
We had a queer in the unit back in 'Nam he was always mincing around flicking his wrists and picking daffodils. We threw his bent fuck ass to the charlies and they used him a s a sex slave. We could her them gabbling to him, and he would reply "All at once? No problem." Fucking queers make me ill man.
We should round up the sub-human scum Homos and go genocidal on them. Then if we did the same to the niggers we would have cured the spread of aids.

Quick joke.

What have niggers and queers got in common?

Their dicks are both brown and the cunts spread aids.
I was talking to that son of a nonce Fecker and he was telling me his dad used to go out and about in camden trying to score with guys. The fucking cunt used to hang around the public lavs looking to get fisted. I'm glad he got shanked. Maybe Fecker'll be next...
4laterer said:
where is the lileth/eve name from?

is it anne rice?

Who the fuck is Anne Rice?

We had a Roger Rice back in the unit. He was always claiming to be some author of childrens books and a shaman. He used to sit on the net all the time posting shit about norsemen and fucking ass.

Aids is natures way of trying to weed out all the faggots. When Helter Skelter comes only the strongest will survive. We have no place for homos in the new world order.