Chicklet, your new posse welcomes you

modest mouse

Meating People is Easy
Oct 21, 2001
Chicklet, With great vigor and determination you have managed a rare feat: inclusion in the Lit group. The most exclusive, heralded, and prestigous group at Literotica.

Congratulations on your accomplishment!

Your fellow members welcome you:

Donkey Dyck
PP Man

Lets take a look back at how you received this honor:

Chicklet said:
it's more likely, imho, that bush would plan this and blame it on the terrorists so we'll want to go to war. it's been a while since he's done something to rouse america up, so now would be the time.


Followed up with this doozy:
Chicklet said:
All day everyone kept saying what a tragedy it is that that space shuttle crashed. I don't think so.

Everyone says how horrible it is about 9/11. I agree, but think we were asking for it.

People seem to have actually voted for Bush, and yet I would like to murder him with my bare hands.

I've decided that I'm a sucky American. I want to move to Canada.


Congratulations again, Chicklet, we look forward to your future contributions.
She's more in the author group.

She writes a lot.
Who gives a fuck? Chicklet looks like my future baby's momma.
Marxist said:
Who gives a fuck? Chicklet looks like my future baby's momma.

I was going to say that Chicklet will be the cutest in that select group of misfits. It's a shame when a good looking girl looses her mind.
Texan said:
I was going to say that Chicklet will be the cutest in that select group of misfits. It's a shame when a good looking girl looses her mind.

Maybe you'll get the chance to reeducate her, my friend.
Texan said:
I was going to say that Chicklet will be the cutest in that select group of misfits. It's a shame when a good looking girl looses her mind.

mouse, don't forget Cuckolded_Blk_Male. He's relatively new, compared to the others, but has landed on the scene with a vengeance.

Welcome, welcome, welcome. Maybe it's time to bring back the threads that illustrate how and why GWB did nothing to prevent 9/11 from happening. They were warned about Al Qaeda's intent to hijack a domestic airliner on Aug 6, 2001.

No warnings were issued to the public. Pretty funny how the 9/11 commission's budget is $3million for 18months of work. Anyone looking for an effective charitable contribution...that just might be the dollar that saves humanity.
teddybear4play said:

mouse, don't forget Cuckolded_Blk_Male. He's relatively new, compared to the others, but has landed on the scene with a vengeance.


I can second that. He's a serious fuck-tard.
70/30 said:
Welcome, welcome, welcome. Maybe it's time to bring back the threads that illustrate how and why GWB did nothing to prevent 9/11 from happening. They were warned about Al Qaeda's intent to hijack a domestic airliner on Aug 6, 2001.
Go for it.

Nobody will buy your bag o' shit this time, either.

Cuckolded_BlK_Male was inducted in a small, private ceremony this afternoon.
modest mouse said:
Cuckolded_BlK_Male was inducted in a small, private ceremony this afternoon.

I would like to congratulate the committee for their selection. They have generously demonstrated their insight and true grit.

At some future date, possibly the committee could consider the nomination of Sir Lance-a-lot? I understand he is seeking a clique of his own. Your consideration is appreciated.
70/30 said:
Welcome, welcome, welcome. Maybe it's time to bring back the threads that illustrate how and why GWB did nothing to prevent 9/11 from happening. They were warned about Al Qaeda's intent to hijack a domestic airliner on Aug 6, 2001.

No warnings were issued to the public. Pretty funny how the 9/11 commission's budget is $3million for 18months of work. Anyone looking for an effective charitable contribution...that just might be the dollar that saves humanity.

You are just fucking insane. Go take some medicine.
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clit_licker30 said:
You are just fucking insane. Go take some medicene.

And while he's gone - why don't you learn how to spell?

Glass houses .. stones .. big mess..