

Jan 23, 2011
Top 10 Mind-Blowing Images Of Human Life In The Womb

As LifeNews continues to report, pro-life advocates are pushing pro-life listicles on the Buzzfeed social media web site. Buzzfeed gives pro-life groups an opportunity to expose the pro-life message to people who may not otherwise see it through traditional social media.

National Right to Life, Live Action and other groups have gotten in on the community forum Buzzfeed provides and, now, Personhood USA has a new list of amazing images of fetal development.

As the group says in its Buzzfeed post: “You started your life in the womb. And you won’t believe your eyes when you see these incredible images of human development before birth!” From its post:

1. At just 4 days after fertilization…


At just 4 days after fertilization...

What? That zygote doesn’t look human? Well, scientifically, it is! It’s growing, so it must be alive. It has human parents, so it must be human. In fact, since fertilization, that zygote has possessed a predetermined sex (it’s a girl!) and her own unique set of human DNA. Her DNA will guide her body’s development over the next nine months (and its entire lifetime!). Remember, don’t judge or discriminate against other human beings just because they don’t look like us!

2. At just 5-6 weeks of gestation…

At just 5-6 weeks of gestation...

Despite being only a quarter of an inch long, her nose, mouth, and ears are already taking shape! Her heart is beating about 100 times a minute (almost twice as fast as yours) and blood is beginning to circulate through her body. Brain waves have been detectable for at least 2-3 weeks already!

3. At just 7 weeks gestation…


At just 7 weeks gestation...

4. At about 10 weeks…


At about 10 weeks...

All of her major body functions are up and running: the kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver are all working. Her tiny arms and legs can already start to flex. Most abortions in the United States take place around this time. If she’s lucky, her mom will love her enough to let her live.

5. At 12 weeks…


At 12 weeks...

Her muscles are beginning to bulk up, so she’s busily stretching and kicking. If you put your hand on your tummy, she’ll likely wiggle in response because her reflexes are starting to develop, although you won’t feel it yet.

6. At 16 weeks gestation…


At 16 weeks gestation...

This week, the baby is going through a growth spurt. Soon she’ll be growing locks of hair on her head and she’s already started growing toenails. Every day, her heart pumps about 25 quarts of blood through her body.

7. Sucking her thumb at about 18-20 weeks gestation…


Sucking her thumb at about 18-20 weeks gestation...

Right about now, she has her own unique set of fingerprints.

8. At 6 months gestation…


At 6 months gestation...

The baby can now respond to external sounds by moving and increasing the pulse. A mother may notice jerking motions if the baby hiccups!

9. Around 6-7 months gestation…


Around 6-7 months gestation...

10. At around 8 months gestation…


At around 8 months gestation...

This baby can hear and is beginning to recognize her mother’s voice. Her skin is pink and she already is beginning to get that cute, chunky appearance that newborns have. That extra fat is very important, because it allows the baby to regulate her temperature after birth.
Obama KILLS more BABIES then Assad ever could

Assad should threaten to BOMB the US
You cannot be comparing abortion to hacking a six year old to bits with a machete?
the former is LAUDED and SANCTIONED by the GIVERNMENT and is DONE BY THE PARENTS who CREATED the BABY and THE LIST goes on

The FORMER IS WORSE that a typo, a Freudian slip, or did you mean to do that?

Whatever it is, it's awesome. LOL!

There is no one size fits all solution for the abortion debate. And unless your "Givernment" is prepared to support all the unwanted children born, then sometimes the means justifies the end. Or maybe we should just make birth control more accessible and free to young women who need it. Or are you against birth control too?

It's okay to bring the kids into the world, but if we can't feed them, or support them, give them an education, and they end up in some gang and shoot each other by the time they are 14 anyway, that's okay? that a typo, a Freudian slip, or did you mean to do that?

Whatever it is, it's awesome. LOL!

There is no one size fits all solution for the abortion debate. And unless your "Givernment" is prepared to support all the unwanted children born, then sometimes the means justifies the end. Or maybe we should just make birth control more accessible and free to young women who need it. Or are you against birth control too?

It's okay to bring the kids into the world, but if we can't feed them, or support them, give them an education, and they end up in some gang and shoot each other by the time they are 14 anyway, that's okay?


No one is against birth control, BTW that a typo, a Freudian slip, or did you mean to do that?

Whatever it is, it's awesome. LOL!

There is no one size fits all solution for the abortion debate.............there is no 1 size fits all to anything And unless your "Givernment" is prepared to support all the unwanted children born.........not the GOVERNMENTS obligation, is it?, then sometimes the means justifies the end............If so, then if YOUR neighbor has 3 cars and a huge house etc and you don't, steal his!? Or maybe we should just make birth control more accessible and free to young women who need it. Or are you against birth control too?.......:rolleyes:

It's okay to bring the kids into the world, but if we can't feed them, or support them, give them an education, and they end up in some gang and shoot each other by the time they are 14 anyway, that's okay?............Its NOT the issue

HOT AV:devil:
Is this mind-blowing? We look an awful lot like a pig or a rabbit in the early days of development. Maybe some more than others....:rolleyes:

Dude, it is the issue. You are trying to say abortion is WORSE than the killing of already born children. That's absurd. Shooting people is fine and dandy, but abortion is evil. Ay yi yi. And what does my neighbor's house and car have to do with the abortion issue?

You have message board ADHD my friend.
Dude, it is the issue. You are trying to say abortion is WORSE than the killing of already born children. That's absurd. Shooting people is fine and dandy, but abortion is evil. Ay yi yi. And what does my neighbor's house and car have to do with the abortion issue?

You have message board ADHD my friend.

you said if we cant feed etc the child, the ends justify the means

that means that STEALING and ROBBING is OK....end and means
Dude, it is the issue. You are trying to say abortion is WORSE than the killing of already born children. That's absurd. Shooting people is fine and dandy, but abortion is evil. Ay yi yi. And what does my neighbor's house and car have to do with the abortion issue?

You have message board ADHD my friend.

Im being nice to you

cause of the AV:devil:
Dude, it is the issue. You are trying to say abortion is WORSE than the killing of already born children. That's absurd. Shooting people is fine and dandy, but abortion is evil. Ay yi yi. And what does my neighbor's house and car have to do with the abortion issue?

You have message board ADHD my friend.

I ddnt say that at all

Dude, it is the issue. You are trying to say abortion is WORSE than the killing of already born children. That's absurd. Shooting people is fine and dandy, but abortion is evil. Ay yi yi. And what does my neighbor's house and car have to do with the abortion issue?

You have message board ADHD my friend.

This whole pro-life Vs pro-choice debate is very tricky.

ON the one hand a woman should have a right to make decisions about her own body. If people are not ready to bring life into this world and nurture it they should be allowed to terminate it. This is how I feel in terms of choice.

But see at whatever stage, and whatever it may look like, it is still life... 1 week or 10 years. It is still life. It's just that over 10 years you have formed an attachment to that life and would be devastated at its loss. At 1 week you don't even know there is life growing in you. But it is life. Killing it is still murder. And some say it's worse, because that life has no chance to defend itself.
This whole pro-life Vs pro-choice debate is very tricky.

ON the one hand a woman should have a right to make decisions about her own body. If people are not ready to bring life into this world and nurture it they should be allowed to terminate it. This is how I feel in terms of choice.

But see at whatever stage, and whatever it may look like, it is still life... 1 week or 10 years. It is still life. It's just that over 10 years you have formed an attachment to that life and would be devastated at its loss. At 1 week you don't even know there is life growing in you. But it is life. Killing it is still murder. And some say it's worse, because that life has no chance to defend itself.

but what about all the rules and regulations that DOES CONTROL your BODY?

and if you cant take care of the BABY........ADOPTION!:cool:
you said if we cant feed etc the child, the ends justify the means

that means that STEALING and ROBBING is OK....end and means

If I were starving, and my kids were starving, you bet if I had to steal something to feed them, damn straight I would.

But, can't you see, there are already too many people being born into shitty lives as it is. Lives of suffering and hopelessness. If a 16 year old crack addicted girl living in a housing project gets pregnant and has an abortion, to me, that's better than her having a crack-addicted baby that gets abused, ignored, beaten, and killed before it has a chance to reach adulthood. Abortion isn't an alternative to birth control, but, I feel it's preferable to babies being brought into a tortuous existence.

You don't have to be nice to be because of my AV. I appreciate respectful discourse, and I don't want my boobs to be the only reason people are going to be nice to me. Last I checked, I don't keep my brain in my bra.
but what about all the rules and regulations that DOES CONTROL your BODY?

and if you cant take care of the BABY........ADOPTION!:cool:

Yes. Adoption is a great way to help out childless couples. But, see we don't live in an ideal world where children end up in the perfect home with doting parents. In some countries these children end up a burden on the system and in others on the street.

I have a serious problem with the government interfering with a person's choice in this matter. It should really be a personal decision based on their beliefs.

Ireland made news this year. Hopefully they will come around completely on the issue. No one should force a woman to carry a child she doesn't want. That can't be good for either the mother or the child.
You don't have to be nice to be because of my AV. I appreciate respectful discourse, and I don't want my boobs to be the only reason people are going to be nice to me. Last I checked, I don't keep my brain in my bra.

don't be naïve

all research has shown

attractive people get treated better then non attractive people:D
If I were starving, and my kids were starving, you bet if I had to steal something to feed them, damn straight I would.

But, can't you see, there are already too many people being born into shitty lives as it is. Lives of suffering and hopelessness. If a 16 year old crack addicted girl living in a housing project gets pregnant and has an abortion, to me, that's better than her having a crack-addicted baby that gets abused, ignored, beaten, and killed before it has a chance to reach adulthood. Abortion isn't an alternative to birth control, but, I feel it's preferable to babies being brought into a tortuous existence.

You don't have to be nice to be because of my AV. I appreciate respectful discourse, and I don't want my boobs to be the only reason people are going to be nice to me. Last I checked, I don't keep my brain in my bra.

sterilize em:cool: