Chat is messed up!


Chat room has a separate registration. The whole system is down and I wanted to tell the management because I have a hot date that is falling through. Registering here wouldnt do anything because we dont know each other and that's fine.
Chat IS messed up

I have been unable to log in to the main board chat site for over 2 hours. After entering username and password, I get "Internale error Please try us again later" (sic). What is up?? Does this problem only affect some users and not others?
Re: Chat IS messed up

Zen_Archer said:
I have been unable to log in to the main board chat site for over 2 hours. After entering username and password, I get "Internale error Please try us again later" (sic). What is up?? Does this problem only affect some users and not others?

Some Technical glitch. Hopefully it'll be resolved soon. I'm having withdrawals.
I'm sorry chat is down but why not stick around here and learn something other than "Age/sex/location".
Shiner said:
I'm sorry chat is down but why not stick around here and learn something other than "Age/sex/location".

LMAO Is that all that is said? I kind of thought that maybe a name might be thrown in.:eek:
bknight2602 said:
LMAO Is that all that is said? I kind of thought that maybe a name might be thrown in.:eek:

The really bright ones follow it with "Wanna fuck" or "Gotta a webcam" ?
Your jibes are smug nonsense

I have better converations in erotic chat than most of you ever will have in here. People are more honest there. And they're hotter. It's a fascinating experience as opposed to akternately flattering and insulting each other the way you people do. How manyof you have met up with friends you made here?
I have met several wonderful people from Lit BB.

One mans garbage...

I hope your chatroom is up and running soon enough.
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Re: Your jibes are smug nonsense

Unregistered said:
I have better converations in erotic chat than most of you ever will have in here.

Your not inspiring me so far :p
Its unfortunate there are such separate camps for the same enjoyed pastime. I have been visiting Lit's chatrooms almost daily for the past several months. But I do find my way here occasionally.

I've met some wonderful people in chat. Really the only difference between the two mediums as that here you have to wait for a response - in the chatroom there is immediate interaction. Don't be snobbish, its beneath you.

The lit chatrooms are as much a part of Lit as the bulletin boards are.


shadylady2 said:
Its unfortunate there are such separate camps for the same enjoyed pastime. I have been visiting Lit's chatrooms almost daily for the past several months. But I do find my way here occasionally.

I've met some wonderful people in chat. Really the only difference between the two mediums as that here you have to wait for a response - in the chatroom there is immediate interaction. Don't be snobbish, its beneath you.

The lit chatrooms are as much a part of Lit as the bulletin boards are.



Another one with a humour by-pass :D

If this is what chat does to you then I'm staying right here.
Ease off everyone.

It's not that we have a problem with chat or even think of it anymore than you think of the BB.

The problem is that ever three or four months a group of chatters have this urgent need to run screaming to this very board and howl about CMs and power abuse.

This thread was created not so long after the most recent chat drama.

Unlike in a chat, chat drama exported to the BB is here forever and brought up everytime someone posts to that thread. Which is often because they always end up with chatters chatting in them. Which is fine, but it does serve to remind that chat drama doesn't stay in chat, it comes to the BB with astonishing and irritating regularity.

That's why people who chat and come here will find them treated less than seriously. You wouldn't like it if we descended on chat and bitched about BB drama. I would hazard a guess that the CMs would kick us out for it.

That is why people here don't react well to chatters. Just way, way too much drama from that place.
KillerMuffin said:

That's why people who chat and come here will find them treated less than seriously. You wouldn't like it if we descended on chat and bitched about BB drama. I would hazard a guess that the CMs would kick us out for it.

That is why people here don't react well to chatters. Just way, way too much drama from that place.

Most likely if you went to chat and bitched about the BB, you would merely be asked to take it to a private room.

Here there are no "private rooms" as such, but you can choose not to open a thread that references chat.

Way too much drama from chat??? Holy shit. 3 or 4 threads every few months. Uh huh.

Totally unlike, of course, the "I hate Hans" "Hans is stalking me" "I'm a victim of Hans".... not to mention the "oh no she's dead" "no wait, she's not" as well as "omg she posted a virus link" - and those are just some recent ones.

And you think there's too much drama in chat.

Go figure.

Considering that a good many people in chat are also here on the BB, I'm not quite sure why so many of you find "chat drama" so offensive.
It's not offensive.

It's old. It happens two or three times a year. As you pointed out so eloquently, we have our own dramas to deal with. Why do you expect us to deal with your drama runoff with happy faces and snugglies? You reserve the right to bring your chat drama here. I reserve the right to bitch at you for it. Don't like it? Tough stuff.
Bitch all you like, it's all the same to me.

I do wonder why you bother to open these chat threads, but whatever works for you.

I really don't think anyone was asking people here to "deal with your drama runoff with happy faces and snugglies"...

I think the threads are started for those persons interested to voice their opinions.
Im partial to both, even though it seems over the past month i've been drawn more to the BB..
so much attitude

from a bunch of slobs (in the main) who steal other peoples body images and post them as if they were hot, and who condescend to other Lit patrons who prefer direct fantasy and perhaps even contact. I didn't post this thread to start trouble with the in crod of this hopeless board, but to notify the management (if they didn't already know!) and to see if others had the same problem - as if your key no longer worked in a door you opened every few days.

then came the deluge of snot from the losers.

go dump on some newbies who think this place is worth taking shit in.
Cherry said:
Old chatters never die ... they just come to the BB :)

Now wait a minute. I'm not THAT old.

*hobbles over to the rocking chair and picks up her knitting* :D