Cock and Ball play.


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2008
Apologies if this is a bit rambling and disorganised, its kind of a spur of the moment post inspired by something I saw in this forum.

For quite a while now, but not on any regular basis, I have enjoyed cock & ball play/restraint. Not torture, or pain, just simply restraint to the point of it feeling very good (to me at least). I'm not sure what inspired my first forray into this kink but I have used belts, elastic bands, shoestrings, cock rings and the like to tie up or otherwise constrict/restrain my balls on many occasions, often keeping them restrained for hours on end before masturbating either with them still restrained or after releasing them, to a very satsfying orgasm.

I've occasionally gone out in public or to work with my balls restrained somehow, in fact as I write this I have a thick band tied between my cock and ball sack and I have to say sitting in my office chair it feels pretty damn good to have my balls held tightly together, knowing they will be a very rosy red colour and feeling all tingly and squeezed... I was wondering if any other guys like this and also (especially) if any women are turned on by this act.
Me too


I love have my balls tied also. I have used a padlock around my ball. I went to work with the key at home. It was a long day but with it.