Collapse of the Cairo Doctrine


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
Collapse of the Cairo Doctrine
Charles Krauthammer, NRO
September 20, 2012

In the week following 9/11/12 something big happened: the collapse of the Cairo Doctrine, the centerpiece of President Obama’s foreign policy. It was to reset the very course of post-9/11 America, creating, after the (allegedly) brutal depredations of the Bush years, a profound rapprochement with the Islamic world.

On June 4, 2009, in Cairo, Obama promised “a new beginning” offering Muslims “mutual respect,” unsubtly implying previous disrespect. Curious, as over the previous 20 years, America had six times committed its military forces on behalf of oppressed Muslims, three times for reasons of pure humanitarianism (Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo), where no U.S. interests were at stake.

But no matter. Obama had come to remonstrate and restrain the hyperpower that, by his telling, had lost its way after 9/11, creating Guantanamo, practicing torture, imposing its will with arrogance and presumption.

First, he would cleanse by confession. Then he would heal. Why, given the unique sensitivities of his background — “my sister is half-Indonesian,” he proudly told an interviewer in 2007, explaining his exquisite appreciation of Islam — his very election would revolutionize relations.

And his policies of accommodation and concession would consolidate the gains: an outstretched hand to Iran’s mullahs, a first-time presidential admission of the U.S. role in a 1953 coup, a studied and stunning turning away from the Green Revolution; withdrawal from Iraq with no residual presence or influence; a fixed timetable for leaving Afghanistan; returning our ambassador to Damascus (with kind words for Bashar Assad — “a reformer,” suggested the secretary of state); deliberately creating distance between the U.S. and Israel.

These measures would raise our standing in the region, restore affection and respect for the United States, and elicit new cooperation from Muslim lands.

It’s now three years since the Cairo speech. Look around. The Islamic world is convulsed with an explosion of anti-Americanism. From Tunisia to Lebanon, American schools, businesses, and diplomatic facilities set ablaze. A U.S. ambassador and three others murdered in Benghazi. The black flag of Salafism, of which al-Qaeda is a prominent element, raised over our embassies in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and Sudan.

The administration, staggered and confused, blames it all on a 14-minute trailer for a film no one has seen and which may not even exist. What else can it say? Admit that its doctrinal premises were supremely naïve and its policies deeply corrosive to American influence?


Sovereign U.S. territory is breached and U.S. interests are burned. And what is the official response? One administration denunciation after another — of a movie trailer! A request to Google to “review” the trailer’s presence on YouTube. And sheriff’s deputies’ midnight “voluntary interview” with the suspected filmmaker. This in the land of the First Amendment.

What else can Obama do? At their convention, Democrats endlessly congratulated themselves on their one foreign-policy success: killing Osama bin Laden. A week later, the Salafist flag flies over four American embassies, even as the mob chants, “Obama, Obama, there are still a billion Osamas.”

A foreign policy in epic collapse. And, by the way, Vladimir Putin just expelled USAID from Russia. Another thank you from another recipient of another grand Obama “reset.”
Please remember that the button presented to Putin actually said "overcharge" instead of reset.

Like sending the Queen a compilation of your greatest speeches...
The president’s repeated attempts to stave off imagined American extremism stand in contrast with his views about the Muslim world. He regards their rage toward the United States as an understandable response to the “arrogance” of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and the dark night of Republican rule. In 2007, he predicted: “I truly believe that the day I’m inaugurated, not only does the country look at itself differently, but the world looks at America differently. If I’m reaching out to the Muslim world, they understand that I’ve lived in a Muslim country, and I may be a Christian, but I also understand their point of view. . . . My sister is half Indonesian. . . . And so I’m intimately concerned with what happens in these countries, and the cultures and the perspectives that these folks have. And those are powerful tools for us to be able to reach out to the world.”

It seems genuinely not to have occurred to Mr. Obama that, along with democracy-seeking, modern, and pluralistic Muslims, there are millions who despise the United States for what we are — a symbol of liberty. Liberals ridiculed George Bush for saying that the extremists hate us for our freedoms. But when our embassies come under fire supposedly due to a stray video, don’t they wonder whether Bush had a point?

Obama has badly misjudged the roots of Muslim rage. The crowds in Cairo shouted, “Obama, there are a million Osamas.” Worse, he badly misjudged his own country.
Mona Charen
The world is clearly a safer place for having elected a black President with an Arabic middle name...
HOW DARE Obama let other nations rise up and depose their own brutal dictators!

Obama didn't apologize for America, nor did he apologize for free speech. Just because you say something or Krautfuckface says something doesn't make it true. You see, you actually have to show where Obama apologized if you want to make such accusations. The burden of proof is on you, coward.
HOW DARE Obama let other nations rise up and depose their own brutal dictators!

Obama didn't apologize for America, nor did he apologize for free speech. Just because you say something or Krautfuckface says something doesn't make it true. You see, you actually have to show where Obama apologized if you want to make such accusations. The burden of proof is on you, coward.

hey PUTZ

Update: Obama Admin To Drop $70K On Ads Denouncing Mohammed Film In Pakistan…

Update to this story.

Via Fox News:

The American Embassy in Islamabad, in a bid to tamp down public rage over the anti-Islam film produced in the U.S., is spending $70,000 to air an ad on Pakistani television that features President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton denouncing the video.

The State Department said Thursday the embassy had compiled brief clips of Obama and Clinton rejecting the contents of the movie and extolling American tolerance for all religions into a 30-second public service announcement that is running on seven Pakistani networks. Obama and Clinton’s comments, which are from previous public events in Washington, are in English but subtitled in Urdu, the main Pakistani language.

Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said the aim was to get the messages to the widest possible audience in Pakistan, where tens of thousands of protestors angry about the film tried to reach the U.S. embassy before being turned back by Pakistani police. She said embassy staffers had decided the ads were the best way to spread the word. The seven networks have a potential audience of 90 million people, she added.
I have no idea what you just wrote, but I'm sure it was delightfully eloquent.