Child Molestation/Rape

Purrde Flower

I see you!
Jul 18, 2002
Being a vicitim of this myself as a child I see a flashback of horror evertime I hear about it. It also bring a question in my mind too.. Is this child telling the truth? The reson I ask myself that is because I have been a witness to more than one child crying abuse twards a male person in their life just because they didn't like them. I've been a party to two court cases where the child had lied about this and admitted to lying about it.

One was a boy who didn't like the woman his father dated. And the girl was getting back at her brother for beating her at a video game.

I hate this doubt in my heart when I read about it in the news or see it on the t.v. I feel doubly sorry for all the children who are molested and never come forward because they are afraid people won't believe them too because of children who lie about things like this.
Purrde Flower said:

I hate this doubt in my heart when I read about it in the news or see it on the t.v. I feel doubly sorry for all the children who are molested and never come forward because they are afraid people won't believe them too because of children who lie about things like this.

Think outside the box. Children mimic the people who are the most infuential in their lives. If their older siblings are fibbers, they will likely follow, likewise with their parents.

There are large patches of my childhood that are missing from memory but I'm not about to cry wolf. I did have some positive people to look up to.
When I was 14 I knew a girl who was 16 and lied about being sexually abused. She was rather sexually active for 16. Having multiple partners and what not. She let her social life rule everything. She became angry that her father wouldn't let her date a 32 year old and forbid her from seeing him. She then decided to plot a horrible revenge. She went to the school counselor one day and told her all about how her father would touch her and make her touch him. She cried and everything. Well the school called social services and had her removed from the home and he was arrested and held until the trial was over. He was proven innocent and she was put in an institute for her drug use. It pretty much destroyed the family. She still talks to her mother, but her father won't forgive her. In all honesty I don't blame him one bit. This ruined his reputation. I'm with you about questioning someone’s honesty when they say they've been abused.
StrawberryPez said:
When I was 14 I knew a girl who was 16 and lied about being sexually abused. She was rather sexually active for 16. Having multiple partners and what not. She let her social life rule everything. She became angry that her father wouldn't let her date a 32 year old and forbid her from seeing him. She then decided to plot a horrible revenge. She went to the school counselor one day and told her all about how her father would touch her and make her touch him. She cried and everything. Well the school called social services and had her removed from the home and he was arrested and held until the trial was over. He was proven innocent and she was put in an institute for her drug use. It pretty much destroyed the family. She still talks to her mother, but her father won't forgive her. In all honesty I don't blame him one bit. This ruined his reputation. I'm with you about questioning someone’s honesty when they say they've been abused.

That is so sad.
Hmmm.. Kids are kids and they don't think through or understand the long term results of their actions. Unfortunately, the authorities are stuck between a rock and a hard place when someone is accused. They have to look out for the kid's welfare and try to figure out if the charges have any foundation at the same time.

There has to be some skepticism or anyone who makes an accusation is in a tremendous position of power. Until we get to a point where people are incapable of lying we're stuck with it I'm afraid.
I'm gonna weigh in on this, because I have been on the recieving end of some bullshit similar to this. A few years back, I was accused of abusing my fiance's kid, based on an examination done by a doctor and a social worker who had no access to the child's previous medical history. When the doctor and the first social worker examined all the records, they realized that the child's condition had existed before he was even born, but teh state took another year to finally clear me. I was grilled by various policemen and social workers, even though the people who made the initial charge had both sent letters attesting to the fact that they had made a mistake. I understand that they have an important job to do, but they need to use a little more common sense as well.
Back in high school, I knew a girl who would accuse many of the male teachers of fondeling and molesting her. These were all teachers who, that year, had flunked her. I never found out if she was fibbing or not, but I find it hard to believe she would be molested by every male teacher that flunked her. We lost a lot of good teachers that way.
Tantrikenetic said:
We lost a lot of good teachers that way.

I wouldn't be a teacher in grades above 1 - too risky. It's a mine-field. A hug to comfort a crying child becomes "sexual touching"!
There's a girl in a city not too far from where I live. She was raped, rather brutally from what I here, and had the courage to put that creep in jail. There were witnesses to the event.

Then she systematically put seven other completely innocent men in jail for rape.
As another victim of child sexual abuse, I truly feel sympathy for what some children go through. I makes me sick to hear of someone lieing about something like that. Honestly, though, I do not remember exactly what happened to me. No one knows when it started, but I was two when I finally told my mother. If I was to have to go to court today, and tell what happened to me, I honestly do not know if the case against him would be thrown out or whatnot. In some cases when abuse really happens, one defence mechanism the body goes through is a mental block. Some of these children who are "lieing" about the abuse may be doing so because of this defence. Honestly, they may not remember it...
Maybe I am going to unleash the worms ( No pun intended here) but what affect do you think these types of sites have on your topic of discussion.

The males in the photos are apparently over legal age, but CLEARLY intended to appear like young men/teenage boys.

Out of fairness to the Homosexual men, this is an example, and I am sure examples of legal aged women intended to appear as underaged, can be given as well.

Your Thoughts?
Killswitch said:
Maybe I am going to unleash the worms ( No pun intended here) but what affect do you think these types of sites have on your topic of discussion.

The males in the photos are apparently over legal age, but CLEARLY intended to appear like young men/teenage boys.

Out of fairness to the Homosexual men, this is an example, and I am sure examples of legal aged women intended to appear as underaged, can be given as well.

Your Thoughts?

Killswitch, if you were trying to present an example of a site that encourages pedophilia, I think you picked the wrong one. None of those men even comes close to appearing underage, and what's more, that is some absolutely beautiful and artistic photography.
Killswitch. You are a complete moron, not to mention a whiney little asshole.

Not a single man on that site you posted even comes close to looking underage.

Go put the search term "barely legal" into a browser and you'll notice that EVERY SINGLE ONE of the sites that comes up features young women made to look like little girls.

Maybe you should stop surfing gay porn for a while. All that jacking off you do to it is apparently affecting your vision.
Nora and Pyper

You are both ignorant and way too sympathetic. If you dont think that those men are to appear as boys you are completely and totally naive.

Do you have children Nora?
Killswitch said:
Nora and Pyper

You are both ignorant and way too sympathetic. If you dont think that those men are to appear as boys you are completely and totally naive.

Do you have children Nora?

I have children and step children.
Ranging from 21 to 9.
Four of them are boys.
I don't see what you see in reference to this site.
To me they do not look underage.

Neither pyper or Nora are ignorant.

And what is wrong with being too sympathetic?
Killswitch said:
Nora and Pyper

You are both ignorant and way too sympathetic. If you dont think that those men are to appear as boys you are completely and totally naive.

And you are, as always, a bigotted moron.
Killswitch said:
Nora and Pyper

You are both ignorant and way too sympathetic. If you dont think that those men are to appear as boys you are completely and totally naive.

Do you have children Nora?


I am 21 years old. I am perfectly capable of determining whether or not a male appears to be older or younger than me. None of those men appear to be younger than me.

And what's more, they are not even being photographed to appear young, naive, or boyish. They look like men. None of those photographs are smutty or pornographic in any way.

I think it's you who has the issue with naked men, here.
Killswitch said:
Nora and Pyper

You are both ignorant and way too sympathetic. If you dont think that those men are to appear as boys you are completely and totally naive.

Do you have children Nora?

And you think Harley Davidson and The Marlboro Man is a great movie.

I have to doubt your judgement.
Not to mention you are very argumentative and obviously lacking the reasoning skills to remember that in my post I pointed out that there are also many sites that feature women in the same situation to turn men on.

Dont embarrass youeself Nora....your smarter than that.

There Texas......make you feel better?

Go ahead and try and make this a homosexual man issue if YOU want too....but since that thread was already posted by a member here who uses pics from that site....I thought it was an appropriate starting point.
Nora said:
And you are, as always, a bigotted moron.

By definition you are a bigot as well we all are it or for my upcoming thread on that topic too. :nana:
kiillswitch, you ask people for their thoughts and then make derogratory comments to them because they don't agree with you?

Why bother asking for others opinions on something you post?
Killswitch said:
By definition you are a bigot as well we all are it or for my upcoming thread on that topic too. :nana:

Go to town, dumbass. You're the only one making a fool of himself 'round here. But keep digging your little hole. It's amusing.
Killswitch said:

Out of fairness to the Homosexual men, this is an example, and I am sure examples of legal aged women intended to appear as underaged, can be given as well.

Your Thoughts?

Go ahead and make it a homosexual's not. It's about kids being molested....boys and girls, sons and daughters, freinds, and family.... people.
debbiexxx said:
kiillswitch, you ask people for their thoughts and then make derogratory comments to them because they don't agree with you?

Why bother asking for others opinions on something you post?

Debbie.....sweetheart, do you only see what you wish to you have some fantastic power to avoid seeing things that you dont want to see?

Norsa called me a bigoted moron......who's calling who names, and making derogatory comments?