Charles Marohn of Strong Towns is tired of the partisan witch hunts.


Jan 1, 2021
Every four years, all a segment of our audience wants to talk about is which national leader should be empowered to impose a top-down set of simplistic solutions on the complexity that is America. A small, but very loud and vocal, portion of our audience. At best, it is a distraction that sucks air out of the room. At worst, it takes our bottom-up conversation—one that crosses all kinds of social and cultural boundaries—and tries to force it into a left–right, us-versus-them, angry political binary.
There are 2 hot topic issues which are used in that manner; guns and abortion.

Interestingly enough, the Left wants to outlaw guns in order to save lives but demands abortion in order to end lives.

Methinks the Left isn't honest with itself and is trying to lie to the rest of us at the same time.