Children Stealing....


Literotica Guru
Dec 2, 2002
I found out this morning that the children I babysit stole from us.

Right out of my husbands wallet.. 60$ dollars...

here is the story:

Last week I lost 20$. I called their father to see if maybe one of his kids took it. He called back saying he was pretty sure they didnt have it. Later that day I realized what happened to it and when the children asked me about it I told them it was resolved. Well I guess it wasnt resolved for them because this morning the boy comes to me and says he found the missing 20$ under the pillow on the bed where he sleeps. Hes all happy because he said now they can have christmas (their dad says if they found it they could have christmas, guess he thought they stole it too).

Yeah.. ok ... so where did the money come from? i changed the sheets monday morning so there is no way that money got there on its own.

So then im thinking, he took it from somewhere else.. i check my hiding spots, the money was still there.. then i focus in on my husbands wallet. sure enough, 60$ is gone....and thats all the money that was in there....

i wake my husband up.. he is NOT happy.. he confronts them and they LIE about it. we know one of them took it. Not the first time they've lied to us either. We figured it was the boy, because i found out he did other things as well and lied...

so he confesses about taking 40$ but he swears that was all there was in the wallet.

so the boy checks his bag, says its not there, continuing to say that he didnt take the other 20$ (just like he said he didnt take the first 40$) and later when he puts his shoes on.. OH look at that, the missing 20$ was under his shoe the whole time...

eesh.. do you think we are DUMB???

When their dad came to pick them up, my husband told him what had gone on. ive never seen a man go from somber to pissed in such a short time! (besides my husband)

so i wont be seeing them again until friday, their next squeduled day to come over. that should give my husband enough time to cool off.

for me.. the boy has certainly lost my respet and trust.. as for the girl.. she floored me when she said "Not since the last babysitter" when we asked if they stole the money


Thanks for taking the time to listen to me rant
it's funny how something will spark a a kid, I used to steal from my moms purse......I was maybe 7 or caught big time.......don't remember what my excuse was early morning and I was in my pajamas, and was taking change from her purse.............never really thought too much about it........I don't even remember what I did with the money......candy probably...........but, what causes a child to do that?................

Good role models are important

lol @ gunner

i swear.. i asked the boy why he took it and he said his friend wouldnt be his friend unless he gave him 20$

sigh.. you'd think after all the liing he did he cold come up with something better
My 5 year old stole a 25cent pack of bubble gum from the store once. I caught him with it in the car. Turned around and made him walk into the store up to the manager, made him give it back and apologize. I haven't had a problem with it since :D
you should tell the dad that he has 2 weeks to find another babysitter.
I babysat for 2 boys and a girl and the started stealling my daughters toys and I had to start checking there backpacks before they left.
see i thought about that, especially with the other things that have been going on...

i dunno.. im strange that way i guess.. giving people more chances.. next thing i know the cat will be shaved and the dog will be purple.

i dont have any toys to steal... unless they take my craft stuff lol
im big on second chances. My daughter got that goop in a egg that you find in gasstations and bubble gum machines and got it in the cats fur it didnt come out for like a month. Poor smokey. lol
I stole a piece of chalk from my first grade classroom. That was the last thing I ever stole. I'm 47 and I can't even cheat on my 1040.