China Pearl Bath & Teahouse

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Kineser I am so sorry I missed your post. I must be getting old or tired or both.

I sent you a PM. On It love. Just react as it feels right. Ok.
Yes it does Las

** I lead Las to a low table over looking the pool. I recline and extend my hand in an invitation come join me, AIMing brings a pot of steaming tea and two cups.**

Thank you AIMing

Las Rest in my arms I feel the day catching up with me at last.
I lay down and let CG infold me in his arms...taking away the troubles of the day. Holding me tight, I feel safe, comfortable, and welcomed. There is no where I would rather be this night, I think to myself.
I feel a soft, tender kiss on my lips as I slowly drift to sleep..."Good night, CG, don't let me go."
okay well

it's time to go...see you all later

*getting out and wrapping a towel around my waist as I grab my clothes and head out*
Everyone left me, how sad. I shall enjoyed it a little while longer, then I shall go too. to sleep.
Night Matt hope you enjoyed yourself.

** I whisper low and soft, a private moment.**

Sleep Las I shall guard you as you dream.

** Despite my best efforts I soon join Las in a world of pleasant dreams**

Night All

Night Angel
** I stirred from my sleep and I gathered Las’s sleeping form in my arms. The Bath & Tea house where empty except for AIMing who opened the door for my as I Carried Las back into the China Pearl Inn. **
AIMing posted her sign both in Chinese and English

China Pearl Inn Bath & Teahouse is closed. We will be open at 7PM EST 23 FEB 2002. For other times Interested parties please PM cgraven to obtain the key ~ AIMing~
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AIMing and her staff put all in readiness for the evening including an Imperial Chinese banquet prepared by Phoo Ming of all your favorite Chinese delicacies.
23 Feb, 2002 open

No one but the staff has ever been hear. The Europeans find it shame full Nude mixed bathing, Men, women, families, how sinful, how decadent, oh yes how delightful.

Yes boys and Girls I said nude bathing. Now settle down.

Permission must be gotten form the Inn to use the Bath & Teahouse, It is not always open.


1. No one is obliged to bath in the nude.
2. The Inns rules are very relaxed here, but you will keep the water clean if you catch my drift. No fornication.
3. All and I mean all will respect fellow bathers if you want to do more than hug& kiss, yet less than fornication ask, get permission due not assume. All have the same license. With a Role Player.
4. Simple respect each other “NO” means “NO” here

That’s it. My Architect SexyAmber has or will provide a floor plan.


Oh what does it look like?

Well it looks like what you always fantasized an Oriental Bath House would looks like.

I bet even now you can see it in your mind's eye.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen Ari just a quick invitation to all at Rick’s

It is now7PM EST 23 Feb 2002 and “China Pearl Bath & Teahouse “is open until dawn.

All who wish are most cordial invited.

Thank you.
Sauve Your in the Bath & teahouse if you use the link above you will see a floor plan SexyAmber drew up for me. I belive that should help.

AMing a Long Island Ice Tea for Sauve please.
This setting is a tad bit more cheerful than I'm accustomed to. Perhaps I should just reside back into one of the OOC Lounges and hide some?
Sauve If that is what you wish, certianly.

This thread is a little more intamate yes. But also it dose have the same conversation as the OOC clubs. No one is forced or expected to do anything they do not freely chose to do.

the guide lines are quite secific on that point. If uncomfortable with the setting or premiss by all means do not hesitate to leave but know you and all are always welcome.
Saunters in wearing a long white robe hugging her body close all her curves can be seen through the robe underneath a skin white string bikini.

Good evening CG and Suave. CG can I get a glass of wine dear? Is this seat taken CG?
Jean of course AIMing staff will have wht ever you desire in your hand as soon as you ask for it.

mind you tht's only food and drink. ** Wink**

pull up some pillows and sit yourself down
*chuckles a bit*

Pulls up pillows and sits close to CG and sipping her wine.

How are you tonight CG?

Are you telling me dear I cant ask for a tall dark and handsome man CG to sweep me off my feet.....*winks and grins at CG*

Dont mind me dear im a little on the tired side tonight and a bit of a headache. Im hoping the wine will help me forget about the headache.
Jaen I have it on very good authority that hot steaming water will ease the tenssion and relive that head ache.

Will you join me?

I stand and extent a hand to Jaen
Yes of course CG.

My hand pours gracefully into CG's as I stand the other hand work on untieing the knot to my robe. The robe comes undone and shows the skin white string bikini underneath, and with grace walks closely to CG to the pool of warm water.
Jaen a most attractive and alluring bikini.

We walk to the edge of the pool and I slip out of my breech cloth and dive in surfacing I call.

Jaen the water is delightful come on in.
The robe slips over and down her shoulders and pools at her feet, bending over puicking up the robe a placing it on a chair close to the pool.

Walks to the edge of the pool and gracefully slips in the water engolfing around her easing her achyness.

AHHHH, much better CG, this is nice dear.

You really like the thong bikini CG?
Jaen it frames your charms in such a way that it conceals and reveals at the same time. It is madingly delicious.
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