China-The Evil Empire strikes back

In China's defense, because their culture is so much older and so much more established in the way its citizens and government interact, let me offer this viewpoint as expressed by one Senior Chinese Official. I paraphrase:

You have someone with nor espect for his parents. No respect for his community and the people in it. No respect for his government or leaders. How can you talk about the CIVIL rights of such a person?
Read and Weep . . .

Read carefully, Frimost . . . that is how all the dictators would like to run their countries . . . including the USA under the Patriot Act and Home Defence Act . . . :)
Frimost said:
Here's to the panda-huggers who have posted here before. Then again, it's not like any evidence I provide nor anything I say will change those type of people's minds and naive world-view that China is some kind of benevolent and misunderstood, peace-loving nation. HA!

China's Big Brother jails and tortures Internet users for speaking freely
It's a fucked up country with a hell of a lot of work to do if it wants to play on the world stage. No one has posted that they are benevolent or peace-loving... misunderstood, perhaps. Given the complexities of the differences in our cultures and histories.

Read Sin's When will China move on Taiwan for good arguments for and against "outing" China as the next big, bad wolf.

Lol at 'Pandahuggers'...
I think I got a positive review!


... or at least the posters to the thread did :D !
This guy is right.....

SINthysist said:
In China's defense, because their culture is so much older and so much more established in the way its citizens and government interact, let me offer this viewpoint as expressed by one Senior Chinese Official. I paraphrase:

You have someone with nor espect for his parents. No respect for his community and the people in it. No respect for his government or leaders. How can you talk about the CIVIL rights of such a person?

There is no room for subversives in a state....... the Soviet Union before a straw man......In other words.....its there, the perception of doing something is there.......but upon inspection......USELESS......

Back in the 1980's......when I was teaching in College......I said to all that would listen......That the Japenese economy was illusory......and that in effect it was based on bogous values and easily ripe for collapse........I was right.....

In addition, I was quoted in many "conservative" papers......I was a "whack job" to others......That the entire Soviet Union was a Potemkin village.....and if we, the US, were to increase defense spending and curtail our aid to them, via farm subsidies......they would implode.....

It is I that influenced the great Ronald Reagan in his policies......:D
Read carefully, Frimost . . . that is how all the dictators would like to run their countries . . . including the USA under the Patriot Act and Home Defence Act . .

The greatest threat to World Peace and freedom would be if we (the USA) slowly devolved into a totalitarian state. That said, it is not a US dynamic, but more like a creeping sickness in the entire Western world. The EU seems further along that path then we do at the moment even though we are the more aggressive nation pertaining to international stances against other nations we deem as threats. Europe’s consumption is less spoken of, subtler, and inwardly creeping. While our mistakes and trends gave the light of a thousand magnifying glasses turned towards them from the whole rest of the world.

Saying that oppression is part of the Chinese culture is an oversimplification, rationalization and blatant attempt to excuse their horrendous treatment of their own people.
Frimost, this too shall run it's course as America realizes, slowly, but surely that "King George" ended the worst of the terrorist threats to America. Then we'll vote the rascals out and try to undo the New McCarthyism so necessary to those whom forgot to be viligant.

Re: This guy is right.....

busybody said:

Back in the 1980's......when I was teaching in College......I said to all that would listen......

Barber college?

"To all that would listen" Not very effective public speaker, huh?

China towing thier newly-bought Russian-built Ukranian aircraft carrier through the Bosphorous Straights. The only conceivable enemy that China has that they would need such a weapon for-the United States.
But . . .

SINthysist said:
Frimost, this too shall run it's course as America realizes, slowly, but surely that "King George" ended the worst of the terrorist threats to America. Then we'll vote the rascals out and try to undo the New McCarthyism so necessary to those whom forgot to be viligant. :D

Ahh SIN, but will the "forces of evil" allow the "good guys" back on the ball park, let alone back in office??
They're ain't no good guy.
They're ain't no bad guy.
There's only you and me
And we just disagree...