Clit piercing recommedations


Really Really Experienced
Jan 1, 2010
Sir pierced my nipples this weekend and they turned out great I have 12 gauge barbells in for the duration of the healing process. Next we are going to do my clitoris. He just wants to do the hood, horizontally. I want to pierce my actual clit, vertically. Can someone who has had this done this please comment on it?

Then we are going to do my belly button and be done putting holes in my body. He said that since I am in such great shape (thin) I'll be wearing a bikini this summer, no one-piece :eek:. I need to start getting my abs in shape. I would love to get a naughty tattoo on my lower back that showed when I wore a bikini, but that won't work in so many ways:(. I am trying to talk him into letting me get a tattoo dedicated to him right above my pussy and one or two on my boobs. He said he will mark me appropriately, once we are married. He showed me a tattoo that I will be getting on my left boob once we are married, it is small but I don't like it. It has great meaning and significance to him, so I guess I'll just have to deal with it. No one will see it other than him. I'm still working him on branding my butt. I have drawn up a beautiful 2.5" circular design made with his initials. He hasn't said yes yet, but he hasn't said no either. Sorry for rambling. :rose::kiss::cattail:
With all due respect, if you don't like the tattoo (or anything else) you shouldn't be doing it regardless of the nature of your relationship.

What happens once he decides (or you) that you're done and you're forever stuck with a reminder of him that you can't stand the look of let alone the remorse over allowing him to to decide that for you.

I agree, you should only undertake permanant body marking with an image that you love.
If the symbol has great meaning for him, great, let hin have it tattooed on him!
I agree with the previous two posters regarding marking your body with something that makes you unhappy. You need to tell him that you are not comfortable with it. Whether or not you call him Sir, your happiness should be his priority.

I also am wondering -- you said "Sir" pierced you? Or he took you to a professional? I dont recommend any kind of body piercing by anyone other than a professional with autoclaved, wrapped tools of any kind. You need to find a piercer and talk to him/her about what you want. Any professional piercer would be able to answer your questions.

12 gauge? Holy crap! Do you have any nipple left???
^^^What she said^^^

I will resist the urge to beat the dead horse.

As for clit piercings, they are rare, difficult, high risk procedures. In addition, few are anatomically suited. Do your homework, and make double damned sure you know what you're getting into.
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TWISTER947 appears to know how to proceed. I certainly don't. A question please, why pierce your clit? I can't see how it would increase your pleasure. Does it increase the pleasure of the penitrator? Also, what hapens when the piercing bling in the penis gets caught in the clit bling? Interesting thought.
Also, what hapens when the piercing bling in the penis gets caught in the clit bling? Interesting thought.

You never mix bling. Ring on ring, or bar on bar, but NEVER ring on bar. They can, and have, gotten caught, with predictably disastrous results.
Thank you twister947. Thanks to you I have learned something today. Never mix genital bling, ring on ring, bar on bar. You don't know how much fun I'm going to get out of this at the med team meeting tomorrow. They are all young (less than 50). I will begin by scolding them for not warning me about this. Thanks a lot, really. Laughter will be heard!

I have two.
One hood and one triangle. Love them both actually.
Ive had them referred to as my "tackle box".
I wouldn't recommend a clit piercing. Very difficult to have one done properly.
Also, vertical clitoral hood piercings are much more pleasurable than horizontal. From all the research I've done, horizontal hood piercings offer very little stimulation for the woman. That is why "my" Sir and I decided on a VCH piercing.

Do your research. And then do more research...

He may be your Sir, but ultimately it is your body. Do not do anything permanent to it that you are not 100% comfortable with.
Well, I guess I won't be posting about our edge play! On the tattoo, Sir is the man I plan to grow old with. We haven't told my extended family yet, but we will be getting married in November. I have a ring but to keep the peace we are holding off on the announcement until June, so I'm trusting you people to keep this quiet ;). Anyhow, He pours so much love into me that I can't express my joy and happiness without sounding like a Hallmark card. My kids love him and I think it will be a great fit for the three of us. I know so many people in blended families that I know there will be difficulties, but we'll get through. So, if he wants a half dollar sized tattoo on my breast, he gets it. I'm not going to say "I love you more than anything, but I won't get your tattoo because it bothers me". I have come through a lot of self-induced pain and I have hurt some people. I think I am a better person now, and I'm not going to hold back my love, I'm going all out on this.

On the piercing, yes Sir did it. He is a purebred German and as he reminds me, the German people invented kinky sex. Trust me (or not), he know what he is doing. He has already used my breasts for pin cushions several times with no adverse effects. My nipples are very large, so I thought the more common 14 gauge were too small, so I went to 12 and I am very happy with the look. I know one woman that paid a "professional" to do hers and they look horrible. One is crooked and other is very close to the tip.

On the clitoral piercing, part of my personality is to always take things too far. Fortunately for me, Sir is better at knowing when to say when than I am. During play, I get the endorphin rush that makes the pain feel so good that I scream and beg for more. He never gives in and he stops when he is done. So naturally, I want to take the clit piercing to the next level. I have a larger than average clit, so I think that I am a good candidate for piercing my button. Of course, Sir is worried about desensitizing my clit too. Sir doesn't have any piercings, he's not a piercing anywhere kind of man.

Havenspeach, I'm sorry, but what do you mean triangle? Any women out there that have pierced their actual clitoris. I would love to hear from you, even via PM. I need to do a lot of lobbying to convince Sir to let me do my clit and not just the hood.

I guess I was overdue for sticking my foot in my mouth, so I can check that off my list for April.
Oh, goodness, I don't think you stuck your foot in your mouth at all! None of us on the other side of the internet deserve your patience or explanations. I did read your profile and actually waited a whole day before I wrote back to you, but without knowing your convictions, I posted advice that I thought was important enough to say (even if it wasn't the advice you asked for, btw. :()

I think, on the whole, we are just looking out for you, and what "we" think is best. I certainly hope that it didn't come across as offensive, as it certainly wasn't meant that way. (and look, now I'm explaining to you...sorry!)

ANYway...there was a thread started years ago about clit piercings, and of all the names on the thread, I believe that Warrior Queen is still an active Lit member. You might send her an introductory PM and ask her opinion...she is a piercer, and might be able to answer your questions. The thread is here, btw:

Sounds like you are in a very loving relationship. I hope your extended families are supportive!! Much luck to you (and congratulations! I won't say a word!)
Can't speak from personal experience, but I got to know a lot of women who were pierced and also did piercing, and from what I kept hearing was not to pierce the clit, that it is very painful (yeah, even for a pain slut *lol*), it can be difficult healing, and according to what I heard from those who tried it, it didn't really do much...they all claimed the vertical hood piercing was a lot more sensual for them. They also said it can cause desensitization and damage as well, both the professional piercers I knew said it wasn't myth, it was a real risk, and they were both experienced pros. I can understand where you are coming from, about wanting to go all out, but I would talk to Sir about it, read up on the risks before doing anything. Like I said, that isn't my own experience, for obvious reasons, but I wanted to pass that on, wish you luck, and congrats on the nuptials!
Heard bad things so you're braver than me. Would suggest against anything clit based but only going on stories.

I have tongue and belly (go for it) but haven't done nipples. Have thought about it and been tempted but you can loose sensation just like with clit. Tattoos I've planned some small ones I'd like but not yet taken the plunge. I'd reiterate what others said that they are permanent so maybe after marriage is best compromise. If want to go for it go for the brave piercing instead
Oh, goodness, I don't think you stuck your foot in your mouth at all! None of us on the other side of the internet deserve your patience or explanations. I did read your profile and actually waited a whole day before I wrote back to you, but without knowing your convictions, I posted advice that I thought was important enough to say (even if it wasn't the advice you asked for, btw. :()

I think, on the whole, we are just looking out for you, and what "we" think is best. I certainly hope that it didn't come across as offensive, as it certainly wasn't meant that way. (and look, now I'm explaining to you...sorry!)

ANYway...there was a thread started years ago about clit piercings, and of all the names on the thread, I believe that Warrior Queen is still an active Lit member. You might send her an introductory PM and ask her opinion...she is a piercer, and might be able to answer your questions. The thread is here, btw:

Sounds like you are in a very loving relationship. I hope your extended families are supportive!! Much luck to you (and congratulations! I won't say a word!)

Ella: Thanks for the link. I like the triangle and the Isabella looks very interesting. I'm going to be doing a lot of thinking about this for a while. As it stands right now, Sir says it is a VCH or nothing.

I'm sorry if I came off as snippy. It's just that sometimes I make the mistake of thinking that this is a place for consenting adults to come and talk about stuff they can't talk with their vanilla friends about. I have stopped posting replies in other peoples threads because I do think I am not someone who should be giving advice to anyone.

I don't mind explaining and I'm not ashamed of the choices I am making with Sir. If it is in fact my body, can't I decide how much control of it I turn over to him? After all, I want the man to brand me, old school cattle branding style, as his property, on my butt. So to me it's hard to say "No I don't want a small tattoo that has real significance to you because I find it distasteful." Thanks for posting a thoughtful reply. (((HUGS))) :kiss:
Ella: Thanks for the link. I like the triangle and the Isabella looks very interesting. I'm going to be doing a lot of thinking about this for a while. As it stands right now, Sir says it is a VCH or nothing.

I'm sorry if I came off as snippy. It's just that sometimes I make the mistake of thinking that this is a place for consenting adults to come and talk about stuff they can't talk with their vanilla friends about. I have stopped posting replies in other peoples threads because I do think I am not someone who should be giving advice to anyone.

I don't mind explaining and I'm not ashamed of the choices I am making with Sir. If it is in fact my body, can't I decide how much control of it I turn over to him? After all, I want the man to brand me, old school cattle branding style, as his property, on my butt. So to me it's hard to say "No I don't want a small tattoo that has real significance to you because I find it distasteful." Thanks for posting a thoughtful reply. (((HUGS))) :kiss:

When one asks for advice and opinions, one will get advice and opinions that one has not considered or agree with. It does not have to do whether or not they agree with you. :rose:

Most regulars here will give replies that advocate thought. If you want to let your sir put his tattoo that you're not crazy about, that is ultimately your decision, and posters will respect that. However, we will point out the various potential consequences - after all, that is the nature of asking for advice. :) :rose: Furthermore, I think it bothered quite a few people that you brought up that you are not crazy about the tattoo - by talking about it, people will pick up on it. It's not about edge play - many partners in a satisfying BDSM relationships that grace these boards engage in edge play. Rather, it's ensuring that it's fully consensual (no, I'm not suggesting that you're being coerced. They just want to make sure it's something YOU want and YOU can live with forever as permanently marking your body is a HUGE step). Posters will be remiss in NOT addressing the issue. We look out for each other, ensure that every action is thought-through and we support each other, and that includes you, young lady :).

As for the piercing, consider a professional. Your clit is positioned in a place that can invite infection, no matter how skilled your partner is. There are a couple of threads, in addition to the one mentioned, that focus on piercings, such as here, here and here. Also, as Ella :rose: mentioned, Warrior Queen is a piercer and is a wealth of information. You may wish to shoot her a PM.

(additionally, I'm not sure if piercing the actual clit is viable - you might be deadening the nerves. It's something to ask before you take the plunge, however way you chose to take it).

Best of luck :rose:
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To be blunt nipple piercing is not that difficult at all. Most kink related people will have sterile tools so that really is not an issue. The challenge comes in the logic for a perm piercing in all honesty I do not think nipples are that hard to do. People who do not have any piercing knowledge would probably freak at the idea, but not too hard.

As for clit piercing I do not know much about piercing that at all. The hood I have heard of and have some ideas around. Would not do the hood myself yet, but if he is experienced and has trained with a piercer he could very well know what he is doing.

OP are you asking so that you know what it is like from someone that will get it done?
Back in my day, we used to pierce clits and nip nips with a sledgehammer and a rail road spike.

I think people here have some good advice regarding what to look out for. If I was I to this sort of "sir" thing, I can see the appeal of making someone permanently mark their body. The underside of the boob is not a bad place. I mean, he's not marking your nose or anything. But it is permanent. And the caveat with the tattoo is that it is permanent. And the clit thing can go wrong. Just weigh your options carefully. The clit thing may seem like the cat's ass of ideas at the moment, but how happy will sir be when it's all fucked and in pain? Not telling you not to do it. You're a big girl. But just giving you some thoughts.

And as far as Germans inventing kinky sex... They also take credit for inventing the gas powered automobile and those fuckers can't create a reliable automobile to save their life. Just a thought.
The laughter filled the hospital ward. No one said a word but me and my schtick lasted about15 minutes. The funniest part was people came in asking what was so funny. Of course no one wold say a word, giving me the silence I needed before offering, "We're discussing the dificulties of matching genital bling."

The full "story" I built around Gray's Anatomy. All the docs are cuddling everywhere and I haven't heard one of them ask the other about whether their bling matched. My audience said "Bling?" And then the story took off. Again thanks.

Yes, you can get away with a lot if you're 73 and not in good health. (I'm not dieing or anything just fucked a bit here and there.)

Thanks for a super day.
Piercing the actual clit isn't recommended at all, due to the extremely delicate nature of the nerves in the clitoris, which can be severely damaged with the piercing. Obviously it's your body and your choice, but please keep in mind that if you only reach orgasm through clitoral stimulation, damaging those nerves isn't a great idea.
Thanks everyone for all of your replies. It's true, I can't post something controversial and complain when someone gives input/advice that I don't like. Please let me explain something about myself. My role as a submissive to Sir is not a thing I can, or want to switch on and off, it is the way I want to and I am happy conducting my life. He doesn't have 100% control over me, my life or my children, nor, does he want that. I have searched myself to the core and this is the way I wish to live my life. I can't be satisfied with playing as a submissive for an hour, or even a few, and then go back to being co-equal partners. I know this will shock and offend many people, it would also come as a huge surprise to the feminist that I was, or thought I was, not all that many years ago. Sir and I talked about, or negotiated our boundaries from the very outset and my main things that he is a great role model and step-parent to my children, that he never cheats on me, brings anyone else into our relationship and he keeps our D/s relationship strictly between us. As far a physically I trusted him right away and I didn't set limits on that. He, on the other hand, refuses to do some of the things I requested.

I guess what I am getting at that Sir is as close to the "perfect" man for me as any woman could realistically hope to find. Our love is deep and secure so if he wants to put any tattoo on my body, where it won't be seen, even in a bathing suit, I'm all for it. He is very good at protecting me from myself, I tend to get lost or carried away with some things, like to clitoral piercing, or play that is too rough, even for him. Sometimes his boundaries frustrate me and make me mad, but in my head I know he is right and has my best interest at heart. I know my judgment and decision making is not the best, so now I try to refrain from giving others advice here and in real life. Thanks for listening and replying! :rose::cattail::kiss:
Thanks everyone for all of your replies. It's true, I can't post something controversial and complain when someone gives input/advice that I don't like. Please let me explain something about myself. My role as a submissive to Sir is not a thing I can, or want to switch on and off, it is the way I want to and I am happy conducting my life. He doesn't have 100% control over me, my life or my children, nor, does he want that. I have searched myself to the core and this is the way I wish to live my life. I can't be satisfied with playing as a submissive for an hour, or even a few, and then go back to being co-equal partners. I know this will shock and offend many people, it would also come as a huge surprise to the feminist that I was, or thought I was, not all that many years ago. Sir and I talked about, or negotiated our boundaries from the very outset and my main things that he is a great role model and step-parent to my children, that he never cheats on me, brings anyone else into our relationship and he keeps our D/s relationship strictly between us. As far a physically I trusted him right away and I didn't set limits on that. He, on the other hand, refuses to do some of the things I requested.

I guess what I am getting at that Sir is as close to the "perfect" man for me as any woman could realistically hope to find. Our love is deep and secure so if he wants to put any tattoo on my body, where it won't be seen, even in a bathing suit, I'm all for it. He is very good at protecting me from myself, I tend to get lost or carried away with some things, like to clitoral piercing, or play that is too rough, even for him. Sometimes his boundaries frustrate me and make me mad, but in my head I know he is right and has my best interest at heart. I know my judgment and decision making is not the best, so now I try to refrain from giving others advice here and in real life. Thanks for listening and replying! :rose::cattail::kiss:

:rose: We are here to help. Everyone's experience is unique and can help to expand our knowledge.

Kim, please understand that there are many of us who know exactly the nature of your relationship because, well, we're in a similar style of relationship. I'm sorry to say, but it's really not shocking. And no one is suggesting, at all, that you stop asking questions. In fact, it's encouraged. And again, many of us are either in the lifestyle or know a bit of it - and for most, if it's ethical, safe, and consensual, we really don't care if you're submissive or if you like to dress up as Fozzie bear wearing a rubber duckie costume and get your jollies off by pirouetting in a vat of pudding. More power to you.

Whatever you do to your body, and in this case, yes you're letting your sir so you're doing it, is your business. How you define being submissive is also subjective - that said, most female submissives, especially those living in a TPE 24/7, are feminists and in fact will voice concerns if they aren't a fan of something (Gods, I wish VelvetDesire is here - she can explain this so well).

Just because you're submissive does not mean you cannot express your opinion. Just because you both like the idea of a tattoo does not mean you have to keep quiet about the style of tat that he wants to put on you. It doesn't make you any less submissive if you say, "You know, I love the concept, but I'm not a fan that it's so big." I can only speak on behalf of my experience, but in something like this, if I don't like something it's my duty to speak up. My all can't read my mind and if he found out that if I kept quiet about something like this... damn, I won't be able to sit for a month. Or wear any shirts, for that matter. :rolleyes: But this is us, this is how our dynamic of our relationship unfolded. My point is that telling him that I am not crazy about something major he proposed is my duty. It's my responsibility to tell him.

BDSM relationships means responsibility - not just for the Dominant but also for the submissive. It sounds that your sir has very much embraced his role as your dominant and carrying responsibility seriously. And yes, it's easy to get carried away in a scene ;) :D.

Look, Kim - you don't need to explain anything. As far as I, and I'm sure everyone here, is concerned, if the children are safe and happy and you're safe and happy and take SSC seriously, then rock on. It's your carnival, just as my relationship is mine. Ask questions. We all do. However, if there's something you're not wild about, you are allowed to bring it up to your sir - and remember, the more you excuse, the more concerned we get. That's all.

I say this because I care, NOT because I want to dissuade and attack, and from what I have read in your threads, you sparked interesting conversations and the replies shows compassion for you.

Good luck and above all, do not doubt yourself :rose:
Hi again Fire! Thanks for your kind response. My Sir, it sounds like yours, in that he insists that I speak my mind and I do, sometimes too much! :caning:. I told him I didn't like the look of the tattoo, he listened, empathized and said "Too bad, you're still getting it." We chat like all couples do and I express my opinions on anything and everything, he gives me "the look" when I'm going too far, sometimes I even shut up, other times :caning: (love the caning icon!!!) He does care and wants to know what I think and how I feel, but on a lot of things he is going to have the final word, and I'm good with that. Ours isn't a dark, brooding D/s, we're just normal people, trying to enjoy life, we just happen to like pain, humiliation and other fun stuff :D. I'm glad you understand. So you really think I should post about our edge play? Y'all jes tryin' to get me banned ;). We're going out tonight, I wonder what he has planned :heart:. :kiss:
This whole "sir" thing is fascinating to me. I suppose because no one has ever really called me "sir" without following it up with, "You're causing a scene."

Perhaps I should finally get the respect I deserve and have someone call me Sir. :D
This whole "sir" thing is fascinating to me. I suppose because no one has ever really called me "sir" without following it up with, "You're causing a scene."

Perhaps I should finally get the respect I deserve and have someone call me Sir. :D

LOL, I get the feeling that you've created more than your fair share of scenes ;). For me its a way of showing respect to his position in our relationship, I only do it when we're alone, or when he tells me to. Truth be told, I call him Honey as often as I call him Sir when it is just the two of us. However, when we are making love, playing, I am asking permission for something or I am in trouble, then it had darn well better be SIR, YES SIR!. I just love the whole dynamic of calling him Sir and referring to myself in the third person, i.e. "Sir your slut really needs to pee, may she?" makes me sooooo hot. We both love on talking dirty and we can get ourselves pretty worked up just by whispering to each other in a restaurant or talking on the phone.

I would like to hear about others talking dirty, I would love some new ideas to shock him with :D. I guess I need to do a search.