

Both measures are awaiting the expected approval of the governor.

"They’re feel-good, knee-jerk reactions that are unenforceable," he told the news outlet.

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That'd be like an Attorney General refusing to enforce laws that the Congress legislated and the President enacted...

...except for the fact that a county sheriff is only legally accountable to the People who elect her/him.

The state government will state that the sheriff is in violation of his oath of office for not enforcing laws that he has sworn to effect...

...while the sheriff is relying on the support of the People who elected him to nullify a law which he no doubt deems unconstitutional.


...this type of conflict will only become more and more prevalent.
What other laws will knobends like this decide to ignore? Rape? Murder? Child abuse?
Most likely those laws they determine violates the Constitution they swore to uphold.

Bullshit. County sheriffs don't get to determine what is and isn't constitutional. That's the US Supreme Court's job.
One other thing, I'm sure his oath requires him to enforce state law.

As no doubt his oath also probably requires him to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America...

...just like the oath President, Congress, the Supremes, Governors, and state Legislators swear to.

The very same Law applies to all these office holders plus every citizen of America equally...

...that specific Law dictates that every law-abiding American's right to bear arms to defend his life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness against all who dare usurp that unalienable right shall not be infringed.

I know, I know

...and that's why the Constitutional War is inevitable.
Maybe you're thinking that every public officer should take an oath to preserve the SCOTUS instead of the Constitution?

You really don't understand the law, do you? Let me put it in a way you might understand.

When you were a marine in Viet Nam, you'd be given an order. Were you allowed to decide if that order was legitimate?