Club Simplicité

She blushes at the compliments, taking a quick sip of her drink.

Thank you. You're looking quite handsome. Un bel homme?

Laughing over the French, her accent enough to be going on with but would probably send a Frenchman screaming away. Holding up a finger, looking mischievous.

Oh wait. Un beau loup?

She winces, keeping eye contact, a rueful expression as she takes a drink.

Please, don't bite me for my pronunciation or grammar. I know it's atrocious. And thank you, yes, I hope everyone enjoys themselves. A labor of love, I suppose. A labor of love to procure every whiskey imaginable--and other spirits besides. And how are we, this evening? Using the royal we, of course.

A gently teasing smile, returning white teeth for white teeth.
The Tigress watches the indecision within Lily's eyes. She knew a stronger drink was craved. It was always a temptation. She wouldn't stop her from trying, but she wouldn't encourage it, either. She just sipped her own and smiled softly, leaning in to softly kiss Lily's cheek.

I think you underestimate yourself and overestimate me, sugar. And most of the staff is appealing. The ass down at the other end of the bar doesn't have my favor.

At the nudge she just laughs lightly, finishing her drink. She sets the empty glass down on the bar. The bartender immediately asks if she would like a refill, but she denies it. She might have another later, but one was enough for now.

Oh, I have no doubt that I will find that floor later, sugar. But there is time. Patience, young padawan.

She grins playfully at Lily.
He grins at Tess's bon mot, then shakes his head, laughing softly.

"I'd bite you for any number of reasons, but your French pronunciation would not be one of them, and nor would your spirits selection. Quite impressive."

Again a laugh. The Black Cat is apparently in good humor, this evening.

"We are quite well. We had a very mixed bag of a day, but it ended on a good note, and then it was time to come here, which has been very nice already."
She laughs at the rebuttal, but lets it go. She'd let her have this one. She takes a sip from the drink, a sweet taste she hasn't tasted in a very long time, and smiles, her tongue toying with the straw.

But patience is no fun.

She pouts, a smile pulling at her lips, denies it, and then falters, laughing instead.

I'd offer to dance with you but

She looks down at her feet, the heels she'd thought would be a wonderful idea for the night becoming more and more of a bother.

the shoes wouldn't let. And I'd look like a total fool.
Grinning, she ducks her head at the reply, a little curtsy. Stirring her drink as she leans languidly against the bar, one heel tilting backward.

Well, thank you. I have no French but cobbled pieces. The liquor selection is not so makeshift, thankfully. Although as for reasons to bite, I'm always walking into those.

Her elbow stays down as she sips, listening, a flash of a pearl at her ear. Her nose wrinkles a bit at the sudden sour burst of lime pulp, but she enjoys the taste. A tip of her tongue runs over her lip almost involuntarily in response. She laughs too, pleased that the location is enjoyable for the guests so far.

As long as it's on the upswing. We'll have to do what we can to keep that mood turning. To a good evening, then. Sláinte!

She clinks her glass against his, finishing her drink. Now she'll have to endure that brat barman again.
The Tigress laughs lightly, shaking her head a bit.

That would be one of the reasons heels and I no longer get along. I mean, I physically can't get away with more than ten minutes, but mentally....They just don't suit me anymore. But I'm quite sure you wouldn't look like a fool.

Though the conversation was light and playful, much like the atmosphere, her gaze always periodically found it's way back to the pretty lady talking to the handsome gentleman. That gaze would heat, for just a moment, always aware of where the beauty moved off to. But she would soon find Lily again, the subtle shift of attention barely noticeable.
Sadly, the man shakes his head as she disclaims her proficiency in French.

"Mine isn't nearly as good as I'd like, and I'm sadly out of practice. I haven't been to France in probably eight years, so I'm getting very rusty."

He clinks his his glass against hers, then drains the last of the rye from it before regarding it with an expression usually reserved for traitors and revisionists.

"This glass is sadly empty, I see. May I get you something else, while I'm looking for a refill, or do you need to perhaps get back to your date for the evening?"

One dark eye winks at the Tigress over Tess's shoulder.
She shakes her head, taking another sip of her drink.

You are quite wrong. I can't dance for the life of me. No coordination or rhythm. Although I'm sure it's quite fun to watch my attempts.

Another sip, a long one, filling her mouth with the cold liquid before swallowing, savoring the taste. For a moment she wonders why there's no alcoholic version of the drink, or rather, why she's never heard of one. Sure, the name would have to change, seeing as the whole point of it was that it wasn't alcoholic. But still, she felt it'd go well with rum.

Do you have any idea how big this place really is? I feel like there are many, many hidden rooms and endless places to explore.
At Lily's question, the Tigress shifted her gaze, looking around the club to see what there was to see. But a slow smile tugged her lips, thinking of the club's owner.

If I know anything, sugar, it's that Tess would make sure there were uncountable dark corners and secret rooms to find. I have no doubt you couldn't explore this place in one night. Planning on getting lost, young padawan?
A mischievous smile tugs at her lips and slowly shows on her face.

I'm considering it. I'm sure there's lots of trouble I could get into around this place, with so many unknown spaces.

One last sip before she finishes the drink and places it on the bar, eyeing the barman as he moves to her to refill the glass. She nods and smiles at him.
She rattles her ice gently, looking for the barkeep. Tigress waits at the end of the bar, talking to Lily. A smile creeps to her lips as she watches Cat smile. The tie. The patience. Her hair around her face. The line of her neck. Small things.

Thank you, Sir Cat, but I owe a dance. Enjoy yourself, won't you?

She presses a kiss to his cheek and moves away in a lavender scented clicking of heels, rustle of dress. Reaching Tigress and Lily again, she leans up to Tigress, brushing away that hair, nipping at a sensitive spot. A nuzzle of nose. Murmuring, mouth against skin,

Sorry about that. Let's go dance.

Her voice gets louder, apologizing to Lily.

I'll just steal her for a minute, if that's alright, sweetpea.

She takes Cat by the hand, walking backwards in heels--no mean feat. Turning, leading her to the lit dance floor.
A gracious, low, deep laugh as Tess excuses herself back down to the other end of the bar.

"Yes, I think you do owe a dance. I'll happily take a rain check for next time."

He leaves his glass on the bar and, exhausted after a very long and fairly trying day, heads for the door.
The Tigress smirks at Lily.

Be careful, sugar. The trouble you find? Better make sure you can handle it. No one will hear your call.

She flashed her a savage grin, but it was only for a moment. Motion caught her gaze, just in time to feel the brush of fingertips gently tucking away brunette tresses. Falling straight as rain, tamed, they followed her every command. When teeth nipped, she shivered, turning her head into the beauty's, nuzzling. Goosebumps traveled down her arms beneath her shirt, softly whispered words dancing over a skipping pulse.

The song changed, and a smile touched the Tigress' lips. She knew the melody, loved the beat. With her hand in Tess', she walked where she was tugged, purposefully hanging back, making their arms stretch out. She couldn't help it. She couldn't get enough of the view.

But once on the dance floor, she tugged that arm, pulled until bodies pressed to together. She released a hand, only so that hers could find a waist. A stance shifts, accommodating the movements that began slowly. Swaying with the rhythm, she kept her pace slow until she learned Tess'. An emerald gaze locked with another's, never faltering, the hunger always there, simmering beneath the surface.
She watches them, a smile on her face, before turning to leave, her mood changing, no longer wanting to be around people, she slips out the door with one last look at the magnificent place.
The music shifts, pulsing. A brief smile, a secret smile. Her hands find that beautiful hair, trailing fingertips through. Hips moving, dipping down, a steady beat. The lights play and play, dizzying. The gin drunk has left her heated and flushed. Her wrists press lightly against shoulders, one hand finding a collar, gripping. The other fingers seek to surround a side, dart to a back, resting. Her body matches the sway of the Cat, so close that it's almost painful.

Laughing, sheer enjoyment, her head tilting back. Her bangs are brushed out of her eyes by this movement, lashes flickering as she rights her neck. This night. This dance. The lean body against her, breasts pushing and rising, hips and legs brushing. Her heels bring her of an eye to Cat, normally shorter. And she can't resist--why should she resist? The hand on the shoulder travels up, cups behind a head, brings it down into that sweet crushing kiss. A flash of tongue, and then teeth drag on a lip, still moving. The music still pounding. The room still pulsing. The taste of rum in her mouth, pineapple. Tart. Delicious. The sweet to the sour.
As the music flowed, so did the Tigress. She found her partner's rhythm, matched it, paced it. Her hands traveled, and though she craved otherwise, they remained respectful. Mostly. They traveled up, fingertips playing with black lace and skin, muscle and softness. All motion and heat. She pulled, wanting the woman closer, never close enough. That teasing dress hid everything, and nothing. The body beneath was alive under her touch. The Tigress knew it was just waiting for her.

She almost froze when that hand cradled her head, her mind already leaping forward. Flashes of nails, of teeth and moans, of bruises and sighs, filled her mind. She couldn't resist -- why should she resist? Her hands find that slim waist as lips meet lips. Nails dig in, a need she couldn't hide. An oh-so-soft whimper escapes her lips as one is nipped, tugged, teased. She tasted of strong alcohol, but beneath that..a layer down. That's what she really wanted. The taste of woman. Unique. Intoxicating. She drowned in it. Lost herself. For just that moment. But her body still moved, even if her mind wasn't there. Her body moved because it was right. Because it matched the woman clinging to her. Because it could do nothing else.
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Heels brought her carefully down from the terrace. The view had been spectacular and the company rather charming. But now a drink was desired and the bar was back inside. At least, the bar with the rather pleasant looking barman at any rate.

She approached and ordered a fresh bombay and tonic, leaning slightly on the bar with her arms, cleavage enhanced an a wicked smile on sparkling lips while she waited.

"Mmm, delicious..." She winked at her server after taking a sip of the delightfully chilled drink. A lingering sweep of his body ending in a giggle before she turned to face the club, resting her elbows behind her on the bar.

It was safe to say she liked this place. She liked it at lot.
The whimper is caught, tucked away. Perhaps for some it would be full stop but instead it drives her for more. To rein in--to hold back, Tess is nothing like that. The drinks drunk. The steps taken. As their mouths move and bodies entwine, she is tempted to grow bolder. The woman's catlike grace surrounds her in their dance. There is more than one dance at work here. There is nothing and yet there is everything: the sounds, the need, the synchronized action. And so she presses, pulling the Tigress back by her hair, easing her lips down to the hollow at her throat. A low purr, tongue darting out before escaping behind teeth. Always with teeth. Carnivorous. Drawing skin up into their piercing capture. The music is still changing, but nearing an end.

A flash of irritation. She growls into her prize.

The tie brushes against her cheek, soft. The damn tie.

Tess releases the feline woman with a sigh, wanting to take her fill, wanting to strip down the beauty and seize the mystery. The point is that she cannot, and yet she seeks. The taste of her. The touch of her. Overwhelmed and yet held in check. She came close, but knew they had time. The tie is gripped carefully in a fist, and she stands back as the music dies. Just barely. Touching but not touching. A feverish cast to her eyes, before it slips behind a sweet smile. Lifting a finger to smooth back a hair out of place on the Cat's head, a pink tinge appearing over her cheeks.

Two women, on the dance floor. The dance done, but nowhere near finished.
YL takes a break from her studies and makes her way back to Le Club Simplicite opens the door and pokes her head in

"Anyone home?" Making her way to the bar she sees a coffee pot brewing grabs a mug and pors herself a coffee.
The music changes and she finds her hips moving in time with the beat without her conscious instruction.

"Hi there..."

She raises her gin laced glass in a toast of welcome.
The music changes and she finds her hips moving in time with the beat without her conscious instruction.

"Hi there..."

She raises her gin laced glass in a toast of welcome.

"High Brtitwitch. Just taking a short break from my studies. I like this place. Very homeley."
"High Brtitwitch. Just taking a short break from my studies. I like this place. Very homeley."

Laughs lightly as she glances from the bar to the dance floor with it's flashing lights and back to the latest visitor.

"Homely? I think I'd like to see your home if that's true!"

Another sip of cool drink savoured.

"It is a fun space though, with many possibilities!"
Laughs lightly as she glances from the bar to the dance floor with it's flashing lights and back to the latest visitor.

"Homely? I think I'd like to see your home if that's true!"

Another sip of cool drink savoured.

"It is a fun space though, with many possibilities!"

I hope to be back later. Got an assignement to get in before Easter! Catch you later. :rose:
Lost, drowning in a melding of mouths, lips and tongues, teeth and nails. A dance within a dance..within a dance. The woman had found her way inside. The feel of her, the taste, the way she smelled, moved. The Tigress craved, the fire lit, the heat almost overtaking her. Almost. She had better control than that. Nearly flawless control. But only when she wanted to exercise it. She didn't want to. She wanted to fall deeper, down into darkness where there were screams...of pleasure...and pain. Nails bit deeper, little half moons hidden beneath black lace. But the music pulsing around her was coming to an end. Patience. Endless patience. All good things for those who wait. A tease left simmering. Control was reasserted, fingertips easing, hands lightly smoothing the offensed spots on a tempting waist. Control.

Gone. Evaporated, once fingers gripped tresses and pulled. It wasn't a fierce tug. She could have resisted, but she knew she wouldn't. Not when such acts almost always drove her further. And when those teeth bit down, when that growl traveled across her skin, the entire club disappeared. Her body slacked, stopped as the music stopped. The pulse jumped to life beneath sweet lips, a gasp tickling the other woman's ear, the desire and pleasure in it unmistakeable. But the moment ended. The teeth released her and the new music swarmed to life. For a brief moment, it was deafening. But control. She found it. It came quickly, but it's path was easily traced in her features. Hazy emerald eyes grew sharp, a slow smile curving her lips. She met Tess' eyes, letting her see all of that fire, just barely beneath the surface.

And then the tie. The Tigress had wondered how long it would take the beauty to find it, to toy with it. Why else would she wear it, if she didn't enjoy being tugged by it. Oh, yes. That look. The look currently in her date's eyes. That was the reason. The smile turned to a smirk. The song was over. This small dance was over. But the night wasn't. So, in reality, the dance had only begun. She ran her tongue over her bottom lip, savoring the taste of the other woman, biting it for just a moment. There was space between them, as Tess held onto that tie. But the connection was there. Would be all night.

She glanced over, hearing a pretty Witch and a returned Lisa. She returned her attention to Tess, stepped forward, invaded her space. She whispered softly in her ear.

I spy a pretty Witch...And others...

She leaned back, that smirk still present.

So, let's go dance, pretty lady. Dance all night...

She started walking backwards, a slow step at a time, more distance...until her tie was outstretched, leaving Tess to either tug her back, or to follow and dance with others.
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Again, a cab stopped outside the club, and again the screech of metal on metal.

"Christ, could no cab company in this entire city afford a brake job?", the passenger wondered, his already-frayed nerves set truly on edge by the high-pitched grinding. He shook his head and paid his bill, then made his way back into the welcoming, pulsing warmth of the club.

Once inside, dark eyes scanned the interior quickly, looking for some familiarity in the crowded scene. His gaze passed over two lithe bodies, one red-head and a brunette, locked together in an embrace - a sight which brought a smile to his lips - before alighting on the familiar form of a certain Bruja, alone at the bar. Another unconscious smile crossed his features, and he made his way in her direction.