Closet CD/kinksters safe night out at SF Wicked Grounds


Kinky Tomgurl
Sep 12, 2019
The Crossdresser Club (Sissy Night) at Wicked Grounds Café

Wicked Grounds is a kink café: “Coffee. Kink. Community – Wicked Grounds Kink Café and Boutique” at 289 8th Street, San Francisco, California. (Near the corner of 8th and Folsom)

Last Wednesday (Nov 20th) I went for the first time.

I first discovered the Café while on a business trip several years ago and was delighted to find a welcoming atmosphere for us ‘deviants’ who otherwise feel the need to hide our inner selves. The Café is next door and around the corner from kink friendly clubs and shops in the Folsom district of San Francisco, famous for the annual Folsom Street Fair. I had just purchased some fetish items from Mr. S leather and was looking for a place I could be open during the day, I was directed a block north. They have all of the typical coffee drinks, pastries and such in addition to some delicious and creative milkshakes, all prepared by a variety of staff of all identities and persuasions. The Café welcomes any mode of dress as long as genitals and feet are covered (food establishment) and has a full calendar of events including such things as the “Stampede Pony Munch”, “Bay Area Rope Club”, “Bring Your Human Animal Night”, “Kink 101”, “Intro to Rough Body Play: Punch-Drunk Love!”, and countless more.

The events had outgrown the Café years ago so an annex was opened, two doors down and up the stairs with more area, changing rooms and a rentable space. The Crossdressers Club is held one Wednesday in the middle of each month in the Wicked Annex from 7:00 to 9:30 after which participants are invited to go downstairs to Bondage-a-go-go (A Wednesday night BDSM-themed night club with a live dungeon and dance floor)

I got to the city an hour early and found a well-lit parking spot right across from the café. Since I was early I did some browsing in the nearby fetish shops, (Mr S and Leather etc.) where they are always very welcoming and let me try on anything I want, including helping me into a corset or a straitjacket. I’ve made many purchases over the years and although some items are available cheaper on-line, being able to try on different sizes and see how they work with other items I already own... I always make an effort to support their businesses.

I still had some time to get refreshments from the café before the annex opened at 7:00 so I went in dressed as mostly male. The café was hosting a “Pre-Bondage-a-go-go Munch”. A ‘munch’ is a meeting of sorts for people of a particular interest. Doms and subs were meeting to answer questions for newbies and to coordinate scene play to be held in the adjacent clubs later in the evening. I didn’t stay long because I’d already planned on going to the CD club upstairs.

Around 7:15 I walked out the front door and found several people who were dressed for the CD event, vaping nicotine and cannabis in an alcove. I was welcomed and partook with some new found friends before heading up the stairs to a large foyer. The door to the annex was open and I walked in with several other people in various degrees of dress. The room was larger than the café and could easily be reconfigured for many types of events. There were many chairs in an informal circle with people bunched up in different loose knit groups. I didn’t try to count but I’d say there were around 30 people at the peak.

A cis woman named Alice introduced herself, identifying as a main organizer of the event. She described herself as a somewhat masculine woman who loves the feminine in all, and really enjoys seeing men embrace their inner girliness. There was also a cis man who I believed to be a Dom who seemed to be a facilitator of sorts. I think his name was Jeff. He moved about the room, approaching anyone who seemed new or unsure of the scene. There were a few other cis women, (I’m making assumptions here) who seemed to be informal facilitators who were being helpful however they could while others seemed to be the female spouses of some of the gurls, there for a night out with their partners in drag.

There were gurls, (my word here for CDs or trans people) of all kinds and ages in all sorts of outfits including evening gowns, typical club wear, PVC, Latex, leather, some in normal but cross street clothes. Some could pass, and as I said, I was assuming some were cis women but in actuality I guess didn’t really know for sure one way or the other. I was not the only gurl with facial hair. Some were changing their outfits right out in the open, trying on and exchanging different items. I wasn’t quite ready for that so I went into the back room and changed my top and into a skirt.

I wore the outfit in my avatar but with a long-sleeve mesh bodysuit underneath. I was very fetishy but not extreme in any way for this crowd. It was the first time I had gotten dressed in-femme with other people in the room but I felt completely comfortable. Some gurls had full makeup kits with lighted mirrors and curling irons while others just threw on a dress or a blouse and skirt.

When I went back to the main room I sat back in the circle and just took it in for a while, watching the interactions and admiring the view. I didn’t ask but it didn’t seem like a problem to anyone to stare or admire whoever or whatever I found interesting. I gave out several compliments and recieved many in return.

A 20s something obvious cis-male walked in dressed in normal male street clothes, looking very apprehensive and shy. Alice noticed immediately and welcomed him in. He spotted me, gave me a nervous nod and looked me up and down with a quick smile. I’d think that seeing my beard made him more comfortable about not having a very passing appearance. Jeff casually gravitated toward him and engaged in conversation, skillfully getting the turtle to come out of the shell a bit. He finally identified herself as ‘she’ named “Flo”. She said it was her first time out to such an event. Flo’s apprehension did not disappear but it definitely came down several notches through the evening, she eventually took off her shirt to revel a spandex top. I have a thing for bodysuits and athletic wear so I asked her if it was a leotard, to which she replied quietly that it had bike shorts and it was as brave as she was going to get tonight. She admired my outfit so I took off my skirt and corset to show her that I was wearing a gaff and a sports bra with silicon falsies under my long sleeve bodysuit. She said she loved my outfit.

During this time, across the room several very good looking college age gurls were getting ready for a night at the club downstairs. Few of them could be mistaken for cis-female but they were gorgeous none the less, making me wish I had come out when I was in my twenties. The dance music from the club below was now pulsing through the floor, many of the gurls who had been trying out different outfits were settling with what they were going out in, excitement brewing.

Someone asked the room at large if anyone would please buckle the tiny leather straps of her heels. I obliged, getting down on my knees before this beauty, much more nervous than I thought I would have been. Thankfully she was engaged in conversation with others while I worked at her feet. The holes for the buckles were tiny and at first my hands were too shaky to do it. I had to breathe and relax with the first one, nervous the owner of the foot would feel my frayed nerves and feel awkward, but before I had finished I was enjoying the task and moving with some new found confidence.

A couple of the faces from the Dom/sub munch came into the room to visit with CD friends. Alice made the announcement that the Annex would be closing at 9:30, be sure to get all of your stuff out because the doors would be locked when the last one was out. Alice asked if I would be joining in the bondage club but alas, I needed to go back to my hotel an hour away and get a good night’s rest for work the next day. I told her it was very tempting and I would be back some day.

I had managed to spill a drink on my pants which had been rolled up on the floor so I had nothing to change into. Alice offered to have people walk me to my car in case I didn’t feel safe on the street but I was parked literally directly across from the cafe, so I waited for a lull in the traffic, got in my truck and drove off, still dressed. Once back at my hotel I parked and boldly walked up stairs to my room without coming face to face with anyone.

I have since made plans to go again, this time with my wife on some future Wednesday night.

To check out more info about this and other events at Wicked Grounds see them on line at The website asks for a name and email but you can navigate around it and find the faqs and the full calendar without registering. (Be sure to disable safe search, it may not show up in moderate content settings.)

If you are planning a trip to SF, check the calendar in advance, a couple of attendees were from other states and had included the event in their travel plans.


Let me know if this sounds fun to you, or feel free to ask any questions. :)
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2nd visit

My second visit to the Wicked Grounds Crossdressers Club and my first time to Bondage-a-go-go at the Cat Club in San Francisco. (Near the corner of 8th and Folsom)

On another overnight work trip I was staying an hour from San Francisco. I got cleaned up and ready at the hotel, all I would have to do once I got to the Club was take off my coat and change from my work pants to my mini-skirt. As I left the hotel and stopped at a gas station, I kept my coat zipped up so the high collar of my mesh bodysuit and fake tits wouldn’t show. It was fun to have a little secret while pumping gas and driving down over the Golden Gate Bridge. I got to the Folsom district close to seven o’clock and had to circle the block a couple of times to find a parking spot, eventually finding one directly across from the Cat Club. This trip I planned to stay after the Crossdressers Club and go check out Bondage-a-go-go, (BAGG).

I went directly up to the Wicked Annex and found the Crossdressers Club just getting started. I was greeted by a girl who was collecting donations on a $10-$30 sliding scale. I gladly paid and walked in, immediately recognizing several familiar faces from last month. I looked for Alice, the main organizer of the event but was told that she was sick, and that it must be bad for her to not show up. No worries, “the show must go on’, though she was obviously missed.

I went to the back to change into my skirt and get all straightened out. I had layered my tops and brought some tights in case it was cold in the Annex but found it unnecessary, some people were almost naked but I didn’t see anyone shivering. I’d say that both times I’ve been, I would have been comfortable temperature-wise in almost anything, whether in heavy layering or only a thong. People were dressed in varying degrees of feminine and some were adhering to a couple of different themes. There were several Christmas costumes, (naughty Santa, naughty elf, etc…) and a Star Wars Princes Leah (A New Hope version). I’d forgotten that ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ was about to open in theaters.

The group moved on informally, with a transwoman who is regular attendant sharing the news and stating the simple rules for the Annex: no touching without permission, no penetration and everyone out by 9:30pm. They announced that the Crossdresser Club has an official clothing exchange twice a year, all are welcome to contribute their clean used items and to find and keep whatever they would like, no money involved, the next time will be the scheduled Club meet in March. I’ve marked the day and have many items to contribute and look forward to bringing home some new stuff!

We did introductions around the circle with several people identifying as first timers to the club, some identifying as the first time out of the closet. Some had only been there once or twice before while others couldn’t count how many they had been. I was drawn to admire a gorgeous gurl in full makeup who was wearing a shiny black romper with rhinestones and zippers, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. Another gurl came in who could pass in my eyes until I checked out her strong forearms and hands, beautiful none the less.

One of the first-timers was a twenty-something who wore a very casual wide neck shirt, a plaid miniskirt, long socks and trainers. Like me, definitely male, just dressed in femme. There was a couple who were a female Dom and her collared male sub who was dressed in femme yet had a full beard, he identified herself as “Merlin Monroe”, saying this was her name for tonight and that she was unlikely to ever give the same name twice.

Without taking a count, I’d guess there were about twenty-five people there. We all milled about and shared stories among different groups, many talking about their personal history of crossdressing and how it fits with their family, work and public life, again, there was a full spectrum of experiences. The gurl in the shiny black and rhinestones had a similar situation to mine; fifty-ish, married with older children, wife used to be more into kink but is still supportive of her husband’s CD, the kids had found out through a texted pic from a CD event which was accidently sent to a family group text. OOPS! It turned out to not be a big deal with one teen saying, “That’s really gay, Dad,” but no other repercussions or weirdness. He had offered to talk about it but it didn’t seem to be a big deal to the kids. They didn’t seem any more interested in talking about Dad’s CD-ing than they would be talking to their parents about anything to do with sex. Times have changed.

The two and a half hours of the CD club passed quickly and nine-thirty rolled around much faster than it seemed it should have. The music from Bondage–a-go-go was pulsing thru the floor, everyone had to gather their stuff and head out of the Annex. This trip I had planned to go downstairs to BAGG. Not knowing what to expect, I headed down with a group.
(Continued in the next post)
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(Continued from previous post)

Bondage-a go-go, Wednesday nights at the Cat Club, San Francisco, CA.

BAGG is the longest running bondage club in SF. The venue is just off the corner of 8th Street and Folsom. It had a narrow street front, between club F8 and the Folsom Inn. I have no idea what the Inn is like but it could be fun to rent a room upstairs from the club. I’ll have to check it out someday.

I got in line for the door with the group from the Crossdressers Club. It took several minutes for the line to make it through ID check. Security was very thorough, closely scrutinizing ID and having each entrant read the short list of rules aloud and acknowledging that they were understood. I don’t remember everything verbatim but it included: Ten dollar entry, dress code is fetish preferred all black minimum, street clothes are subject to an upcharge, no photography, no exposed genitals, no exposed nipples regardless of gender identification, no sex acts, no penetration, no touching without permission. The only bummer of the night was that a very friendly gurl had forgotten her ID and there was no way she could get in regardless of the fact that she was obviously of age.

Inside the club is fairly narrow, probably 25’ wide but very deep. The entry is a dance floor with a DJ booth above to one side, a go-go stage and cage for staff dancers, the front bar extends along the opposite wall, there is a door to an outside smoking area so you do not need to leave the club to pollute. The club then has a long ramp as it rises toward the back section. It passes two tiers of couch/lounge areas with a massage chair in one section. The men’s restroom is at the bottom of the ramp, the women’s room is at the top of the ramp on the left, the non-binary restroom and the coat check is on the right. Past that is another bar and the dungeon area in in the back.

There were some large video screens showing Star Wars, A New Hope and many people were in related cosplay. There were the expected Han Solos, various Leahs, a Lando, a few Jedi but there were also several peripheral characters including imperial officers, rebel pilots, emperor’s guards and more.

The dungeon is big enough to have as many as six scenes going on simultaneously, with various props and several suspension points in the +/- 16’ ceiling. Things started off slowly with people experimenting with different suspension experiments, some casual flogging, (did I just write “casual flogging”? LMAO!) and some people playing with rope bondage. I had to leave shortly before midnight so I suspect that performances may pick up later in the night, while I was there the scenes seemed to be kind of low key between friends. A couple of the gurls from the CD club had scheduled some time (I’m not sure how the sign-up process works) and did a very sexy paddling and cat-o-nine tails style flogging. I saw tears and kisses and a lot of interest and anticipation.

I kept wandering from scene to scene, gravitating to people I’d met at the Annex. There was a feeling of camaraderie among the gurls, I had no shortage of people to hang out with, either talking, dancing or spectating at the dungeon. It was a great evening, I had wanted to check it out before bringing my wife and having done so I look forward to making a date of it. She is less kinky than I am, but who knows, maybe this scene will grow on her.

To anyone who is interested in crossdressing and kink closeted or out, I highly recommend planning a safe and comfortable evening in a safe and supportive environment. I paid $30 for the CDc club (sliding scale $10-$30), $10 to enter BAGG, $10 for a cocktail including tip, $4 to leave my coat in the coat check. The feeling of being out on the town as my queer self was priceless.

Check the schedule online at Wicked Grounds. The CD club is on a Wednesday in the middle of each month, Bondage-a-go-go is every Wednesday night at the Cat Club. See you there!
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Is this still a thing? I don’t spend much time in SF, but I’d definitely like to visit this club.
Sounds like a lota fun. Will keep this post in mind…should I get a chance to …find my way to frisco bay! Thanks for sharing Alex!
Is this still a thing? I don’t spend much time in SF, but I’d definitely like to visit this club.

Sounds like a lota fun. Will keep this post in mind…should I get a chance to …find my way to frisco bay! Thanks for sharing Alex!

Yes. It’s still going on. :)
It’s at the Annex at the Wicked Grounds Kink Cafe and Boutique. (non-profit)

Here’s the calendar, Sissy/crossdresser night is on Wednesday in the middle of the month. If you’re going to be in San Francisco on a different night you should still check the schedule to see what other kinky mischief you might find;
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The Crossdresser Club (Sissy Night) at Wicked Grounds Café

Wicked Grounds is a kink café: “Coffee. Kink. Community – Wicked Grounds Kink Café and Boutique” at 289 8th Street, San Francisco, California. (Near the corner of 8th and Folsom)

Last Wednesday (Nov 20th) I went for the first time.

I first discovered the Café while on a business trip several years ago and was delighted to find a welcoming atmosphere for us ‘deviants’ who otherwise feel the need to hide our inner selves. The Café is next door and around the corner from kink friendly clubs and shops in the Folsom district of San Francisco, famous for the annual Folsom Street Fair. I had just purchased some fetish items from Mr. S leather and was looking for a place I could be open during the day, I was directed a block north. They have all of the typical coffee drinks, pastries and such in addition to some delicious and creative milkshakes, all prepared by a variety of staff of all identities and persuasions. The Café welcomes any mode of dress as long as genitals and feet are covered (food establishment) and has a full calendar of events including such things as the “Stampede Pony Munch”, “Bay Area Rope Club”, “Bring Your Human Animal Night”, “Kink 101”, “Intro to Rough Body Play: Punch-Drunk Love!”, and countless more.

The events had outgrown the Café years ago so an annex was opened, two doors down and up the stairs with more area, changing rooms and a rentable space. The Crossdressers Club is held one Wednesday in the middle of each month in the Wicked Annex from 7:00 to 9:30 after which participants are invited to go downstairs to Bondage-a-go-go (A Wednesday night BDSM-themed night club with a live dungeon and dance floor)

I got to the city an hour early and found a well-lit parking spot right across from the café. Since I was early I did some browsing in the nearby fetish shops, (Mr S and Leather etc.) where they are always very welcoming and let me try on anything I want, including helping me into a corset or a straitjacket. I’ve made many purchases over the years and although some items are available cheaper on-line, being able to try on different sizes and see how they work with other items I already own... I always make an effort to support their businesses.

I still had some time to get refreshments from the café before the annex opened at 7:00 so I went in dressed as mostly male. The café was hosting a “Pre-Bondage-a-go-go Munch”. A ‘munch’ is a meeting of sorts for people of a particular interest. Doms and subs were meeting to answer questions for newbies and to coordinate scene play to be held in the adjacent clubs later in the evening. I didn’t stay long because I’d already planned on going to the CD club upstairs.

Around 7:15 I walked out the front door and found several people who were dressed for the CD event, vaping nicotine and cannabis in an alcove. I was welcomed and partook with some new found friends before heading up the stairs to a large foyer. The door to the annex was open and I walked in with several other people in various degrees of dress. The room was larger than the café and could easily be reconfigured for many types of events. There were many chairs in an informal circle with people bunched up in different loose knit groups. I didn’t try to count but I’d say there were around 30 people at the peak.

A cis woman named Alice introduced herself, identifying as a main organizer of the event. She described herself as a somewhat masculine woman who loves the feminine in all, and really enjoys seeing men embrace their inner girliness. There was also a cis man who I believed to be a Dom who seemed to be a facilitator of sorts. I think his name was Jeff. He moved about the room, approaching anyone who seemed new or unsure of the scene. There were a few other cis women, (I’m making assumptions here) who seemed to be informal facilitators who were being helpful however they could while others seemed to be the female spouses of some of the gurls, there for a night out with their partners in drag.

There were gurls, (my word here for CDs or trans people) of all kinds and ages in all sorts of outfits including evening gowns, typical club wear, PVC, Latex, leather, some in normal but cross street clothes. Some could pass, and as I said, I was assuming some were cis women but in actuality I guess didn’t really know for sure one way or the other. I was not the only gurl with facial hair. Some were changing their outfits right out in the open, trying on and exchanging different items. I wasn’t quite ready for that so I went into the back room and changed my top and into a skirt.

I wore the outfit in my avatar but with a long-sleeve mesh bodysuit underneath. I was very fetishy but not extreme in any way for this crowd. It was the first time I had gotten dressed in-femme with other people in the room but I felt completely comfortable. Some gurls had full makeup kits with lighted mirrors and curling irons while others just threw on a dress or a blouse and skirt.

When I went back to the main room I sat back in the circle and just took it in for a while, watching the interactions and admiring the view. I didn’t ask but it didn’t seem like a problem to anyone to stare or admire whoever or whatever I found interesting. I gave out several compliments and recieved many in return.

A 20s something obvious cis-male walked in dressed in normal male street clothes, looking very apprehensive and shy. Alice noticed immediately and welcomed him in. He spotted me, gave me a nervous nod and looked me up and down with a quick smile. I’d think that seeing my beard made him more comfortable about not having a very passing appearance. Jeff casually gravitated toward him and engaged in conversation, skillfully getting the turtle to come out of the shell a bit. He finally identified herself as ‘she’ named “Flo”. She said it was her first time out to such an event. Flo’s apprehension did not disappear but it definitely came down several notches through the evening, she eventually took off her shirt to revel a spandex top. I have a thing for bodysuits and athletic wear so I asked her if it was a leotard, to which she replied quietly that it had bike shorts and it was as brave as she was going to get tonight. She admired my outfit so I took off my skirt and corset to show her that I was wearing a gaff and a sports bra with silicon falsies under my long sleeve bodysuit. She said she loved my outfit.

During this time, across the room several very good looking college age gurls were getting ready for a night at the club downstairs. Few of them could be mistaken for cis-female but they were gorgeous none the less, making me wish I had come out when I was in my twenties. The dance music from the club below was now pulsing through the floor, many of the gurls who had been trying out different outfits were settling with what they were going out in, excitement brewing.

Someone asked the room at large if anyone would please buckle the tiny leather straps of her heels. I obliged, getting down on my knees before this beauty, much more nervous than I thought I would have been. Thankfully she was engaged in conversation with others while I worked at her feet. The holes for the buckles were tiny and at first my hands were too shaky to do it. I had to breathe and relax with the first one, nervous the owner of the foot would feel my frayed nerves and feel awkward, but before I had finished I was enjoying the task and moving with some new found confidence.

A couple of the faces from the Dom/sub munch came into the room to visit with CD friends. Alice made the announcement that the Annex would be closing at 9:30, be sure to get all of your stuff out because the doors would be locked when the last one was out. Alice asked if I would be joining in the bondage club but alas, I needed to go back to my hotel an hour away and get a good night’s rest for work the next day. I told her it was very tempting and I would be back some day.

I had managed to spill a drink on my pants which had been rolled up on the floor so I had nothing to change into. Alice offered to have people walk me to my car in case I didn’t feel safe on the street but I was parked literally directly across from the cafe, so I waited for a lull in the traffic, got in my truck and drove off, still dressed. Once back at my hotel I parked and boldly walked up stairs to my room without coming face to face with anyone.

I have since made plans to go again, this time with my wife on some future Wednesday night.

To check out more info about this and other events at Wicked Grounds see them on line at The website asks for a name and email but you can navigate around it and find the faqs and the full calendar without registering. (Be sure to disable safe search, it may not show up in moderate content settings.)

If you are planning a trip to SF, check the calendar in advance, a couple of attendees were from other states and had included the event in their travel plans.


Let me know if this sounds fun to you, or feel free to ask any questions. :)
It definitely sounds like fun