College situations


Feb 5, 2003
As someone who teaches in a university the temptations are rife. Its quite nerve racking to see beautiful young women flirting quite obviously. A number of times I have stood at the front of a class while female students have sat in front of me with legs wide open. lol - whats a guy gonna do?

In all honesty though I have't taken advantage of any of them. Even when I have been had them come to my office for tutorial or to talk about something and they have become more obvious and suggestive.

But that doesn't mean I am not tempted. I'd love though to meet female members excited by this scenario and interested in exploring it further...

Would also love to hear your experiences in similar circumstances from both student and lecturer perspective. Obviously we're talking adult education here though!

Man, can I sympathize!! Just today I had a very attractive young woman come to my office to FLIRT. And it's only the fourth week of the term! I had a bit of insomnia tonight, and my mind drifted to her and all the things I would love to have happen with her.

I also prowl the 'net looking for student types, and sometimes I even find them! LOL! I'm always pleased to find out how many young girls are fantasizing about their professors, or even fucking them. Good luck with your search!

College girl here. What are sexy panties for except to show off.
We don't mind if you look as long as you are nice about it.

Re: enjoy

SallyIsHere said:
College girl here. What are sexy panties for except to show off.
We don't mind if you look as long as you are nice about it.


Ahh but do you know what you do to us poor academics? We're only flesh and blood!

Mind that said.... I do prefer them without! :devil:
There is something very intriguing and arousing at the thought of seducing a professor or a professor seducing oneself. I am a graduate student who has had a number of fabulous male professors in my college experience and can definitely say that the idea has crossed the mind once or twice. Hell, TAs and GAs were tempting in undergrad, now being that GA, I can say that it was a tempting idea to have some fun with a few of my students. But it is a line that I don't think should be crossed in reality. Hence the fantasy part of it. And It is DEFINITELY one of my favorite fantasies to play out.
To SouthernBelle22

Boy SouthernBelle22 how I wish you were my GA! I'm a university upperclassmen and I had a lower level class to blow off credits on and I've got a really hot GA that I wouldn't mind working on some extra-credit with ;) . Do you go to LSU? I'm a HUGE Tigers fan!!! I was born in Baton Rouge and my parents worked on their doctorates there. I also lived many years in New Orleans. Spent most of my life in Louisiana but now I live in the Washington D.C. area.... But O How I miss those SouthernBelles! Haha ;) PM or E-mail me any time sweet lady :)
imaginary line

I agree that the line should not be crossed and also that it is a great fantasy. I love my students and would never put them in an awkward position or make them uncomfortable but, in my another story.

just a fantasy

Well, I have never done anything with a professor either. I have had two that I had huge crushes on, one woman and one man. I have only been with one woman in real life but that history professor helped me have many orgasms for a semester and she doesn't even realize it.


I developed a huge crush on a very bright and beautiful undergrad during my second year as a professor. We ended up doing an independent study together, and, one day, I found myself asking her out for coffee. I think I even used the words "just the two of us." To this day, it remains such an embarassing little incident!!! The words just blurted out, and I didn't realize what I'd said until after they were out there. Luckily, she had the sense and the kindness to just sort of blow it off. We're in touch to this day, and I don't think she has any idea how many orgasms I've had with her on my mind.

So, would any of you ladies like to chat about this? I'm citykid1967 on aol and yahoo, and for email and MSN if you're game.
Ah definitely crushes exist...just to what extent do you take it...even in fantasy how far is that boundary blurred?
I remember one morning quite a few years ago waking up after a dream that seemed so real I thought it had happened. I had responded to a pass made by a beautiful mature student. In a class of psychology undergrad's all arounf 18 or 19, she stood out. She was in her late twenties, was tall and had piercing blue eyes and dark hair. Her confidence made her popular with everyone and also made her stand out in a class of very attractive young women. She had flirted with me on several occasions and even invited me to concert which i had turned down.

Then one morning/night I had this delicious dream of bumping into her at the local seafront. We walked and talked and ended up in lovely little cafe overlooking the beach. During coffee, she placed her hand on mine and suggested we went to her flat.

As you can tell, I still remember this dream so vividly - perhaps because I woke up scared stiff (lol-literally!) that i had compromised my position at the University. I had visions of academic boards and all sorts before I realised this was a dream.

The next time I saw this student I became extremely flustered and embarrassed which she took great delight in.

I have never transgressed the cardinal rule but as far as fantasy is concerned, well I am totally open to seduction!;)
hot professors

This is an incredible source of sexual angst for me! I have it SO bad for a former Math Prof. of mine. He spent so much time tutoring me, I thought I might explode, given the number of lectures I spent fantasizing about his cock...

In fact, I still debate whether or not to call him or try to visit him on campus sometime in the future (alas, I've moved away from him!). He's one of my favorite fantasies. The guy who sends me over that delicious "edge" when I want to cum...

I only wish I'd gathered up the nerve to **** him before I moved away!!

~ Lulu886:heart:

P.S. "Hi" RealCityKid.... <wink>
Re: hot professors

Lulu886 said:
This is an incredible source of sexual angst for me! I have it SO bad for a former Math Prof. of mine. He spent so much time tutoring me, I thought I might explode, given the number of lectures I spent fantasizing about his cock...

In fact, I still debate whether or not to call him or try to visit him on campus sometime in the future (alas, I've moved away from him!). He's one of my favorite fantasies. The guy who sends me over that delicious "edge" when I want to cum...

I only wish I'd gathered up the nerve to **** him before I moved away!!

~ Lulu886:heart:

P.S. "Hi" RealCityKid.... <wink>

Mmmmm. Hello, Lulu. Well, you already know what I think. Frankly, if I had an attractive former student come to see me, and come on to me, I would JUMP at the chance to have her. I even have some specific candidates in mind. LOL!
I remember fondly the semester I spent in college....yes I left college and joined the military. But one TA always stood out to me, the funny part was she was a senior at my HS when I was snot nosed frosh. Anyways I remember to this day the look on her face when I walked into the room, it was a mix of surprise and lust and I smiled from ear to ear. You see the last time she had seen me I was a 5 foot nothing maybe 100 pound kid, the 3 years afterwards I had hit puberty, hit my growth spurt and hit the gym. I had gone from class wimp to a freak of nature (at least that's what my friends called me jokingly). Well when she saw me in class that day I was 6'2 and close to 180 pounds, barely any fat. From then on it was like a constant teasing match between the two of us, we would find ways to brush against one another, 'accidentaly' bump into one another or a million other things that was typically of two people flirting. Unfortunately the flirting never got anywhere because about 2 weeks after our last encounter I had taken a sabbatical from school (grades were piss poor) and joined the military. When I stopped by the school to say goodbye the dean of students told me she left and had transferred to another school. It's been nearly 3 years since that happened and even today I smile thinking about what could have happened between us and that gets my going once more and help comfort me in a many lonely night. I apologize to have rambled for so long just reading everyone's fantasies brought up the memories.
Well, you can't keep sexual appetites out of the classroom, any more than you can keep them out of anything else. The only thing you can really do is not act on it (and for anyone planning to keep a teaching job, that's imperative).

I quit teaching a few years back and I think I fantasize about students even more now. I guess because the threat of actually doing something and getting fired is not there anymore? Or maybe because if I encountered an old student of mine now I could actually do something about it?
Cherry Blossom said:
Well, you can't keep sexual appetites out of the classroom, any more than you can keep them out of anything else. The only thing you can really do is not act on it (and for anyone planning to keep a teaching job, that's imperative).

I quit teaching a few years back and I think I fantasize about students even more now. I guess because the threat of actually doing something and getting fired is not there anymore? Or maybe because if I encountered an old student of mine now I could actually do something about it?

I must have went to the wrong schools. I had a couple teachers that I could have loved to played with.
Sometimes it was so obvious too. I mean, some of the attractions were visible, when you'd discuss some slightly racy book or wear a shirt with maybe one button too many undone and then see all the bulges on the male students ... As long as that was the only problem, I didn't feel too bad about it, but if some student was staring at my breasts and my nipples got very hard and obvious, that I always felt bad about.

Anybody but me every get x-rated evaluations at the end of the term? Those were interesting to discuss with the supervisor.
mmmm.....older men

I was at the university for just a year, but I was lucky to have the hottest sociology prof and fact the TA and I ended up exchanging quite racy emails, which turned into nothing more to my disappointment. It could have something to do with the power thang too.

And as for profs...well...there's just something so exciting about that handsome older man who is supposed to be there guiding your future....half the time the lectures were so boring, ya may as well have just sat back and fantasized :p I'm glad I always sat towards the back.....(altho maybe Id have graduated then too if i wasnt so horny in class all the time)...
That was me

I was always the student with the buldge. If a teacher had hard nipples I paid extra close attention that day. I heard ever word she said becuase I would take my eyes of those tits.

Those were the days.
Cherry Blossom said:
Sometimes it was so obvious too. I mean, some of the attractions were visible, when you'd discuss some slightly racy book or wear a shirt with maybe one button too many undone and then see all the bulges on the male students ... As long as that was the only problem, I didn't feel too bad about it, but if some student was staring at my breasts and my nipples got very hard and obvious, that I always felt bad about.

Anybody but me every get x-rated evaluations at the end of the term? Those were interesting to discuss with the supervisor.

Cheery Blossom, you are the teacher that would give me the hardest boner that would leave me so embarrased when I'd have to get up to leave... Those were the days! :D
Oh my Zorro, you make me blush!

I'm curious -- does anyone else ever wonder how many of their professors/students they might be talking to around here without even knowing it?
I would be excited...god had a few HS teachers who I'd take to bed if given another shot.
Cherry Blossom said:
Oh my Zorro, you make me blush!

I'm curious -- does anyone else ever wonder how many of their professors/students they might be talking to around here without even knowing it?

LOL!!!!! I sure do. The question I ask myself is, if I were to somehow find out that someone I was chatting with was actually a student of mine – or anyone else I knew, for that matter – would it be really hot, or really embarassing?!?!!? I'd like to think it would be hot, but I have a feeling it would be mortally embarassing.