Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry or Caramel??

Doesn't that all depend on what flavour of Ice Cream we are talking about?
Depends but normally if its just Vanilla Ice cream I like hot fudge .... the good stuff even either Hershey's Hot Fudge or Dove OMG that stuff is YUM
Hot fudge, so that'll be chocolate for me and don't forget the whipped cream;)
I like vanilla ice cream topped with various sauces.

I make my own caramel sauce, and also a mandarin raspberry sauce where the fruit takes a rum and tequila bath for 36 hours before getting cooked down into a sauce.

Also make my own home-made whipped cream with flavor you can't get at the store.
But what do you like your ice cream on ?

If it's vanilla or chocolate ice cream, I'll take butterscotch sauce.

If it's lime or orange sherbet, I'll take hot fudge.
Vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup, topped with Heath sprinkles

That was a no contest, as is most any contest involving chocolate, lol.
They have just opened a Gelato Ice Cream Parlour not far from me and at the weekend it's open tillmidnight!!!!
Guess where my new food after a night out is coming from :D

Chocolate Gelato = Heaven
Vanilla !
I found it can be poured on any thing you want to eat for desert. Because its light enough taste I don't mind eating until my jaw aches...
