Church Steeple or Cell Phone Antena?

Gilly Bean

Princess Spanky Pants
Aug 29, 2001
Apparently in NH, AT&T is paying thousands of dollars in rent for being able to conceal an antena in a steeple. They will also be responsible for upkeep on the steeple.

I think it's a good way for garnering revenue for a church.
Gilly Bean said:
Apparently in NH, AT&T is paying thousands of dollars in rent for being able to conceal an antena in a steeple. They will also be responsible for upkeep on the steeple.

I think it's a good way for garnering revenue for a church.

This sounds like a great deal for all involved to me- including the neighborhood...
Gilly Bean said:
Apparently in NH, AT&T is paying thousands of dollars in rent for being able to conceal an antena in a steeple. They will also be responsible for upkeep on the steeple.

I think it's a good way for garnering revenue for a church.

Seriously...I think it's a great idea.

And..not so seriously...I think it'll help me get great reception on those phonecalls I get during the Sermon.


perky_baby said:
which church? which town?

They didn't say. It was just mentioned on our local news at noon, and all they said as far as names were was New Hampshire, and AT&T
There are already several around London. I'm surprised it's taken so long for them to catch on over here.

Mr K used to work for the guy who patented the ones that look like white birch trees that they've got along the NJ turnpike and Parkway (I imagine probably other places as well).
That's hardly new or news...wireless carriers prefer using existing structures to erecting towers anyway.
Lancecastor said:
That's hardly new or news...wireless carriers prefer using existing structures to erecting towers anyway.

Another brilliant attempt at stating the obvious.
peachykeen said:

Mr K used to work for the guy who patented the ones that look like white birch trees that they've got along the NJ turnpike and Parkway (I imagine probably other places as well).

I've seen a few of these going up I-95 outside Phila. All trunk, and a good 30 feet higher that the surrounding trees (I understand the need) But at the top, the have branches that are all the same length....

Nevertheless, they look better than towers!
islandman said:
Another brilliant attempt at stating the obvious.

If just one megabit of bandwidth can be saved for porn, it will have been worth it.
Lancecastor said:
If just one megabit of bandwidth can be saved for porn, it will have been worth it.

Didn't Hanns just annoint you the Lit paedo? Would that be paedo porn then?
Spinaroonie said:
It's also a good way to increase cancer rates of those who attend church.

Why do you think priests wear those big funny hats anyway?