Clean Up after the Orgy


Riding to the Rescue
Jan 25, 2002
I'm picturing two parallel alternating stories. In one, the host of the orgy is licking clean his spouse, covered and filled with cream. In the other, Vlad and Olga, the staff, are cleaning the playroom. Vlad starts out saying how disgusting it is. Olga pretends to agree, though it turns her on. she slowly seduces Vlad. In the final scene, a foursome in the king bed in the owners bedroom, or a swap?
Well... Set the scene to occur prior to Christmas - the orgy occurs oh gosh say mid December? Better - a celebration of Winter Solstice. A wonderfully pagan ritual. And of course I've an ulterior motive. Set the final foursome/swap what have you to occur the day after Christmas - a proper old fashioned Boxing Day celebration?
Vlad and Olga are giving me strong historical fiction vibes. I can imagine a remake of The Three Musketeers, say, with parallel orgy scenes, the musketeers and their women (and men - Michael York’s D’Artangan comes across to me as gay as…), and the servants cleaning up. Or something like War and Peace where so much of the narrative is the decadence of the ruling class. The parties and the clothing and the flirtation leads to the orgies never filmed before, upstairs and downstairs.

At which point I place on record my view that the scene in the latest four part remake of War and Peace where Anatole (Callum Turner) pursues Natasha (Lily James) into the wardrobe to seduce her is one the sexiest scenes I have ever seen in mainstream drama. Would love to watch them fuck.
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Perhaps Olga tries & fails. Vlad, exasperated, sighs before binding her and dumping her on the master bed. ‘Merry Christmas, boss’’