Civil Rights Violations By US Govt?


Kitty Mama
Aug 27, 1999
I found this article very interesting, and quite frightening.

No-fly blacklist snares political activists

A federal "No Fly" list, intended to keep terrorists from boarding planes, is snaring peace activists at San Francisco International and other U. S. airports, triggering complaints that civil liberties are being trampled.

And while several federal agencies acknowledge that they contribute names to the congressionally mandated list, none of them, when contacted by The Chronicle, could or would say which agency is responsible for managing the list.

One detainment forced a group of 20 Wisconsin anti-war activists to miss their flight, delaying their trip to meet with congressional representatives by a day. That case and others are raising questions about the criteria federal authorities use to place people on the list -- and whether people who exercise their constitutional right to dissent are being lumped together with terrorists.

more at
Easily believed by me. I can't wait until the national identity cards come, finally we'll all be linked.
seXieleXie said:
i swear i am on that list. i always get hassled at the airport.

You obviously didn't read the whole article. They actually mentioned your name about three-quarters of the way down the page. Something about some nude PETA protest, some red paint, and a leopard??
Laurel said:
I found this article very interesting, and quite frightening.

No-fly blacklist snares political activists

A federal "No Fly" list, intended to keep terrorists from boarding planes, is snaring peace activists at San Francisco International and other U. S. airports, triggering complaints that civil liberties are being trampled.

And while several federal agencies acknowledge that they contribute names to the congressionally mandated list, none of them, when contacted by The Chronicle, could or would say which agency is responsible for managing the list.

One detainment forced a group of 20 Wisconsin anti-war activists to miss their flight, delaying their trip to meet with congressional representatives by a day. That case and others are raising questions about the criteria federal authorities use to place people on the list -- and whether people who exercise their constitutional right to dissent are being lumped together with terrorists.

more at

If this is true then the Liberal Media will be jumping all over this story. They love an abuse of the peaceful story.......
Laurel said:

You obviously didn't read the whole article. They actually mentioned your name about three-quarters of the way down the page. Something about some nude PETA protest, some red paint, and a leopard??

i thought they sealed those records when i turned 18!
Take a train....

Contrary to popular belief, the airlines are a private entity. They can refuse anyone service for whatever reason they deem fit. If someone doesn't like it, take another form of transportation. It's easy to believe the protesters claim some type of special privilege since they believe they are of a higher status being professional whiners. :D
My first thought seeing the headline was, "What, and this is a surprise?"
Re: Take a train....

Lost Cause said:
<SNIP> They can refuse anyone service for whatever reason they deem fit.

Yeah,the corporations stands above any and all laws.

If you believe that then I got some prime seafront property to sell you in New Mexico.:rolleyes:
Re: Re: Civil Rights Violations By US Govt?

Pagliacci said:

I'd think that the right to freely travel is another right logically,wheter it is stated or not among the US civil liberties is something I've no idea about though.

I think it comes under Freedom of Association, & Freedom of Assembly.
Re: Re: Re: Civil Rights Violations By US Govt?

patient1 said:

I think it comes under Freedom of Association, & Freedom of Assembly.

I seriously need to start checking the US constitution and your Civil rights if I'm to hang around these boards.

I feel so lost at times.
Re: Take a train....

Lost Cause said:
Contrary to popular belief, the airlines are a private entity.

That "private entity" got a nice fat $15 billion bailout after 9/11, as I recall.
Re: Take a train....

Lost Cause said:
Contrary to popular belief, the airlines are a private entity. They can refuse anyone service for whatever reason they deem fit. If someone doesn't like it, take another form of transportation. It's easy to believe the protesters claim some type of special privilege since they believe they are of a higher status being professional whiners. :D

So true. The whole attitude changes when you grow up and start paying taxes.
Re: Re: Take a train....

Wrong Element said:

That "private entity" got a nice fat $15 billion bailout after 9/11, as I recall.

We do want to fly, now don't we? ~smiling~
Re: Take a train....

Lost Cause said:
Contrary to popular belief, the airlines are a private entity. They can refuse anyone service for whatever reason they deem fit. If someone doesn't like it, take another form of transportation. It's easy to believe the protesters claim some type of special privilege since they believe they are of a higher status being professional whiners. :D

This has nothing to do with airlines. This is a list provided by the United States government to stop certain people from traveling to stop them from exercising their Constitutional right to Free Speech and protest. You are wrong about private companies making decisions. These decisions are coming from the Federal government. In fact, the Federal government is telling private companies what to do with THEIR business - the exact opposite of what you stated.

Using your logic, though, trains are also owned by private companies, and public roads are owned by the government who made the list. Therefore, the government should have the right to decide where YOU go and where you don't go at their whim. You have NO right, using your theory, to leave your house without the permission of the U.S. government. The government, in your proposed world, would decide where and when you and your family and friends can go at all times.

Regardless of your party or political beliefs, everyone should be outraged if this is true.

I suppose I could've posted the story saying that the blacklisted protesters were anti-abortion or pro-Bush protesters, and Janet Reno gave the order to blacklist them. Then maybe some of you would open your eyes to the real issue and stop chanting talk radio nonsense.

This is not a Democrat or Republican issue. This is clearly a civil rights issue.
The failure of our government to effectively combat the REAL problem relates to the politically correct decision to not profile Arab males between the ages of 18 and 32. A cursory knowledge of terrorists actions in the last 20 years should tell even the most nominally astute individual where the trouble most likely will be coming from.

Excuse me for being politically incorrect. ~smiling~
Freedom to travel...

Does not mandate them to provide your transportation for your purposes! True, they got a bailout by order of the government to insure a competetive market and keep the employees with a job. They did the same for Chrysler and Amtrack, so I wasn't suprised. I lost my job because of 9-11, and with no one flying, I didn't have a chance. Business is business in the US, if you want a socialist utopia where everything is at your beckoned whine, Canada, or the UK is available. :D
Laurel, I concurred with my statement:

"Easily believed by me. I can't wait until the national identity cards come, finally we'll all be linked."

The government is inching (metering) towards controlling us. We need to protest and object. The Department of Homeland Defense being united will have a really big database I bet, coupled with the possibility of national IDs and the information you provided, it disturbs me greatly.
Flawed assumption..again!

What's with this "talk radio" bullshit? Do you think by making that quip demeans what I have to say?? Why don't you just call me a hick, wop, nigger, or whatever to indicate that I don't matter, to elevate your position and thoughts over mine? A post was made about someone denied access to fly due to a list. My reply was they don't have to provide your transportation for your right to freely travel! IF such a list exists, then those affected petition the authority, and call out the dogs of litigation! If I fit a profile, I expect to have to jump through the hoops to get things changed, that's how it's done here. I don't need anyone telling me how to think! So go ahead and fire off some more bullshit demeaning language in my direction, if it makes you feel so fucking superior!
Re: Freedom to travel...

Lost Cause said:
Business is business in the US, if you want a socialist utopia where everything is at your beckoned whine, Canada, or the UK is available. :D

I'm of two minds on the bailout--I didn't want the industry to be destroyed by 9/11, but I didn't want inefficient companies using 9/11 as a life preserver either. I was merely pointing out that something other than the unfettered free market of libertarian wet dreams is at work in the airline industry, and one can't make the "we're strictly private" argument only when it suits one's purposes.
I'm outraged, but not surprised...

This sort of thing is so easy for some people to accept.