Times were changing. There hadn't been a child born in 19 years. It was odd looking at my little brother and thinking this will be the youngest any human ever lives to...
He was still young when it started, maybe 6, but Jet could still remember clearly his mother staring at the TV awestruck. All of the sudden no woman could have babies. It was odd the direction the world went. Jet and his family of six lived in Ireland until his youngest brother turned 7 and the world began collapsing. Education investing began to go and schools were being closed, toy stores boarding up their windows. From Ireland they went to America, where there was still enough money floating around to make education worth while. Jet accelled, while his two younger brothers lived life as the last generation.
They were free and beautiful, they partied hard, did what they wanted and with the newly installed Quietus they had places to call home, which was beginning to become a problem out west. However, Jet and the Reynolds family were on the East Coast nestled in Delaware. Jet was able to pick his program based on his test programs and he studied to be a doctor. He learned everything from how to put somebody to sleep with gas or other drugs to basic surgeries and even how to deliever a baby.
Although his brothers didn't believe it, Jet was determined to seek out girls that could be pregnant and he was able to set up a clinic in New York City. It was a changed city, very, very dreary. The luster was gone, but the concrete jungle still had over 20,000,000 call it home. Jet was determined to find out if any kids could be born. He worked the hospital as head anesthesiaologist and physician. It was a good amount of work, but the weekends allowed to cut off and the cities party scene was flourishing and drugs were easy to get and all the rage. New York was a sorry city, but so was the whole world.
Jet arrived at the clinic early this morning. 5 AM he usually opened up and took in women that were injured or drug users. Today was rainy and quiet. He took the elevator to the top of the building where his office was and looked out. 25 years old and he might be in a lost cause. He had enough money to employ anybody, but he just wanted to find the women. Jet knew he had contacts all over New Jersey, New York and up and down the East Coast, but he knew a pregnant woman might have a tough time coming to the city. Here he had the best technology and he was well defended in the safe part of Manhattan, around the the Lincoln Tunnell and by the ferry.
He sat upstairs and looked out on the rough city and wondered what the future could possibly hold.
He was still young when it started, maybe 6, but Jet could still remember clearly his mother staring at the TV awestruck. All of the sudden no woman could have babies. It was odd the direction the world went. Jet and his family of six lived in Ireland until his youngest brother turned 7 and the world began collapsing. Education investing began to go and schools were being closed, toy stores boarding up their windows. From Ireland they went to America, where there was still enough money floating around to make education worth while. Jet accelled, while his two younger brothers lived life as the last generation.
They were free and beautiful, they partied hard, did what they wanted and with the newly installed Quietus they had places to call home, which was beginning to become a problem out west. However, Jet and the Reynolds family were on the East Coast nestled in Delaware. Jet was able to pick his program based on his test programs and he studied to be a doctor. He learned everything from how to put somebody to sleep with gas or other drugs to basic surgeries and even how to deliever a baby.
Although his brothers didn't believe it, Jet was determined to seek out girls that could be pregnant and he was able to set up a clinic in New York City. It was a changed city, very, very dreary. The luster was gone, but the concrete jungle still had over 20,000,000 call it home. Jet was determined to find out if any kids could be born. He worked the hospital as head anesthesiaologist and physician. It was a good amount of work, but the weekends allowed to cut off and the cities party scene was flourishing and drugs were easy to get and all the rage. New York was a sorry city, but so was the whole world.
Jet arrived at the clinic early this morning. 5 AM he usually opened up and took in women that were injured or drug users. Today was rainy and quiet. He took the elevator to the top of the building where his office was and looked out. 25 years old and he might be in a lost cause. He had enough money to employ anybody, but he just wanted to find the women. Jet knew he had contacts all over New Jersey, New York and up and down the East Coast, but he knew a pregnant woman might have a tough time coming to the city. Here he had the best technology and he was well defended in the safe part of Manhattan, around the the Lincoln Tunnell and by the ferry.
He sat upstairs and looked out on the rough city and wondered what the future could possibly hold.