CNN reporter and photographer manage to cover PA gov rally despite being told they couldn't after it being advertised as 'open to the public'


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
The two covered the hotel poolside rally for GOP primary frontrunner Doug Mastriano, whose campaign advertised the event as open to the public only for the press to be banned, according to Lah, who posted a Twitter thread about the experience.

In it, she said Mastriano’s “campaign said we could attend, then said no press allowed.” As a result, she “rented this room w/a balcony just so we could cover a leading contender for #PAGov w/the primary 1 wk away.
Lah tweeted “Mastriano’s campaign threatened to kick us out, saying they controlled all the space in the hotel. Not so. They were unhappy we stayed. Why do this? Bc independent press needs to see what your future government reps want to do.”
lol at them saying they 'controlled all the space in the hotel'