Classified reports have ‘damning evidence’ of Trump campaign’s coordination with Russ

... and now add those that found out what has been happening and object by resignation - Mike Dubke. I am sure there will be more to follow.

This White House is leaking like a sieve. Let's hope these people will go on the record soon, or at least are called upon to testify under oath!
Not internally with regard to a foreign target they were trying to compromise, nimwit.

Besides which "plausible deniability" has not one damn thing to do with the ABILITY (or lack thereof) of the KGB to "nail down evidence of collusion" as compared to the FBI, which is the prospect you raised with your earlier post.

Two different skill sets and/or motivations at issue.

As usual, time to decide which theory you wish to commit to: conspiracy or incompetence? One or the other, but not both. :rolleyes:
Between Tillerson, Manafort, Flynn and the other guy, conspiracy. Between Trump, Sessions, Kushner and Lewandowski, incompetence.
... and now add those that found out what has been happening and object by resignation - Mike Dubke. I am sure there will be more to follow.

This White House is leaking like a sieve. Let's hope these people will go on the record soon, or at least are called upon to testify under oath!

WHAT have they "found out" that was "happening?"

Whatever it is you better get that information to the DNC stat. Top DNC leaders all of whom have seen every bit of non evidence there is on what was done have said there is no evidence of any of the still, unspecified allegations.
He assumed no more autonomy in foreign policy than any other POTUS. Nothing he did went beyond his constitutional authority.

According to the Constitution, the pres. does negotiate treaties with foreign governments, but they are not valid until approved by 2/3 of the Senate. Until that approval happens, the treaties are not valid. :eek:
As for the Uranium deal, it happened on Hillary's watch as Sec. of State, and she accepted a huge bribe from the parties involved. It wasn't called a bribe, of course, but it was a large donation to her from people who almost certainly would not have otherwise been so generous.

According to the Constitution, the pres. does negotiate treaties with foreign governments, but they are not valid until approved by 2/3 of the Senate. Until that approval happens, the treaties are not valid. :eek:

But a president can do a lot in foreign policy without treaties, there are some commitments he can make below the treaty level, and Obama never pretended one the Senate had not confirmed was a valid treaty.
Trump asked DNI Daniel Coats to intervene in the Russia probe.

The nation’s top intelligence official told associates in March that President Trump asked him if he could intervene with then-FBI Director James B. Comey to get the bureau to back off its focus on former national security adviser Michael Flynn in its Russia probe, according to officials.

On March 22, less than a week after being confirmed by the Senate, Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats attended a briefing at the White House together with officials from several government agencies. As the briefing was wrapping up, Trump asked everyone to leave the room except for Coats and CIA Director Mike Pompeo.

The president then started complaining about the FBI investigation and Comey’s handling of it, said officials familiar with the account Coats gave to associates. Two days earlier, Comey had confirmed in a congressional hearing that the bureau was probing whether Trump’s campaign coordinated with Russia during the 2016 race.
A-list mob prosecutor joins Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation team.

Included on Mueller’s team are longtime law firm partner James Quarles, who got his start in Washington as an assistant prosecutor in the Watergate scandal; Andrew Weissmann, the head of the Justice Department’s criminal fraud unit, who is best known for his work in prosecuting the Enron accounting scandal and for trying dozens of cases related to the notorious Genovese and Gambino crime families; and Jeannie Rhee, who previously worked at the Department of Justice while advising the White House and the attorney general on executive power and national-security issues.

Good choice. This investigation will definitely touch on Trump's ties to Russian mobsters.
Just business associations, no actual crimes on his part are known.


Even for a pretend iLawyer, you have some really weird idea about evidence and its admissability.

"You keep using that word. . .I don't think that word means what you think it means." - Mandy Patinkin as Inigo Montoya in "The Princess Bride"
Even for a pretend iLawyer, you have some really weird idea about evidence and its admissability.

This is not a court of law, it is a court of public opinion; the legal rules of evidence do not apply. And when Congress discusses impeachment, it is not a court of law either. Now, if Mueller's investigation ever leads to criminal indictments, so mote it be, Amen, Selah, then the rules of evidence will apply to those proceedings.