Chelsea's Nipples.....

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
Clinton is shown "erect" as she is embraced by her companion Ian Klaus at last week's US OPEN tennis tournament; her face: showing "bedroom pleasures."

If you use your imagination, it almost looks like young Hillary and Bill! :D
Oh gawd, talk about poor taste. I couldn't read Drudge this morning because that thing popped up.

We have no decency, sense of shame, or taste. Truly a decadent culture. Although with mom busy "NOT" running for President, she is fair game...

The press has gone after the Bush kids from time-to-time to!
And it looks more like he just nibbled unexpectedly from behind into her neck, giving her goosebumps, causing the nipples to pop.

AS SINical as I am, I'd even be willing to bet someone "paid" the boyfriend to assist...

Bedroom eyes my ass!
Is this a problem? Is she not allowed to have a relationship? Is she not allowed to experience any "titiliation." Are you suggestion she should wear a more fully padded bra?

What the fuck?
I'm suggesting she should be put in a leather halter and harness, attached to a buggy and be led around while we yell Bad Horsey, Bad Horsey...

Whatever you think of her dad or mom, I don't think she deserves this scrutiny.

Also, sometimes liberalism and conservatism have been known to skip a generation. Who knows, she may be the next phyllis shaffley.
SINthysist said:
I'm suggesting she should be put in a leather halter and harness, attached to a buggy and be led around while we yell Bad Horsey, Bad Horsey...


Bad idea. Knowing the sinners in this crowd, half of them would get off on it.

Plus I saw it on Real Sex 28. Or 15. Something like that.
LOL - Rasta

Do the Bush children? No. The scrutiny Chelsea went through in the Clinton years was pretty minimal at her Parent's request. Now that the shoe is on the other foot...

Well, the rules need to be the same for all just to be fair, wouldn't you agree?

She's the daughter of the smartest woman and best loved man in America. She's smart enough to know she's being watched and photogenic to boot, wouldn't you say?

Hell. Mom's running...


( get the attention of THEIR constituency! )

I mean, the Bush siblings at least have an excuse don't they? Their Dad is the DUMBEST man IN THE WORLD!



:D :D :D
SINthysist said:
...yeah, MASK!


(Dumb Bush girls prettier! Probably easier, too!)

Just how much caffiene have we had this morning?

Leave Chelsea and the Bush kids alone. They have nothing to do with the office.

If they wanna have sex in public,let them have it. The more perverts in the world,the better.
SINthysist said:
LOL - Rasta

Do the Bush children? No. The scrutiny Chelsea went through in the Clinton years was pretty minimal at her Parent's request. Now that the shoe is on the other foot...

Well, the rules need to be the same for all just to be fair, wouldn't you agree?

She's the daughter of the smartest woman and best loved man in America. She's smart enough to know she's being watched and photogenic to boot, wouldn't you say?

Hell. Mom's running...


( get the attention of THEIR constituency! )


She was a minor. Bush's daughters aren't. Chelesea also stayed free of violating the law, I believe, which can't be said for Bush's daughters.
fuck it, they are all legal now, along with the Gore Girls....I vote we make 'em nude jello wrassle with the looser having to tongue clean the winner.

(I bet on the Bush Twins kickin some ass, those young women have a mean streak the size of their dads crayola collection)
brokenbrainwave said:
fuck it, they are all legal now, along with the Gore Girls....I vote we make 'em nude jello wrassle with the looser having to tongue clean the winner.

(I bet on the Bush Twins kickin some ass, those young women have a mean streak the size of their dads crayola collection)

I think the Gore gals are a little more attractive.
Plus I don't think I would like being with women who I suspect would probably end up puking on my shoes at the end of the evening.
TWB said:

I think the Gore gals are a little more attractive.
no doubt about that, right now....but that mom, ugh. Let them pop out a couple of babies and try to kill a few rap artists, tell me then what they look like.
Chelsea's been a regular little law-breaker too...

Daddy's Crayon collection... LOL ...
Who will cash in on their boobies first?

Dems & Chelsea or Reps & (pick one)...

Re: Re: Chelsea's Nipples.....

InnocentAngel81 said:

if you squint it does look like them

hmm yea but Bill buddy pall whats up with the jerry curl?