There comes a time when constructive criticism can be helpfull to ones posting career and i've been watching CV barely keep his head above water here at Lit. for long enough...The time has come for the members of Lit. to toss CV a posting life preserver and save his posting career...The lad tries so hard to contribute topic after topic after topic to the board and yet most of what he posts is treated like the fine print on the back page of a Green Sheet...
(In other words, no-one reads his shit)...
I think the guy has some potential here at Lit. but right now his confidence is lacking...He tries real hard to get your attention with catchy titles to his topics yet no-one opens them...He writes incredibly well rounded posts consisting of usualy less than three sentences which means he doesn't beat around the bush...CV is loyal supporter of Lit. and should be rewarded...CV was even here most of the day posting on Christmas and not even his family or friends could pry him away from the Lit. audience he so desperately desires...
I think CV is simply misunderstood and that some friendly posting advice from his Lit. peers would really jumpstart this guys posting career...Please, with the kindness in your heart, give CV some of your undivided posting attention and lets give this guy some hope for the year 2003...
Thank you and may the force be with you...
(In other words, no-one reads his shit)...
I think the guy has some potential here at Lit. but right now his confidence is lacking...He tries real hard to get your attention with catchy titles to his topics yet no-one opens them...He writes incredibly well rounded posts consisting of usualy less than three sentences which means he doesn't beat around the bush...CV is loyal supporter of Lit. and should be rewarded...CV was even here most of the day posting on Christmas and not even his family or friends could pry him away from the Lit. audience he so desperately desires...
I think CV is simply misunderstood and that some friendly posting advice from his Lit. peers would really jumpstart this guys posting career...Please, with the kindness in your heart, give CV some of your undivided posting attention and lets give this guy some hope for the year 2003...
Thank you and may the force be with you...