China is kicking our asses in Green energy.

Sean Renaud

The West Coast Pop
Feb 5, 2004
59,045 capacity is now,310GW, also leads the world.

This is unacceptable. The short version of the article that China produces more solar energy than the rest of the world combined. Now they are still one of the biggest polluters as they are still opening coal plants. This is not to say they aren't the largest producer of CO2 but given the difference in populations the fact that they are only just over double our emissions tells me they are technically doing better than we.
Capacity does not equal generation. One of China's largest solar farms is located just south of Shanghai. The average hours of sunlight monthly is approx. 150 hours. That's about 13 days of generation/month. Germany has/has tremendous capacity too, but it the Sun don't shine you don't get shit for power.
China will be back to being the worlds rice bowl in ten years.
Solar panels need sunshine and clean air. Dusty panels don't work. China's cities are famously smoky.
They're also beating us in developing green energy and the deadlock the fossil fuel industry perpetuates in Washington and our own entrepreneurs in the green energy business is forcing us to cede what will likely be the key market of the future to them.

The right always goes on about energy independence from foreign oil, well, robust investment and tax breaks to businesses developing green technology might lead us to that.
Solar panels need sunshine and clean air. Dusty panels don't work. China's cities are famously smoky.
They produce more solar power than the rest of the world COMBINED! Clearly they either work just fine when dusty or they have people don't maintence on the their infrastructure. Something we have to be world famous for not giving a shit about it. Right up there with out per capita prison population and gun violence. There are a lot of reasons we should be going as green as we can as fast as we can.
There are a lot of reasons we should be going as green as we can as fast as we can.
We will, eventually. That starts with being honest about the real costs and limits of alternative energy. We're not there yet. We may start approaching that point later next year if fossil fuel prices jump. That would be learning to swim by falling off a ship, but that's the course the nation set for itself 40 years ago when it rejected energy conservation. We won't become green by finding excuses to waste many more times energy than we need.
It isn't rocket science.

If a country waits until the problem becomes severe...they waited too long to find a solution
Also 40 years ago after Jimmy Carter who put solar panels on the white house and then Reagan took them off. Presidents may have less power than most people think but they do have significant influence on certain things. If Reagan had even if it was breaking the law invested a singificant amount of his money into green we'd be so far down the road.
China isn't putting all their eggs in one basket like idiot Europe that screwed themselves by going green to quickly.

They're playing both sides and that's why they're kicking ass.
China isn't putting all their eggs in one basket like idiot Europe that screwed themselves by going green to quickly.

They're playing both sides and that's why they're kicking ass.
Europe didn't get screwed by going green too fast. That's a blatant lie. What screwed Europe to the point that they did get screwed is because we might usually be on speaking terms with Russia nobody should have made themselves basically leashed to someone who can basically turn off the lights.
Have you been to China???

Outside of a few model cities, it's absolutely primitive. They are beating no one at anything.
Sean is easily fooled by CCP propaganda. He doesn't realize that China is an infrastructure disaster and the biggest polluter on Earth.
Last year, Greece ran for a full day off of just green energy. That ability is only growing and has tons of unused potential there.

Way up north? In the winter? So fucking cold? There’s a heat differential right below your feet. That energy has yet to be tapped
Jobs drilling. Jobs making the heat pumps(?)

Big oil and tiny coal will not allow us to move forward. You would think they would be more patriotic? Oh? Corporations aren’t like real Americans in where their hearts are?
They produce more solar energy than the entire world combined, which is mind-blowing! But yeah, it's a bummer that they're still opening coal plants and adding to the pollution. Even though China is the biggest CO2 producer, if you consider their population, their emissions are only a little over double ours. So, in some ways, they're technically doing better than us. By the way, I'm new here on this forum, and it's cool to join discussions like this. Oh, and have you heard about solar panels dublin? They're gaining popularity and making a real difference in sustainability. They help cut down on carbon emissions and provide clean energy for homes and businesses.
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They produce more solar energy than the entire world combined, which is mind-blowing! But yeah, it's a bummer that they're still opening coal plants and adding to the pollution. Even though China is the biggest CO2 producer, if you consider their population, their emissions are only a little over double ours. So, in some ways, they're technically doing better than us.
I think that you can also replace "solar energy" with "coal" in that first sentence because that's really where their energy comes from and they don't have the clean coal seams that we have.

Their solar energy is, like their cities, a political facade. You hit the city limits and that beautiful modern four-lane interstate-quality road turns to dirt ruts.

China is another Communist chimera and should not be praised for doing anything right. Their solar farms are a ploy to sucker the weak-minded Left of the world into believing that their dreams of total control of society and commerce will succeed just as well. The average Chinese citizen is lucky to have a lump of coal and rich if they have a bicycle and consider themselves well-fed if they can scrounge up just one bowl of rice or a rat each day. Some days, they are not well-fed.

But hey! A huge military and invasion of Taiwan will help them project that Potemkin veneer of success! đź‘Ť
I think that you can also replace "solar energy" with "coal" in that first sentence because that's really where their energy comes from and they don't have the clean coal seams that we have.
WTF is "clean coal seams" supposed to mean. There are four types of coal, and all four are found in both the USA and China...Keep your dumb mouth closed about shit you know nothing about!!
I think that you can also replace "solar energy" with "coal" in that first sentence because that's really where their energy comes from and they don't have the clean coal seams that we have.

Their solar energy is, like their cities, a political facade. You hit the city limits and that beautiful modern four-lane interstate-quality road turns to dirt ruts.

China is another Communist chimera and should not be praised for doing anything right. Their solar farms are a ploy to sucker the weak-minded Left of the world into believing that their dreams of total control of society and commerce will succeed just as well. The average Chinese citizen is lucky to have a lump of coal and rich if they have a bicycle and consider themselves well-fed if they can scrounge up just one bowl of rice or a rat each day. Some days, they are not well-fed.

But hey! A huge military and invasion of Taiwan will help them project that Potemkin veneer of success! đź‘Ť
You'd be flat out lying with that statement. Hell when you think about China is adding far far less pollution than we do. Being a communist should not prevent you from knowing when they are doing the right thing. Its unlikely China will invade, they cannot afford it.

China produces ten million pounds of CO2 to our five.

However considering they have nearly four times our population thats fucking impressive pretty much however you cut it.

Now in many ways its very difficult to compare any two nations against each other directly. There are lots of things that are different. China has insanely high population concentration most of that land is empty or close enough.

The fact that the right thinks things like more green energy, cities where you can survive without a car are somehow evil and then bring in irrelevant stuff. Would it really make a difference who was producing the energy.
