College of Virgins..


The Fire is Hot
Dec 10, 2001
OOC This is about three girls going off to college. The first girl came from money, always got what she wanted. But she never lost her cherry, her womanhood. There was never anyone good enough to lose it to.

The second girl took alot of loans out to go here. All she could think about is college, even at home. She always study, never when out. Has no boyfriends or girlfriends to talk to. Always working besides the loans to go here, she wanted that bad.

The third girl was very religious. Parents never let her go out, always in church. Her cloths were not up to date. Never had people over her house or friends in school. The high school kids felt she was odd.

Also needed are two professors to help these girls along. To teach them their subjects, to past them. Also the Dean of Students which is also taken.

I will be playing the third girl. the holy one.

Julie Adams
Brown long hair that she wears in a bun
Brown eyes with glasses
She has a nice figure, but always hides it.

Julie comes from a family in the deep south, Bible country. Her family does alot for the church. That the church sponser her to go to this college, not knowing if she will like it or not. She really had no say in it.
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Oh this is just too good. Let me know if this is okay, Angel.

Burton Norse - 28
5' 8" Brown hair, brown eyes
Swimmer's body. Cut but not built. Prefers sweaters and jeans to traditional college wear, but dresses for the norm when behind the lecture podium.

Professor of British Lit, this is his first position. He's had a great deal of succes with women in the past having come from a reasonably well-off family, but is new to the whole "professor" thing. As a result, he can be a little offput when things don't go as expected in the lecture hall. he knows how to live, but he's not sure yet if he knows how to teach.
Julie Adams


My parents were so happy when the church said they would sponser me to go to the college. The college of their choice, not mine. Getting ready to go, I look at all my cloths. Seeing what they look like, I wonder if it would fit in there, never seeing it. With what I have didn't take to long to fill, the luggage.

"Here hon don't forget your Bible, " my mother handed to me. "Thanks mom, I almost forgot it." I will be leaving here today, for the next four years. Away from my family and the church, that will feel so odd.

Taking my luggage downstairs, my father took it from me and put it in the car. He was driving me to the bus station. Saying goodbye to my mother and brother was very hard, I had tears in my eyes. "You will be okay, hon, really. Just remember what was teach to you, by us and the church." Smiling at her, I gave her and my little brother kisses goodbye, and told them I call when I get there.

My father was waiting for me. "Now hon do you have everything? Do you have the money mon and I gave you? It wasn't much but something. You have your job at school that will help you with having money on you." He trys so much, I lean over and kissed his cheek, "Dad I wll be okay, don't worry."

When we got to the bus stop he waited with me. Neither one of us talk. The bus came and I just looked at him, tears coming down my face. He took his hanky out and wipe them for me. "Everything will be okay, you will be okay, Just remember we are here if you need us. Now be careful, and call when you get there." Giving my dad a big hug, I got on the bus. When I got to my sit I wave goodbye to him. For the next four hours I will be on this bus. I took out my book to read it.
Burton Norse

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I mumbled, stumbling around the office I shared with three ther profs and a GA.

"What's up, Burt?" asked Peg Malloy Visiting Professor of Shakespearean studies I mentally added for her. She'd stopped publically flaunting the title and her Cambridge education, but the knowledge of her status was layered into everything she said.

Or maybe you're just being paranoid, I admitted to myself. Peg was safe from just about anything. I, on the other hand, had only just started the long climb to tenured professorship.

"I can't find my first day lecture notes OR my syllabus, Peg," I sighed exasperated.

"First year jitters, darling?" she commiserated.

"Yeah, I guess," I said peeling my spectacles off to peer underneath my desk at the pile of papers there. Classes began in two days, and I was missing ... welll ... everything. "Shit!" I muttered again.

"Oh Bert, lookie here," said Jack Collins from across the room. Whirling my head up at his triumphant tone I brought it smoothly into the underside of my desk. Sitting down hard, I then proceeded to crawl under my desk while my new colleague roared in laughter.

"Oh Burt, honey, I can see you're goingt ot be QUITE the card around here," Peg laughed.

"Is it too late to resign my position?" I asked no one in particular.
Julie Adrams

As the bus pulls into the bus station, I start to collect my things. Looking around as I was getting off the bus, wondering which way I have to go. Just about ready to go inside when I hear someone saying, "Julie Adams". Turning I see a man holding a sign, walking up to him, "I am Julie Adams."

"Hello, my name is Tim, we recieved notice you were to arrived today. So the college send me down to get you. Your chuch was in contract with us. Wanted to make sure you got to the college alright."

"Thank you Tim, and I have to thank the college too. I was just about to go inside and ask them which way I had to go." He took my luggage from me and open the door for me to get in.

Drving down the street I looked around to see what was here. Seeing food stores, cloths and everything else. Going thru the gates Tim pointed out the buildings to me. Told me where I had to go first, my dorm. He drop me right out front of it, help me out and got the luggage for me. "Vicky out front will help you. She has the key to your room." I thank him and turn towards Vicky.

"Hi! My name is Julie Adams, this is my dorm I think."She smile back at me and look, "Yes Julie it is. You are to share a room with two other students, they are not here yet. You things are in your room that was sent." Taking the key from her, I when to my room on the second floor.

Opening it and seeing the boxes, what two other girls are to share this small room, oh my. Going in I started to work to set up my things. I will take the bed by itself, let the other two take the bunkbeds.

All at once I hear the door open. A beautiful girl comes in, wow look at her cloths. Looking from mine to hers, standing up I said. "Hi, my name is Julie. I don't understand move it or lose it."

Walking up to the door, I see the room accross the hall. "My Lord, someone has alot of luggage." Wondering who it could be.

Going back into the room, "Hope you don't mind, since I got her first I got the single bed. First come first serve, something like that. Maybe the bottom bunk would be good for you?"
is the second girl taken ?? if it is please delt this post :)

Name: Sandra Seay
from: poor family in colorado
had to take a loan to goe to college.
Wears: glassses
hair: redblonde

Sandra moved her bags trough the hall she pushed away her redblonde hair and sighed, "what number was it again..? Ah there it is" she could hear voices from the dorm room , since she was shy she decided to move in her stuff quiet so she wouldent bother anyone whit her stuff, which happend to be clthes and a suitcase whit books.
Sandra knocked on the door and entretd the room spotting two girl inside " Hello....Im Sandra i guess we will be sharing room.."
She said and smilied a little.
Sandra dident care what the others back home may have thougth of her working all days long but finnaly she was at the college and she had a good feeling about it
Professor Ive de Chasse
European History
Tall ruggedly handsome man, early 50’s
Shaved head.

Ive de Chasse watches from the bench on the college common as the new crop of freshen arrived. He had noticed the several likely candidates. He smiled to himself and wondering how long before one or more of these tempting morsels would fall into his hands. So young and fresh and so temptingly delicious.

Soon he would have to tear himself away and make his way to the lecture hall. Ah life was good, and his a mandatory class.

Abigail. and I were looking at her dogs,"They are cute, you must love them with so many pictures you have. We never had animals..' Just as finished looking, the door open. We both got up and when to it. "Hi my name is Julie and this is Abigail. I guess you are our third eoamie."

We move out of the way to let her in. Her name was Sandra, a cute girl with redhair. Stepping out of her way to let her in. "Since you the last one here, you have the top bunk. Abigail has the bottom one," I said to her, "I have the single bed." It sure saves space with her cloths across the hall.

"Abigail, is there a nickname you use or do you do by your name?"

Looking around, this room is getting filled fast. We will be lucky if we could move around here. "Hey girls one thing for sure, we have our own bathroom in here. We don't have one that everyone has to share."
Professor Ive de Chasse

I see the “new boy” on Campus Burton Norse.

“Burton isn’t it?......... I am Ive de Chasse European History. Welcome to the college."

I asses the man before me rumors are already circulating among the sectaries. I take a chance. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

"If I can be of any assistance please let me know.”

So many years from my native land and yet the hint of a French accent still remains, yet ever so slight.

“Call me Ive................... this secluded “Little College” has certain rewards for the bold."
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"Sandra, are you all done. Come on, lets go and look around. See the buildings our classes are in. Hey which classes are you both in?"

Looking at my schdule, I see I has a Prof. Chasse for History and a Prof Norse for English. Plus my other classes.

"Do you two have History and English too?"
Julie Adrams, Abigail von Derlander, and Miss Sandra Seay,

My mind recalls the pictures on their applications, as I engage Burton conversation, each one a gem worth picking yet Miss Sandra Seay seemed to be the most vulnerable . from a poor family, here on scholarship. Her grades a prerequisite to stay umm What a delightful victim for my special talents.
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"Yes, I do have history and English, both with these same professors," I say in my slightly accented English, a mix of New York and Dutch creeping in.

"Yes, let's go look," I say standing up and smoothing my short denim miniskirt with a lace up front, my platform mary janes and tight red hooded sweater with the Chanel logo on the front. All of this in sharp contrast to the dress of the other two.

I smile at both of them and try to make peace.
Sandra nodded "I got the same as you two "
Sandra liked Julie she wasent that sure if she liked Abbey,she seemed a bit like rich kid.
Sandra followed the two others.
“Well Burton duty calls and It does not pay to keep these eager young ones waiting to long”

The class was filling as I walked in and stood in front of them for the first time.

“I have some very good news for you I have never failed a student.”

I pause as a murmur runs through the class room.

“But many have failed this class because they preferred partying to study. You have paid your money or your parents have, come to class or not your choice.”

I pulled out the class roster.

“Stand when you name is called so I can put a name and face
together. "

Julie Adrams, Michele baker, and so it went till I reached . and

Miss Sandra Seay,”
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Burton Norse

Ive seemed like a nice enough guy. I wasn't quite sure where he was going with the "certin rewards" remark, but who cared? Friends and potential allies are worth almost any price to the aspiring professor, Norse, I can hear my old mentor, Professor Jensen, saying in my mind. You never know who can save you ass in a tight spot in the nasty little politics of academia, my lad.

I'd arranged to meet Ive later on for coffee. We'd had just time enough to look over rosters, and I figured it might be a good chance to pick his brain on handling students we shared.

Checking my watch I scrambled to my 8:15 class. An Intro to Academic Writing course, and watching their antics from the back of the room beyond their notice, I couldn't help but conclude that I had yet to see in my entire life a more miserable, surly, unmotivated group of students. Everybody at my high school had been more motivated ...
and I went to school in Philly, I think, exasperated.

Putting on my best face, I walked to the front of the room getting down to business. "Good morning, ladies and gentleman. My name is Mr. Norse, and if you're not here for Intro to Academic Writing you'd better give up your seat. There's a line of people getting ready to slit throats for a spot in here," I smile.

Silence followed by ... more silence.

Clearing my throat I try to begin again praying for 9:00 and a real Lit class. It couldn't be more flustering than THIS!
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OOC NP you didn't have to delete it just change it abit.


Walking around with them, we realize we had to get ready for class. So we headed back to the dorm to get ready.

"Okay are we ready for our first day at college? We better get going before we are late."

Our first class was History, he looks like a hard professor. "Hey Abby and Sandra, think we might have problems here. What do you think?"

I was thinking how my next class will be English. Did hear he was a new professor, this should be good.
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"Alright, so what exactly goes into an expository essay? Anyone?" More silence. "Anyone? Bueller?" I ask into the stillness. A couple people chuckle, but the rest sit and stare.

"Okay, let's try diagraming one of these," I begin turning to grab a piece of chalk ... that isn't there. I check my shirt pockets, and my pants. Lift a couple of papers on my desk, and then suddenly remember clearly seeing the box of chalk sitting on my desk in my office. Okay. Things could be going moderately better, I sub-vocalize.

"Hmmm. Uh, I'll be right back, guys. Need to, you know, get ... writing thingie," and with that I leave the room, several snickers at my back.

Naturally the door to every EMPTY room is locked, and there's no way I can ask some professor I don't even know if I can have a piece of his chalk. And then I see Ive through the window of his door. A chalk savior!

Rapping lightly at his door until he turns and notices me, I try to pantomime "chalk" while he watches my antics in amusement. He says something to the class, at which several of his students laugh. He signals me to step in and self-consciously crossing the room, I ask him sotto voce for a piece of chalk. Smiling at me, he reaches into his desk, pulls out a full box and tosses it to me. "Thanks, Ive," and then recalling the students, "Professor de Chasse."

Slipping through the door, I race down the hallway to my own class in time to see the last of the students creeping away.

Professor Ive de Chasse

The roster called the lecture starts with a review of the course outline, the requirements, and all the boring requirements of the first day of a new semester, only made worst by the fact it was the first day of the new academic year.

She was casual clique, suede camel miniskirt, knee-high brown leather Gucci boots and a tight, knit, cowl neck sweater that accentuated her figure. She twirls her pen lightly between manicured nails, a haughty pride, and boredom with the mundane that mirrors my own.

A knock on the door. A shadow crosses my face at the interruption, yet quickly lifts. Burton tries to pantomime something his antics bring a good nature smile to my face.

“Ah excuse me class but we have the honor of a visitor our distinguished professor of English, and respected author, so you see it is not always true that that can write do, while those that cannot teach.”

“A piece of chalk”

I reach into his desk, pull out a full box and toss it to Burton

“So few appreciate the chalkboard my friend.”

"Thanks, Ive,"……………………………., "Professor de Chasse."

I return to the lecture.

“Any questions?”
I introduce my latest collection of unwilling student to the world of history. They sit there with a mixture of “Oh my God do Why do I have to be bored to death with this” to wrapped awe to just plain indifference. Yes another semester and academic year has begun, just as boring for me as for them.

Yet there is something to peek my interest. Sit there her, crossing supple legs, her suede skirt riding up dangerously high, and her panties peeking out giving a tantalizing glimpse of her sweet silk covered treasure. This one is aware of her beauty flaunts it a games player a spoiled little rich girl always in control Aw what a delight to bend her to a man’s will.

The hour is up and it is time for some other poor professor to endure their indifference.

“A la prochain mes amies…………….Till next time, read the 1st 2 chapters of you’re the text and make an appointment with me for your 1st paper on the significant of the Greek city state to western political development.”

I catch Miss Derlander’s eye and a rye smile creases my face.

“Tres joil mademoiselle, merci pour la vue.”
“Parfait mademoiselle………….. deuxieme langue……quite impressive Miss Derlander’

My voice is nonchalant, my eyes are steady a hint of a smile in hazel eyes. Her smile sweet as she plays with her sensuality to tease me. Ah yes she likes to play games, I wonder if she would like the games I play.

"Can I make my appointment early, perhaps?"

I pull out my appointment book, pen in hand I smile.

“After your last class today then……………I would not want our first meeting to be rushed ………. Abigail”
Abbey giggles and recline against the desk, letting her skirt ride up. Yes she is a games player and very good at it too. Playing the coquet, a bit of fluff, yet she was an honor’s student at a very good high School. Well then I would play to. My face passive the kindly old professor, a hint of a blush at her antics.

"Uhhh...I have only one class today, so around three o'clock?"

She asks, in a sweet innocent little teasing voice and twirling a piece of hair.

“ yess………ah yes…”

I shallow making a show of it.

“Three o’clock will be fine Abigail”

I swallow again my eyes on her seductively supple leg.

“ Till then.”
Sandra stared at the professor and Abby whit blushed cheeks why on earth were the flirting whit eachother ; Sandra had never done such thing herself but she had seen others doing that but still a teacher and a student Sandra shaked her face and dropped her glasses at the same time she bent down to reach them
I watch the look of shock on Miss Sandra Seay’s face, the blush that colors her cheeks, as she watches the first moves of the little game that Abigail are playing. Sandra shakes her head in virginal disbelief, her glasses go flying, and she in her innocent’s beds to pick them up giving us a perfect view of her hart shaped derrière.

I lean close to Abigail’s ear and whisper.

Quel bonheur, c’est chatte elle, Ma chere Abby

“Miss Seay do you wish to make your appointment know as well?”