Clockwork Oranges, & other forbidden fruits - A Steampunk Story


Literotica Cunnilinguist
Jan 29, 2011
(Closed for DeviouSquirrel & DanFS)

Henry Winchester sat in his study, reading a journal written by a fellow doctor, who was studying the effects of alcohol in reducing infections of commonly suffered wounds.

He was interested to discover that after a few minutes of discomfort, as the sting from the alcohol took effect, the mild improvement to their demeanour seemed to be due to the alcohol being absorbed at least in part, into the bloodstream, which caused a similar effect to drinking the alcohol, whiskey, in this case.

He pondered that thought, and stood, walking around his workshop, which helped him to think. He paused to look through the door into his treatment room where he practiced his medical skills; and then back into his workshop where he studied his engineering projects.

As he stood in reflection of how lucky he was be able to practice both medicine and his love for engineering he heard in the background the small bell above the door to his lobby tinkling.

He put down the journal on a nearby bench and stood tall, drawing his full six foot two frame into the doorway, so he could see who his visitor was.

The stunning young woman had closed the door behind her so she had could turn back to face him. She was very pretty and after Henry had drawn his attention from her face, he looked down and saw what appeared to be a bloody bandage wrapped around one finger.

"Good day to you Miss. How can I help you - I assume that is the problem?"
Henry indicated her finger and moved to offer her a seat at his bench.