Chick-Fil-A customers turn out for 'Fan Appreciation Day'


~Armed and Fuzzy~
Mar 14, 2001
Supporters of Chick-fil-A are planning to eat at restaurants in the chicken chain Wednesday as the company continues to be criticized for an executive's comments about gay marriage.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, a Baptist minister, declared today national "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day."

Chick-fil-A would like to thank the gay community for the free advertising. :cool:

Some of you asked just what the scene’s like on Chick-fil-A appreciation day in Chicago, home to #ChicagoValues, and the city at the heart of the controversy over Chick-fil-A after our mayor congratulated an alderman in shutting the company out of opening a second location within the city limits.

The line at 12:10pm extended down the city block from the entrance, full of Chicagoans who, it would seem, don’t share Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s definition of “Chicago Values.”
Everyone in my company, office and shop, ate there for lunch today. We sent a person over to pick up the food, and she had to wait almost an hour to get in the door.

to mean TOSSPOTS

what the YANKWHOREZ is taht


cigarettes :rolleyes:
I think Rahm is a secret stock holder, he just increased their market share with his bullshit.

that alderman that opened his fucking mouth?

may have VIOLATED campaig issues

I had Chik Fil A for lunch but didnt know about the event.
I think Rahm is a secret stock holder, he just increased their market share with his bullshit.

Man you think Democrats are brilliant. I wish I saw this Lex Luthor level inteligence in them that you see.
Is anyone really surprised a lot of people would turn out to show support for keeping certain people from having the same rights as others? It's the American way.
Will these black pastors be allowed to open churches in Chicago????:devil:

Black pastors group launches anti-Obama campaign around gay marriage
By Dan Merica, CNN

Check this video out:

"the president is in the White House because of the Civil Rights movement, and I was a leader in that. And I didn’t march one inch, one foot, one yard for a man to marry a man and a woman to marry a woman. So the president has forgotten the price that was paid … where they gave their blood to have equal rights in the United States.”

Washington (CNN) – A group of conservative black pastors are responding to President Barack Obama’s support of same-sex marriage with what they say will be a national campaign aimed at rallying black Americans to rethink their overwhelming support of the President, though the group’s leader is offering few specifics about the effort.

The Rev. Williams Owens, who is president and founder of the Coalition of African-Americans Pastors and the leader of the campaign, has highlighted opposition to same-sex marriage among African-Americans. He calls this campaign “an effort to save the family.”

“The time has come for a broad-based assault against the powers that be that want to change our culture to one of men marrying men and women marrying women,” said Owens, in an interview Tuesday after the launch event at the National Press Club. “I am ashamed that the first black president chose this road, a disgraceful road.”

At the press conference, Owens was joined by five other black regional pastors and said there were 3,742 African-American pastors on board for the anti-Obama campaign.

When asked at the press conference for specifics about the campaign – funding, planned events and goals – Owens said only that the group’s first fundraiser will be on August 16 in Memphis, Tennessee. But Owens insisted that “we are going to go nationwide with our agenda just like the president has gone to Hollywood.”

Read more here:

It's a plot so Jessie Jackson can have a counter demo.:D
33 States had an election on FAG marriage

all voted NO

we should put all FAGZ and FAG lovers in ONE STATE

and help ALQ nuke em:D
I stopped in for breakfast this morning, and was wondering why it was so packed.