Cherry Tavern


Guerrilla Ontologist
Sep 19, 2000
Any of you New Yorkers ever been here?

Stuff magazine had an article about America's 20 Best Dives - and this is the one that made it from NYC.

Here's how they describe it:
The crowd: Dressed-to-(literally)-kill punks and hip-hugging harlots who consume enough alcohol to make a lie out of the standing part of one-night stand.

The decor: creepy wood panelling, a pool table and a sold (as a rock!) jukebox.

And while the four-dollar tequila-and-Tecate special makes us say bueno - Spanish for "a mind's a terrible thing to waste" - the selling point of this East Village joint is the fact that, with the Ford modelling agency just a stone's throw away, catwalking cuties are always stoppping by to slum it.

And some of them are women!

So this is where I'm thinking of talkin lilminx for the dinner I owe her...

Where did you find the list of the best dives?
Hard copy Lavy - January's issue of Stuff magazine... any particular city you want me to look up for you?
Well - its an interesting article. Stuff on the web is at - but I checked and they didn't have this article posted - by next month they might though.

Some of the dives sound like places I would not particularly like... but some, like the Cherry Tavern do sound like they might be fun.

I believe readers can also send in the names of dives to be featured in the mag.

Some of the others that sound like fun are Double Down Saloon in Vegas. Lovejoy's in Austin. The Union in Athens, Ohio (where the White Stripes used to play before they got famous), Beacon Hill Pub in Boston, Alibi in New Orleans... a few more.
The 8 what?

There's 20 on the list. Those are the ones that seemed the most interesting though.
lilminx said:
It sounds absloutely delightful. I'll wear my best Sunday dress.
I know it's your day off, but it's Wednesday, Minx.
Dang why didn't I know about this

place last night. I could of saved some money going there instead. Sounds simply delightful Dilly. Can I go? Can I? I mean I never got a dinner out of this all, did I? Sigh.

You do realize that some of the best places are dives and the people are real. Did you also realize that Justine/Nouvelle's is now a tikki bar. A very elobarate tikki bar. Big difference from a once bdsm mild bar to tikki. What else will happen in the world I ask you when a dark gloomy dungeon type bar turns into the south Pacific twilight zone?

Hugs and Happy New Year's Dilly and all.

Yea, I have that bookmarked.

I'm still holding onto my sanity though.:p
lilminx said:
It sounds absloutely delightful. I'll wear my best Sunday dress.

And I hoped you'd be one of the "hip hugging harlots."

But I'm glad you approve my choice of fine dining establishments.
Re: Dang why didn't I know about this

tulip2lipservice said:
place last night. I could of saved some money going there instead. Sounds simply delightful Dilly. Can I go? Can I? I mean I never got a dinner out of this all, did I? Sigh.

You do realize that some of the best places are dives and the people are real. Did you also realize that Justine/Nouvelle's is now a tikki bar. A very elobarate tikki bar. Big difference from a once bdsm mild bar to tikki. What else will happen in the world I ask you when a dark gloomy dungeon type bar turns into the south Pacific twilight zone?

Hugs and Happy New Year's Dilly and all.


Happy New Year to you too. Yes, some of the best places ARE dives - which is why its cool that a magazine is highlighting them.

Dinner? Did you post a picture of yourself in Daisy Dukes?
Dilly I showed you my ass........

jeez and I do not get a dinner for that. lol

Right now I do not think you would want to see them in daisy dukes. I have to take off the ten pounds of comfort food eating. Sigh.
