CNN panel names Romney a religious fanatic for promoting … children.

Ah, if he were only MUSLIM

Then they would LOVE HIM

Video: CNN panel names Romney a religious fanatic for promoting … children

Via BuzzFeed, here’s the latest in tolerance from last night’s Piers Morgan show. Mitt Romney spoke at a commencement for Southern Virginia University, whose student body is 92% Mormon, according to Hunter Schwartz, and Romney used his speech to talk about traditional Mormon pro-family values — or really, generic Christian family values. For quoting Psalms — by the way, an Old Testament book common to all Christians and Jews — the panel laughs Romney out of the room as a “religious fanatic”:

The NIV has this as “children,” while the Ignatius Catholic version uses “sons” instead. Nonetheless, the panel starts off by misinterpreting this as a specifically Mormon teaching, rather than a broad Judeo-Christian teaching about the blessings of offspring, apparently as a means to snicker at Romney’s religious beliefs while ironically revealing their own ignorance on such matters. Romney’s own count of five children seems amusing to the panel in this context, while they roll their eyes, laugh, call Romney a “fanatic” for quoting Psalms as advice, and state that this is the reason that single women didn’t vote for him — even though this never came up at all in the campaign.

There are fanatics in this conversation … but Romney isn’t one of them.

Schwartz has asked CNN if they stand by these statements from their panel. May I suggest Job 11:2-3?

Addendum: On further consideration, I’m also struck at how ungracious this attack is. Mitt Romney has stayed out of the political debate since he lost the election six months ago, and CNN is still doing spots on Mormon Weirdness? Ah, tolerance …
Thank Gawd you finally have a proper sigline!

I had to jump out of some threads this morning because it was like a mile long...
Its been worse. LBJ usta raise hell with lib reporters for wasting his time with bullshit questions: I DONT GET IT. YOU GOT A CHANCE TO INTERVIEW THE MOST POWERFUL MAN IN THE WORLD, AND YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT I ATE FOR BREAKFAST? WHAT IN HELL'S THE MATTER WITH YOU!
America....where we celebrate BABY KILLING and call those that LOVE and NURTURE children

I missed the time that CNN said they love Muslims. When was that, exactly?
The family unit is an alien concept to the liberal.

I could go for polygomy. I wouldn't share the bedroom but another women could help me clean the house and do the laundry.:D
It seems they're doing everything in their power to discourage it, unless we're talking gay partners adopting children, or single parent situations. The traditional family unit is in decline. Less men are getting married, they see little benefit. They realize they'll lose half their income, their house, the best of both cars, and the custody of their children, just to get rid of a shitty wife.:D

And only liberals are doing this? Sorry, but that's not true. I'm not denying the trends. Just saying it's not some secret liberal conspiracy. Believe it or not, liberals love their families as much as you do.
The family unit is an alien concept to the liberal.

Chesterton was right. Our basic liberal wants to turn the clock back to Feudal Times so they can keep the Niggaz in their place, and be lords & ladies.