
Achal's eyes hardened on the human. There was a part of this 'theory' that just rubbed him the wrong way but with no proof he wasn't going to be the one who said something.

"Could be..." Rati mused bringing up the ship to center as the report fazed off screen. A ship is worth more in scraps and parts then the few things on it that you could steal. Unless... "Jagmi could you somehow pull up their log book from here?" She didn't like the idea of looters and murderers out there and if they found a dead ship they could still be around and want this ship. Over my dead body! Rati growled to herself.

Jagmi shook his head no. "It's still protected with some kind of grid-like hack safe and I can't get thru."

"They we board!" Vilas pumped his arm in the air his look of excitement replacing this sleep heave eyes.

"On board you could link to our systems and I could retrieve not only it's logs but only file on board, personal and not." Jagmi spoke up.

Rati didn't like the idea of boarding. If there were touches of Zeltron on the ship why was it there. If a squad had captured a human ship it would have been big news and been posted somewhere.

Achal seemed to have read Rati's mind and passed over a pixi-screen. Rati was confused for a second until she looked down. He had logged on to the system land bound and had done a search for something like this.

"Three days ago?" That didn't seem right. Rati passed the screen over to Achal a frown on her face and a crinkle in her forehead. Three days ago a platoon boarded a human docked ship and took it over. There were two human deaths but the other nine were unharmed and taken as prisoners. A squad then split from the platoon and took the ship as theirs. "Have we heard from either ships since?"

Rati and Achal were having a conversation of their own and it happened enough that everyone just sat back and waited. They would make a decision and would tell everyone else if they felt like it.

"No." The single word hung heavy in the air.

It was just another red flag in Rati's mind but the curiosity of the situation that this dead ship brought up was itching at her. There wasn't really a choice and when the commander looked over at her XO and saw him nod, she knew that he had come to the same conclusion.

Quickly Rati took the other members of her crew and Matt what was going on. "Seems that we took over this ship three days ago. Two humans were killed and the rest were taken to Code." It was the name of on of their largest land built bases. "The ship that first came upon the human ship and the squad that later took over the ship haven't been heard from since."

Vilas was bouncing in his seat with excitement. "We're going hunting, we're going hunting." He sang under his voice over and over again.

Citra turned from the group and did whatever it was that he did for a minute or two while Rati was still talking.

"I want to find out what happened here and where our people went and why we haven't heard from them in three days." Rati stood up from the table the same time that Citra turned back to the group. Rati waited for him to speak but when he didn't she continued. "So it looked like we're going on a field trip."

"Yes!" Vilas hissed with pleasure. Rati gifted him with a hard look and he quickly gave in. "I know, I know. 'We do not kill, peace to the world and all that mussy stuff.'" He mimicked Rati's voice in the worst way and she threw a lamp at his head.

"Go pack." She sighed.

"What's being done with the human." Vilas jutted his chin at Matt.

The crew was silent as they let their Commander decide. Either way someone was going to bitch and she was much more comfortable with him being with her then she was leaving him on ship with just Jagmi. "He's coming with us."

Everyone expected it but knowing something and expecting something was different and it left a strong taste of tension in the air.

"Do you have anything to add?" Rati asked Matt looking to him as everyone also turned to look at him.
Matt just stood there and listened into Rati and Vilas have their talk and heard every word of their conversation. They were planning on boarding the ship and he couldn't help but notice how excited Vilas seemed about it. Matt was still a little puzzled as to why there had been no contact with anyone on the ship. It was very odd and suspicious to him and he probably would have made the decision to board the ship as well.

When he was told he was going to have go with the group boarding the ship he just nodded in agreement. He was still their prisoner and had to agree with whatever they said. He was happy that he was going to be with Rati, as she was the only one on the ship that didn't seem to hate him. He was going to be keeping an eye on the 'trigger happy' Vilas to make sure he didn't mistake him for one of the other humans that they were 'hunting.'

"No, I'm happy to tag along. Will I get to carry a weapon in case we engage anyone who may be aboard that ship." As soon as the words left his mouth he knew it was too much to ask for when being held prisoner.
There were uneasy looks as Matt's question. Of course he would want a weapon but Rati didn't feel right arming a prisoner.

Achal solved the problem by tossing Matt a kabar styled knife.

Rati looked at him for an answer but the older man just shrugged his shoulder. "It wouldn't be right and you know it." Was the only thing he said before he left the room.

It seemed to please everyone else too and they followed suit and left. "That's as armed as I feel comfortable with." Rati admitted truthfully. "But I will dress you in armor. With Citra's fidgets with things I'm glad to brag that we have the best suits out there." She smiled hoping that he wouldn't fight her on this because if he did the only other option was to lock him up and she would feel a little bad about that.

"I'm headed up to the room and I'll drag up suits for you once we get up there." She wasn't sure how he would take to the cut of their suits but she liked the idea of seeing him in one. And if he didn't want to wear one of Citra's pieces there was still older issues still on ship that he might be happier in.

The moment the doors to her quarters closed Rati started undressing. It was habit and there wasn't a second thought to the human and their earlier games. Instead she headed straight for her 'toy' room and opened the locked door with a way her her chipped arm. The door opened to show a room 1/3 the side of her bedroom. The wall facing her were guns of all sorts. Bullets, lasers, sound waves and the sized ranged from pocket hand held to neck high hip welding rockets. The wall to the left was shelved from top to bottom with ammo and gear. And the wall to the left was soft weapons and suits.

Standing naked in front of the room Rati was mentally going thru the worst and how to arm up for it. When she walked in she pulled out the wall that held a hanging suit and behind was a rack filled with more. A few button presses and Rati picked the one she wanted to wear. It was one of her favorite full body suit that Citra had just sent back to her with a few 'tweaks'. She pressed a few more buttons and the rack changed and held male suits.

Rait threw her suit on the table that jutted out from the wall holding the guns and waved Matt in. "I don't know what armor class you like so I dragged a little of everything." Rati herself preferred light armor that hugged her body. "If you can't find anything you like you can always go in cottons, tho I'm not sure they protect worth a damn." She smiled at him over her shoulder as she pick a pistol off the wall.
Catching the knife he nodded a thanks towards Achal as he examined the blade. It wasn't the sharpest but he could definitely take down an enemy with it. "That's understandable. I wouldn't feel right just handing my prisoner a gun either." Turning around he followed Rati back to her quarters.

Once the door closed his eyes widened when she undressed. Yeah they sparred earlier fully nude but he figured that was only a one time thing and nothing along the lines of that would happen again. His eyes were glued to her sexy red body as she made her way into her 'toy' room. Since he was behind her his eyes were glued to her lush round ass. Regaining his concentration when she got in her armor and waved him in. "Damn quite a room you got yourself here. The only armory on our ship is the one used by everyone. Wish I had my own armory in my quarters." He looked around the room at all the different types of guns and weapons that were on the walls.

"Well my armor of choice consists of lightweight durable Kevlar padding so it can take a hit and is still easy to maneuver in." Looking through the few choices of men's armor she had he pointed towards the middle one. "I'll take that one. Looks like it would suit me well" He said with a grin as he approached the black full body suit. It looked like the lightest suit of armor she had. They did offer the least amount of protection, but he didn't like the big bulky suits limited his movements so he couldn't perform his fast swift movements.

"Alright I'll suit up then" Peeling off his shirt and dropping his pants he was only in his boxer briefs which showed the outline of his cock that he made sure to show off by facing Rati. He then began to pull the suit of armor on and liked the way it fitted him. Tightly but not too tight, it showed off his muscles.

Slowly walking over to the wall with the guns he peered through her selection of weapons and reached out. Grabbing a knife holster that he was able to attach to the suit he was wearing. Sliding the knife into holster he looked at Rati "Alright ready to go" He said with a smile
Rati chuckled at his show. She enjoyed the quick way Matt returned her teasing with something of his own and Rati would have let that be if she didn't like having the last word.

"The suit looks good on you." She smiled pulling down a compact shotgun off the wall. "I still have to dress but first..." Rati turned to face Matt and closed the space between them. Everything that had happened between them in the training room was till on the surface of her mind and she could see by the outline of his cock that it wasn't far in his either.

When her body bumped into Matt's she kept walking, pushing against his until he had to step back and his back bumped against the wall. When he was where she wanted him she stood up on tip toes and planted a passionate kiss on Matt's lips. Her tongue sweeping across his bottom lips before darting into his mouth were her's slid and twirled around his. With her hands she found Matt's and lead it to her ass and placed them there. The suit was tight on Matt's body and let Rati feel his muscles and with a hand between their body she cupped him and lightly tightened as she moved her hand up and down his length.

Pulling back from Matt's body after a few minutes Rati smiled up at him. "For good luck." She told him with a shove out the door. "Now out, I have to change." She laughed hiding her body from him as the door closed in his face.

Faster then the kiss had lasted Rati was walking back out of the room dressed and armed for anything that might come her way. A pistol hung on her left thigh, on her right was her whip. The small of her back was the compact shotgun that would fold out to full size when she reached for it. The same compact design made the sniper rifle nearly the same side of the assault rifle that laid down her shoulder blades. When she knew what to expect she only brought what she needed but seeing as no one knew a thing about what they were walking into, Rati armed herself with everything.

"Alight lets go find out what we're dealing with." Rati sang leaving her quarters.

She and Matt were the last to arrive. A quick look at the group told her that everyone was just as armed as she was and she was starting to feel guilty for letting Matt only have a knife.

Achal who had the heaviest armor class of the crew looked like a tank. He had a special love for his shot gun and rocket launchers but had what also looked like an assault rifle and grenades.

Vilas was a class below him considered to be light-heavy and didn't have a specialty because he loved everything. Double pistols at his thighs, a shotgun at his lower back, two different classes of assault rifles down his back and a row of grenades across his chest. Extra ammo lined both arms finished his look.

Compared to the two of them Citra looked unprepared but Rati knew his damage was in his bionic and tech like powers. His armor was just a touch heavier then Rati's and he was armed with his normal pistol, assault rifle and sniper rifle.

"Well it looks like we're ready to storm a base instead of a dead ship." Chuckled Jagmi, who would be staying, over the speaker heads.

Rati gave her crew one more look over, that included Matt and gathered herself. While everyone was getting ready Jagmi had already port side locked us into the drifting ship. All Rati had to do was pressed the button for the door to the airlock to open, for them to all step in, the doors to close and open the doors to the dead ship. It all sounded easy but something made her hesitate before she punched the button.

"Log Commander, crew mates and one human prisoner are leaving ship." Rati told Jagmi knowing that nothing needed to be said but it was orderly habit.

"Logged Commander."

"WOOT-woo!" Cried Vilas when the doors closed before putting on his helmet.

"Stay with me." It wasn't an order as much as a plea when she turned to Matt. On the wall of the air tight were helmets and everyone grabbed on and put it on. They didn't know the conditions of the oxygen on ship and it was better safe then sorry. "Please." She said to make sure that Matt knew it was a request as she handed him a helmet.
As Rati walked towards him slowly Matt felt he knew what was going to happen and when she pressed him against the wall and began kissing him a wave of excitement came over him. Returning the kiss with great passion their tongues danced in his mouth as she moved his hands to her ass. Squeezing lovingly as the kiss grew more and more passionate. It seemed as if time slowed down from this magical kiss and then she pulled away and scooted him out the room.

The whole time he stood there thinking that the kiss was more than just for good luck. He definitely wanted more and was hoping when they came back from their mission that more sparks would fly between them. When the door slid open again he looked at Rati with a grin and looked at the outfit she chose including the weapons she had. Nodding his head at her statement he followed her out of the quarters.

Once he saw how everyone was outfitted he felt severely under equipped with his lightweight armor and knife. He was going to have to make due with what he had though as it was all he was getting. They all looked like they were expecting a battle aboard the dead ship. If they did come across a fight he was going to stay behind the heavily armored aliens until it was over.

Staying behind everyone else he headed over to the airlock and when Rati turned and told him to stay with her he felt something inside. He was developing feelings for her, but he wasn't going to let them show until later. Nodding he flashed a smile to Rati "Right behind you" Then he slipped on the helmet and was ready to board the ship.
There was a hiss of air as the doors to the other ship opened. This wasn't their first rodeo and the group of four knew what to do and what to expect from each other. The only difference was Matt was with them. When they came to the first fork in the road there wasn't even a decision as they split. Achal and Citra went left and Vilas, Rati with Matt went right. They were all link via their helmets and they trusted in each other's skill not to die.

"Here." Vilas tossed Matt on of his assault rifles. "This doesn't mean I like you I just don't want you're blood getting on my favorite suit when you're killed."

Rati was shocked but didn't say anything and made a point to place herself between the two men.

"Is it me or is this ship too quite?" Achal asked his voice crackling in the ear piece of the helmets.

Rati was just about to say something when Achal spoke up.

"There isn't even evac lights. There should be at least that no matter how dead a ship." Citra replied.

"It's like that earth day video game Doom." Vilas laughed.

Rati didn't saw anything but she looked back at Matt, worried. "We've reached stairs going up. No contact flat."

Jagmi had docked on the lowest cargo port and it was from there that they had entered the ship.

"I think we're heading to one of the cargo room. Yup, we are. There's doors."

"I have you on map." Jagmi's voice reported so that if they got lost they at least knew the path that they had traveled.

"Report if you've found anything." Rati started up the stairs. It was wide enough that two could walk up them and Vilas hung back so if they crossed something he could cover their asses and Rati could step up and sandwich the human between them.

"Oh my God..." Rati froze and Vilas turned around the spot light on his rifle zigzagging around the stairway looking for something to shoot. "Bodies. Dead bodies." Citra continued. "Human and Zeltron both. I'd could near to fifty in total."

"That explains where everyone is but what killed them." Vilas asked.

"I don't know. There are signs of a fight. Bullets, singes from lasers and torn body pieces. I don't understand." Citra was have a difficult time trying to separate himself from the gore.

"Do we know if the killers are Zeltron or Human?"

"Signs of both." Answered Achal. Citra was still looking upon the heap of dead bodies but he could tell the difference in the man and he was looking from the view point of a scientist.

"Do we go back and join them?" Vilas asked worry in his voice mixed with curiosity.

"No. I want to find out who did this and if the dead bodies are there the live ones, my guess would be, are somewhere else. Matt, thoughts, ideas?" He was the only one who hadn't said anything as Rati at the moment was treating more like a crew mate then a prisoner they were using as an extra hand.
Matt was surprised when Vilas tossed him an assault rifle. He just flashed him a look before examining the weapon he held in his hands. It was a decent gun and he was glad he had a way to defend himself other than the knife. Once Rati stepped in between he began following her cautious of his surroundings. Staying quiet and listening to the chatter over the mic that was built into the helmet.

Hearing the news about the dead bodies came to a shock to him especially such a high number of them. Both humans and zeltrons dead on the ship he began thinking of what could have killed them all. "I don't know how to explain this. I would expect at least all the bodies to be human or zeltron, not both of them. Maybe there is someone still alive on the ship."
Rati wasn't sure she wanted to find what killed all those people alive on the ship but she had to get to their command deck so she could link main frames with her ship and hopefully get a better idea of what was going on here.

"Rati, I believe if you keep up the stairs and go down the hall way to your left you'll come to another stairway that should lead you to their main computers." Jagmi advised.

"Then it sounds to me that's were we're heading."

Achal's voice came over the mic. "We're going to stick to the lower decks and see if we can't find."

"Stay safe." Rati started up the stairs and after a a few more sets came to another set of doors. A few firmly planted opened the stubborn sticking doors and she found the hallway Jagmi thought might be there. "Seems clear." She called back to the people behind her as she left the cover of the stairs for the open hallway. She fully expected someone to peg them after the loud echoing kicks to the doors but there was not one there and it made every muscle in her body sing with tension.

"Found the stairs leading up." She wasn't really talking to anyone in particular but it was more of a 'this is where you'll find my dead body if I get killed' kind of habit. "Stairs look clear too."

"There's too much 'clears' for my liking." Vilas grumbled still keeping cover behind Matt and Rati.

At the top of the stairs were another set of doors and these ones opened easily and unlike before to a large room and not a series of hallways. "I believe we've found what we wanted." Rati waved the spot light around the room and called clear again. It was easy to stop the main frame, it was the largest computer set up and Rati fitted a nano chip in the slot even tho the ship was without power. Jagmi would be able to do an offline power main frame boot up and cope all the files from the ship.

"Jagmi have you-" Rati paused as a cold shiver ran over her body. Something was wrong and watching them. With Kalki around the feeling of being watched wasn't a new one. "Someone's watching us." Rati whispered eyeing the surrounding area for what it might be.

"Are you su-" Vilas started to argue when the slightest of sound of something shuffling stopped him. "Shit..." Was the next thing from his mouth when something dropped from teh overhead and fired at the group.

"Well it's not clear anymore!" Rati yelled to the satisfaction of Vilas.

"We're on our way!" Doubled the voices of Achal and Citra.

Rati dove behind the computer she had been standing by and returned fire. She wasn't sure which of them took it down but after a few rounds were squeezed off the figure crumpled to the ground.

"That was too-"

"Don't you say it Vilas." Rati's voice was hard as she waited for reinforcements before standing up. She looked over at Matt and saw that he was still alive and made her way to the body. "It's a Zeltron." She was amazed.

"What?!?!" Choaked Vilas joining her said and looking down. "Shit, it is." But there wasn't time to ohh, ahh and wonder over the corpse because more bodies were falling from the overhead all armed with guns and shooting at them.

"What's going on!" More then one voice demanded but with more important things to worry about, like not getting shot the question went unanswered.
As they made their way through the 'clear' hallways Matt felt more and more uneasy about this whole thing. It didn't seem right at all and something was bound to happen he had a strong feeling about that. Once they reached the command post he looked around the room ready to pull the trigger at anything other than him, Rati or Vilas. Hearing her say that someone was watching them made the uneasy feeling worsen because he knew she had to be used to that feeling from her pet.

"Fuck!" He shouted out as the first body fell from the overhead and opened fire on them. By the time he found cover and popped back up the fight was already over. "Why the hell would they shoot at their own kind?" Matt said as he aimed up with his gun just as more bodies began falling.

"There is more of them!" He shouted as he pulled the trigger feeling the gun kick back against him he held on tightly as he took down two of them before he was out of ammo. It was a short magazine so he didn't get many shots off. Ducking behind cover he popped the mag out and tossed it to the ground. "I'm out I need more ammo!" He yelled while looking towards Vilas hoping he had ammo to spare.
"Human!" Vilas shouted throwing him a bundle of ammo clips for that gun. He took cover near to Matt and laughed enjoying killing the things that were trying to kill him first.

"The doors to the second stairway is locked!" Cursed Citra and Jagmi's voice could be heard giving them direction to another way around.

Rati with her assault rifle loaded with return rounds weren't as powerful but it reloaded with spent rounds when it was low. It was a Citra special and she was glad to have it. "Where are they all coming from?!?!" There didn't seem to be an end to them as off to her side there was a large explosion more them likely from one of Vilas' grenades. It left an empty void that she used to cross the room and put herself nearer to both Matt and the main frame. She had a feeling they didn't want her getting what was the compute and it made her that much more anxious to get it.

"Jagmi the files?" Rati was hoping that they had gotten everything when she head the fated double click of an empty clip. "Shit." IT wasn't a big deal she had more guns but what would they have more of, bodies or bullets. She didn't want to find out and went to work using the spray of her shot gun wisely.

"I have them." Jagmi came back and answered about a minute later.

She looked over to the computer and back at the fighting bodies and wished that Achal and Citra were here. "I need that nano chip." Rati looked over at Vilas then at Matt. "If you can cover me?" She pulled the trigger and took the legs out of three racing bodies coming at her.
Wasting no time Matt reached into the bag of ammo and reloaded his gun quickly aiming back up and shooting off more rounds. Dropping several more of the seeming endless waves of enemies. It was like one of his video games he played as a kid, endless waves of bad guys and you would just see how long you would survive until the inevitable overrun.

The empty shells kept flying out of his gun and the empty clips started piling up. Repeatedly putting about three rounds into the enemies chest for quick efficient kills. Hearing Rati needed him to cover her so she could grab the chip he switched clips on his gun so he had maximum rounds to defend her. "Alright go" He said boldly to her before popping up and dropping two of the nearest bodies near them clearing a path for her to the chip. Matt aimed and began shooting at the other bodies making sure they couldn't get close to her while she made the dash.
Rati trusted Matt and Vilas and sprinted to the computer and ejected the chip as fast as she could but no matter how fast you are you can't outrun bullets. "Uuurg." The bullet tore thru her suit into the fleshy part right below her right collar bone. Fuck did it hurt. She kept from saying anything knowing the dark part of the suit would hide the blood and that the material would absorb a good part of the blood that she was loosing.

"We're here!" On the back side of the room flashes from the discharge of bullets echoed back.

The figures caught between the two were smart enough to flee and the stranglers were pick off by the her crew. "Nice to see you." Rati kept her voice even and indifferent to the pain that was burning the whole right side of her body.

"So what was that?" Vilas snickered. "How very human of you to join in at the last second at claim the fame." He teased insensitive to the human that was next to him.

There were more talking over the mic, something about Zeltrons and testing. Nothing being found in the lower decks.

"Lets just leave before they all come back." Rati snapped harshly. The people who knew her best I looked up her with worry. She wasn't one to lose control of her feelings. "I just don't want to get caught again." She said using a different tone then the one she had first used to ease over the slip.

"Yeah okay." Achal nodded but there was still a feeling that something was wrong with the younger woman.

The ground was slippery with the blood of the slayed and it took a lot for Rati not to fall on her ass. She was getting dizzy with the loss of her own and she never did deal with large amounts of pain very well.

Citra lead the group back the way they came and Rati took their cover as the last person. Every once and a while a body would drop out from no where and take a couple of shots before they were killed but it was better then the waves they had just gone thru. And when the door to her sip were in sight Rati hailed all things holy. She had never seem something as beautiful as those doors.

"Logged Command and crew with one human prisoner on board." Rati had to gather her strength to say the words. She wanted to leave her helmet on to hide her face and the pain that would on it but it would just clue everyone in that something was wrong. Somewhere down the hallway she had traded her shotgun for the pistol and the grip was sticky with blood. "Jagmi." She said voice tired as she hung up her helmet. "Get us the fuck out of here."

"Do we blow the ship?" Vilas asked happily.

"Why the hell not." Rati shrugged and regretted it the moment she did it, grinding her teeth against the pain. "Vilas I leave that to you. Citra I'm sure you got samples to test, go have fun. Achal will you work with Jagmi on those files?"

"What about you?" Achal questioned.

"I'm going to take a hot bath." She smiled. "I got dirty and a girl has to look her best." She laughed but the smile didn't reach her eyes. Rati looked over the Matt and noticed the way that the crew treated him. Smiled and joked were shared with him and Achal even patted his back as he walked by. "I'm going up to the room." She told him as she passed by. "I'll think you'll be okay if you want to mill around. If not you know where our quarters is."

Rati was beyond dizzy and there was a shrill high pitched ringing in her ears that wouldn't go away. Using her left arm she pushed the button for the elevators stumbling against the wall with a cry. A streak of blood painted the wall where she fell and crumpled to the ground. It was a good thing that she had sent everyone off because she didn't want anyone to see her like this.

"Fuck I'm going to have to clean that." She cursed crawling away from the wall when the elevator doors opened. Fighting with herself and her heavy body she whipped the wall down with her left arm and reduced the bright red to an off white tinted brass color that blended well enough if you didn't look directly at it. The elevator doors had closed and she leaned on the wall fighting the rising bile. She was feeling sick and tore between wanting to throw up and pass out. "I wish I had told Matt to stay with me." She trying to gather the energy to walk to the elevator.
Aiming at anyone that tried shooting at Rati Matt shot everyone he could but there were almost too many for him. Fighting back a smile when he saw Rati made it back in one piece and the rest of the crew arrived. The remaining enemies fled once they realized they lost the fight. "That's right you better run!" He shouted out as the adrenaline kept pumping in his body. The room was a mess not only was the floor covered in blood, but all the surrounding walls and computers were bullet riddled.

Hearing Rati's voice in the mic he turned to look at her and from her movement's he could tell something was wrong with her. Maybe she hit her arm too hard while sliding back into cover after her mad dash to get the chip. Not wanting to raise the rest of the crew's suspicion he decided to wait until they were alone to ask. On their way back to the ship they encountered a few zeltrons popping out at them, and they were quickly killed before they were able to line up a shot.

Matt kept looking at Rati and became more and more worried about her. Once she headed up to her room he figured he would stick around a little since the crew seemed to not hate him as much patting him on the back and joking around with him. Walking over to Vilas he set the rifle down on the table. "That's a mighty fine rifle you have. Very accurate, thanks for getting my back out there" He patted the table and walked away circling the command room observing what everyone was doing. Ending up over by the big window gazing out of it before he decided he would go check on Rati.

"Well guys I'm gonna head back up to Rati's quarters. All I'd do down here is get in your way" He said with a small laugh as he headed out of the room and down the hall into the elevator. Pressing the button to go up to the floor with all the quarters on it he walked up to Rati's door knocked on it since he couldn't open it. "Hey Rati it's Matt"
Somehow Rati made up to her quarters, she kept the door unlocked in case Matt came up and started undressing even before the doors closed. Every move of her shoulder made her cry out in pain and by the time her suit was tossed on the ground she was panting, queasy and pale. Reaching around she felt the exit wound and was glad, it meant there wasn't a bullet that needed to be dug out and she wouldn't need the help of anyone else.

Rati headed to the bathroom and started the water for a bath. She ran the water too hot but she didn't care as it prickled and sung her skin as she settled into the water. A few minutes of seeping and the water was a washed out pink with blood. It hadn't stopped bleed and she knew she would have to do something about it but instead laid back down in the tub.

Somehow Rati had fallen asleep and the water was a touch darker but at least it seemed that the bleeding had stopped. "It's unlocked." She called out to Matt. "Just come in!" She yelled again before giving up and standing up and out of the tub. As she passed the mirror she looked at the wound and felt her head spin and a fresh wave of pain threaten to buckle her knees. "Best cover that." She said to herself throwing a towel over her wounded should and wincing at the touched of the soft absorbent materiel.

"The door was unlocked." Rati told Matt opening the door lacking the normal teasing glimmer in her eyes. "Did anyone hassle you while I was gone?" She tried masking the pain in her voice and moved back to the bathroom to unplug the water and wash away the evidence of her wound.
"Oh I didn't know" Matt said as he eyed Rati up and down as she stood there in a towel. He noticed how her one shoulder was slumped down and she seemed to be wincing. "Your hurt." Was all he said as he placed his arm around her lower back and helped her over to the couch. Examining her body he ended up moving the towel to discover her gunshot wound. "You've been shot! Why didn't you say anything?!" He said as his small amount of medical training kicked in.

"I need to tend to that and stop the bleeding." Grabbing her hand he brought it up to the towel covering the wound. "Keep pressure on the front and lean back the pressure from the couch should stop the bleeding from the exit wound." Standing up he walked over to the bathroom to look for anything that could help.

After searching the cabinets in the bathroom he found what he was looking for, bandages, hydrogen peroxide, and a wash cloth. Glancing over he saw the bathtub filled with a pinkish tinted water and knew he had to act fast Rati must have lost a lot of blood by now. Hurrying back to her he set the items down on the table and looked into her eyes, "Now this is going to hurt but you have to trust me."

Then he pulled her hand away from the wound letting the towel fall down and poured some hydrogen peroxide on the wound. Then after wiping it dry with the washcloth he applied the bandage and it seemed to be holding. Matt them proceeded in doing the same to the exit wound on her back. "There all done."
"Because it's not that bad." Rati grunted shy away from Matt's touch. "As the on board medic I should know." She tried laughing if off but the movement shook her body and it turned into a choking wheeze. "See perfectly healthy."

She did as he said though and applied pressure to the wound. "It's pretty much stopped bleeding." She was feeling better now that she had something to argue over and distract her from the pain.

When he left the room she figured he was in the bathroom looking for first aid items and was about to yell out directions when he came back. "I trust you." She nodded using the towel to bite down on as he poured hydrogen peroxide into the wound. Her body tensed at the new sensation of pain washed over her and big black spots ate at her vision. Bile rose in her throat and she almost blew chunks then but the worst was over and Rati relaxed as much as she could.

"Thanks for that." She breathed looking longingly at her bedroom but knowing she didn't have the energy to get there. "Can you do me a favor and not tell the guys about this?"
Flipping the washcloth over to the clean side he used it to wipe the light sweat from her forehead. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone" Letting her lean back against the couch he started cleaning up the mess. Tossing the blood stained towel and wash cloth into the laundry basket in the bathroom. Then he flipped the switch and began draining the bloody bath water. Coming back into the living room he saw Rati eyeing her bedroom and figured she didn't have the energy to get there.

"Come on lets get you into your bed" Sliding a arm under her legs and the other around her mid back he picked up the naked zeltron and carried her gently into the other room. Lightly laying her down on her bed. Grabbing the sheets to pull them over her nude body. Then he went into the kitchen and got her a glass of water and brought it to her. "Here drink this" He said softly as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"You should be more careful next time you pull some heroics like that" He said with a chuckle before examining his bandage work one more time. "That should hold until morning and then we will change them. Get some sleep you need your rest you lost a lot of blood."
Rati was more grateful for the assistance then she could say. Not only did Matt tend her wound but he carried her to bed, tucked her in, brought her water and to top it off said he would keep it a secret. "Thank you Matt." She smiled up at him her whole body tired and it showed in the grin. She wanted to say more but her body was giving in and her eyes were closing and she was asleep before the next breath.

Some hours later the jabbing pain in Rati's shoulder woke her up. The room was dark and quite. She wasn't sure if Matt was here and then heard him breathing in the living room. "i really owe him." She whispered to herself swallowing a groan as she got out of bed. How was it that after hours of rest she woke up feeling worse. She shuffled to the bathroom having to pee and shut the door behind her squinting behind her hand that shielded her eyes from the blinding bathroom light that came on. "Urg." She moaned tiredly sitting down.

Washing her hand she reached into the drawer for a cloth and eyed the place where her real toys were. 'It would help me heal faster.' Sexual pleasure was some kind of healing factor for Zeltrons, it was one of the main reason it was an approved of hobby and why their life span was long then that of a human's. She looked over her shoulder as if she could see thru the closed door. He was a asleep and it wasn't like her favorite little vibrator would make enough noise to wake him. "And it would help you sleep." She told herself easing the drawer open and pulling out the 7 3/4" long silicone vibrator. It had a flared tip and had a curve pointing up and at the base a little nub that when fully inserted would wiggle against her clit. Looking at it she thought about how large Matt was and all worries about putting it back in the drew left her.

Sneaking back to bed clutching her toy she realized she had a problem. Her main arm was her right hand and it hurt far too much to use it. It was weird she suddenly thought, she would use a whip with either hand but only used her right for things like this and she did this far more then she trained and practiced with the whip. Still it was better then nothing and she slid under her covers and turned the vibrator on. She strained her ears listening for some sign that the dull buzzing had woken up Matt. When all seem safe she teased her opening with the tip. Just hearing the familiar buzz had made her wet and after a few circles of her nether lips the tips was coated with her slick wetness. She listened again for sounds telling her that Matt had woken up before sliding the vibrator in. There was an added excitement at having to be careful because she shared her quarters with someone else.

With her left hand it was altogether a new feeling and Rati was excited by the new sensations. She lifted her hips and searched for her special spot as she near her climax. But her new excitement about the new angles was a double edged sword. She couldn't get the same depth, rhythm or angles she was used to using her right hand and her release escaped her every time she thought she had it.

"Fuck." She cursed under her breath panting as she fought the vibrator and her pain soaked body. She needed to cum for this to be any help and she just couldn't get what she needed with her untrained left hand. "Damn it." Rati hissed in pain. She had lifted her hips to get it deeper but the change in position put more weight on her shoulders and she fell to the bed. "Ah-ru..." The cry of frustration was muffled by the pillow she placed over her head.

"Oh right there, ah- yeah- umm..." She had ridden a roller coaster when she was a child and she had always thought that the moment you cam was almost exactly like the climb to the top of the coaster and the drop as you raced down the hill like the actual climaxing moment and right now she felt her body build and climb to the top and she prayed that she would feel the rush of her release. "Yes, yes! She screamed into the sure that this was it. Her body tightened and would be followed by the pulsing of her shining moment but at the last second the cart stopped and left her hanging on the edge before slowing backing off.

"NO!" Rati screamed throwing the pillow across the room and falling back in a frustrated heap that throbbed with unaccomplished desire and pain as tears ran down the sides of her face.
After making sure Rati was tucked in Matt went into the other room and ended up picking out a book. After reading the summary on the back it seemed like an action filled book so he'd give it a try. Between reading and occasionally checking in on Rati he grew tired and once he saw she was asleep he figured he'd try the same. Turning all the lights off except one in the corner that he just dimmed incase he needed to get up in the night he would be able to make his way around without bumping into anything.

Stripping off his clothes all the way down to his boxer briefs he figured she wouldn't mind since they already seen each other naked. Lying back on the couch he quickly fell asleep after a long day. Opening his eyes to the dimly lit room he wondered if he just fell asleep or had been sleeping for a few hours. Then he heard a noise coming from the direction of Rati's room. Hearing it again it almost sounded like a groaning noise. 'Maybe Rati is in pain again' Quietly getting off the couch he slowly made his way across the dimly lit room to the doorway to her room and peeked in.

He could see a little bit of movement from the shadowy figure on the bed. Standing there he waited and listened. Then he heard Rati cry out in pain again and that was too much for him. "I thought I told you to rest" He said as he turned the light on unaware of what she was doing. His mouth dropping once he saw what she was doing on her bed. "Oh shit I'm sorry" would have been the words he chose but he decided to go with something else. "Sounds like your getting more pain than pleasure. That couldn't have waited? Your wound hasn't had anytime to heal at all."
The night was just getting better and better Rati lied to herself when Matt came in turning on the light and exposing what she had been trying to do. She had started under the covers but in her frustration had kicked them off where they were piled on the floor at the foot of her bed. "I tried resting. Obviously it didn't work." She pointed out pulling out and turning off her vibrator.

There had been a thread of fear at being caught and it heightened her masturbation but thinking about getting caught and being caught red handed were tow different things and it killed the mood for the young Zeltron. "I am getting more pain then pleasure." She whined reaching for her pillow then remembering that she had tossed it across the room in anger. "I just can't get it right with my left hand and I'm being yanked around and toyed with." She pouted trying to sit up and managing it with only the smallest of whimpers. "I know that my wound hadn't healed but if I can fucking cum then it'll halve the time it'll take to fix this." She waved her hand that clutched the vibrator at her shoulder. "Plus it helps me sleep." She sighed her arm dropping to her side.

When she looked up at Matt she realized that all he was wearing was his underwear and in the state she was in it started her mood again. What she really wanted was sex but that would require too much movement and would hurt too much to gain pleasure from it. If only Matt could- "What a great idea!" Rati perked up looking at Matt with large orange yellow eyes that were puppy dog begging. "Matt." She cooed smiling. "I know you've done so much for me already but will you do my another BIG BIG favor?" She asked in her sweetest voice stressing the words big. "It's really very simple and wouldn't cause you too much trouble."

The hand that gripped the vibrator reached out and help the object out to him. "Will you help me? I can't seem to do it alone." She gnawed on her lower lips waiting for an answer from Matt.
Seeing Rati laying there fully nude and with her legs spread began turning him on. He saw the vibrator she was using and it was big, but he knew he was bigger and thicker. A grin came over his face as he began walking towards the bed slowly picking up the pillow she must have tossed to the floor earlier. "So you need my help huh?" He said teasingly as he looked into her orange yellow eyes. The fact that sex helped zeltrons heal faster must have been a nice attribute to have. He wished humans were like that as well.

Sitting down on the edge of the bed he placed the pillow behind Rati he grabbed the vibrator and shook his head. "Shame on you trying to use this plastic to get off" He still spoke in a teasing tone. Placing his hand on her inner thigh rubbing her soft smooth skin. "Using this vibrator when there is a perfectly good cock in the other room" Setting the vibrator down he grabbed the hand on the side of her body without the wound and placed it on the bulging boxer briefs. "Now you tell me what would you rather have?" He asked with a smile.

His hand kept slowly trailing up her thigh until he reached her womanhood. Letting his finger tips lightly run up her wet lips all while looking into her eyes. Using his index finger to tease her tight entrance wanting her to crave his cock over the vibrator. "Tell me isn't the real thing so much better?" He was having the urge to do so many things with Rati right now. After being cut off from their amazing sparring session earlier he has had so much built up sexual frustration.
"I would like it, yes. It would be very helpful." Rati wasn't sure what that look on his face meant but she didn't think he was going to turn her down.

He put the pillow behind her back and grabbed her vibrator. Seeing him sitting there on her bed with a vibrator in hand sent a new waved of pleasure thru her. Every part of her wished that she wasn't wounded because she would fuck his into a coma. Wake him with a blow job and fuck him all over again. "Oh.." She sighed taken for some reason by surprise when she felt his hand on the inside of her thigh. "It's all I have-" She started but Matt was speaking again and she shut her mouth.

Rati closed her eyes and felt the hardening heat under her hand. Her hips raised off the bed wanting what he hand held. She knew what she wanted up even the slight raise of her hips woke jabs of pain in her shoulder. "You." She answered honestly opening her eyes. Her hand started moving over his dick. "I want so badly for you to slam into me, make my boobs bounce with the power of your thrusts but it won't work." She said sadly moving her hand away. "I'd be in too much pain to get anything from it."

"Ummm..." Rati purred low in her throat when his fingers teased over her lips. "I know, I know." The wounded Zeltron cried a tear of frustration trailing down her face. "Just please." She picked up the vibrator and handed it to Matt. "By morning I should be healed enough." Her legs opened wider and she shadowed his finger wanting to feel any part of him in her.
By now Matt's cock was rock solid and wanted exactly what Rati wanted, but she was right. Her wound was too fresh that the movement of him thrusting into no matter how slow he went would bring Rati more pain than pleasure. Placing the vibrator down by her legs he brought his hand up and wiped the single tear from her face with his thumb. He don't know what brought him to do this but he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. Slipping his tongue into her mouth to rub and massage her moist tongue as he kept teasing her tight hole. He kept the kiss going as he slipped his finger into her slowly pushing it in until her lips rested on his knuckle.

For the next several minutes he used his fingers to pleasure the alien while staying embraced in a deep passionate kiss. Matt broke the kiss but kept his lips on her body, starting at her neck he trailed soft kisses down her red skin until he was right by her pussy. Now moving on the bed he got in between her legs and really wanted to slide his cock into her, but instead he grabbed the vibrator and turned it on. The light buzzing sound filling the room as he moved it towards her womanhood.

Spreading her pussy he slowly slid the vibrator into her. Mimicking the motions he would be doing if it was him inside her instead of the piece of plastic. Following the same rhythm he kept sliding the vibrator deep into her until his fingers that were holding the base rubbed against her pussy. Bringing his free hand up to her perky breasts he began rubbing and caressing them. Teasing her nipples with his thumb and index finger causing them to harden against his touch.
Rati responded to the kiss, opening her mouth for him as her tongue rubbed against his with eagerness. Oh god could he kiss. She had never felt so turned on by a kiss before and she ran her hands thru his hair to deepen the kiss. Her body shuddered and she cried out into Matt's mouth as he slowly pushed a finger into her. Her tongue attacked his then turned up the heat of her kiss as she sucked on his tongue and used hers to twirl around his.

Her body moved against his hand wanting more but finding pleasure in what he was giving her. His lips didn't seem to moved off her body yet she felt his lips everywhere. Just his finger alone was getting her to the point that she wanted to scream out her pleasures. The sound of the vibrator being turned on only made her more ready.

Looking down she watched him spread her lips and slide the vibrator in her. She moaned and tilted her head back spreading her legs as far as they would go. "Umm... god I wish that was you." Rati sighed wiggling against Matt's hand when he had the vibrator all the way inside of her. His pace teased her and thrilled her at the same time. She hadn't ever done this before and she was learning just how much she liked it.

"Oww, shit." She hissed when she arched her back to give him more of her breasts. Her nipples were very sensitive and a rush of warmth coated his hands. "Take your cock out, please. Let me see it." Rati begging working herself on the vibrator, feeling the sharp jolts of pleasure hit her as her clit was brushed against.