Characters you personally identify with in movies.


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Feb 3, 2002
I'm sure everyone here has seen a movie with a character that they really identified with, so what movie and who was the character?

I think mine would be, Mike Peters from Swingers.
The rookie, Jake Hoyt, from Training Day. I've been in departments that stressed personal integrity. (Mine is intact)
Gollum. From "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy"

Not really, but I do occasionally find myself running around naked, and hissing "My Precious, we wants it."
most recently....

charlie kaufman-adaptation.

i dohave to say i came home one afternoonto see my roomate watching a movie.

"what are you watching?"
"the story of YOUR life."

high fidelity
the geek guy in SLC Punk. It's totally me, without the whole caring for the environment shit
I can't think of any that I identify with. When I was younger, it was Samantha from "Sixteen Candles". I think that was more of a teen angstthing though.
The doctor from lilo and stitch
Uncle Buck (from Uncle Buck)
Angus from Angus
lilminx said:
I can't think of any that I identify with. When I was younger, it was Samantha from "Sixteen Candles". I think that was more of a teen angstthing though.

I always though Molly was hot.