

sexual catalyst
Sep 3, 2000
I had been sent to Earth to find out about sexual reproduction. I landed in a remote area and shifted my appearance to a fourty year old woman so I can blend in and see what is going on before I picked a younger form.
welcome to earth

why would you want to pick a younger form... you picked the perfect age, in my opinion.
(because not everyone has the same opinion...that's the fun part about being changling...i can be any age or gender)

I wandered for a while until I spotted people I watched them noticing how a particular man was eyeing me. I found myself drawn towards him to find out what he wanted.
tell me more, intriguess

i find it hard to believe that you caught only the eye of one man. surelly, there were many....
ooc I'm going to get pissy, this is not a story, this is an INTERACTIVE role playing board. if you are not going to play than don't waste the space.
Now who is that, I thought , as my eyes danced over the lovely lady down the path. My firends and i had chosen this park because it was not that popular. Usually we were the only ones there. But here was someone new, and lovely at that.

She caught me looking at her, but instead of turning away, she stared right back, as though she wanted something, so I smiled.
She stared a moment as though studying me and smiled back, an imitation of my own smile. Was she mocking me? Was she inviting me?

I looked her up and down, her body would have made any invitation worth while. It was the body of a mature woman, about 40 or so, but well worth the investigation. I lagged behind my friends a bit, allowing them to wander farther up the path, perhaps she might be walking my way. Perhaps she might be appraochable. I wasn't sure, there was something alien about her, alien and intriguing like the first visit to a foreign country.
Huamn customs were so strange she thought as the man drew closer. She smiled and felt her breasts moving up and down with each breath. She had chosen simple clothing, a white dress shirt and simple black slacks, and a jacket. There was a silver pin on the jacket that served as a communication device.

She felt the breeze combing her unruly bronze curls as she winked at him. Her species were unable to reproduce within species, so that emmisaries had been sent out to bring back new genetic material to increase reproductive success.

How to achieve this on earth was uncertain, and if cross species fertilization was viable with this fertile thriving species. She hoped so everything about them indicated success.

She greeted him her voice sultry and soft, "Hello."
Her soft hello jolted me, and i probably betrayed my interest with widened eyes. It had been way too long since a woman had approached me first, especially a woman as appealing as this one.. Her bronze hair defined an attractive face and her body was more than attractive, not at all disguised by her simple dress. The white shirt only emphasized her full breasts and my eyes caught their movement as she took a deep breath before she spoke and her black slacks flowed smoothly over legs and hips that were well worth exploring.
"Hi, " I said, " nice to see a new face in the park." Opening lines were never my forte and most of my relationships with women began after they got to know me but something about this woman drew me. Something about her eyes and body language suggested an inquiring mind. What did I have to lose, worst thing she could do would be to run screaming.
"Care for some company a we walk?" I asked, glancing up the path at my disappearing friends. They would never miss me, they were mostly paired off, except for Cindy, and her mind was on her bird list. Lord knows I tried to divert her more than once, but I'd resigned myself to watching her hips sway as she walked into the woods. Here was a woman willing to talk, and a bird in the hand is much better than a bird watcher in the bush
Her soft hello jolted me, and i probably betrayed my interest with widened eyes. It had been way too long since a woman had approached me first, especially a woman as appealing as this one.. Her bronze hair defined an attractive face and her body was more than attractive, not at all disguised by her simple dress. The white shirt only emphasized her full breasts and my eyes caught their movement as she took a deep breath before she spoke and her black slacks flowed smoothly over legs and hips that were well worth exploring.
"Hi, " I said, " nice to see a new face in the park." Opening lines were never my forte and most of my relationships with women began after they got to know me but something about this woman drew me. Something about her eyes and body language suggested an inquiring mind. What did I have to lose, worst thing she could do would be to run screaming.
"Care for some company a we walk?" I asked, glancing up the path at my disappearing friends. They would never miss me, they were mostly paired off, except for Cindy, and her mind was on her bird list. Lord knows I tried to divert her more than once, but I'd resigned myself to watching her hips sway as she walked into the woods. Here was a woman willing to talk, and a bird in the hand is much better than a bird watcher in the bush
Her soft hello jolted me, and i probably betrayed my interest with widened eyes. It had been way too long since a woman had approached me first, especially a woman as appealing as this one.. Her bronze hair defined an attractive face and her body was more than attractive, not at all disguised by her simple dress. The white shirt only emphasized her full breasts and my eyes caught their movement as she took a deep breath before she spoke and her black slacks flowed smoothly over legs and hips that were well worth exploring.
"Hi, " I said, " nice to see a new face in the park." Opening lines were never my forte and most of my relationships with women began after they got to know me but something about this woman drew me. Something about her eyes and body language suggested an inquiring mind. What did I have to lose, worst thing she could do would be to run screaming.
"Care for some company a we walk?" I asked, glancing up the path at my disappearing friends. They would never miss me, they were mostly paired off, except for Cindy, and her mind was on her bird list. Lord knows I tried to divert her more than once, but I'd resigned myself to watching her hips sway as she walked into the woods. Here was a woman willing to talk, and a bird in the hand is much better than a bird watcher in the bush
OOC: sorry about the sloppy housework, not even sure how i managed to put that in triplicate, and eveen less sure how to get rid of it,lol
She smiled, there was an empty cabin nearby and she sensed a readiness from him as she simply took his hand and walked with him. She took the time to introduce herself as katrina, that she was new in town and didn't know anybody and had come to the park to see who enjoyed the outdoors like she did.

Her body was doing strange things as she walked, she could feel her breasts swell and the nipples tighten, it was a pleasant feeling she decided one she wished to fully explore.
I walked up the path, hand in hand with her, reveling in my good fortune at meeting this strang and alluring woman. She made no objection as I turned on to a side path that led to a small cabin

It was just a crude shelter for the park workers to wait out the rain, a door, wooden floor, and a bench running along one side but it did offer privacy. I closed the door and turned to her, seeing her bathed in the light of the window.
the sun light illuminated her as if nature gave it's approval and my eyes gazed upon her, roaming from her hair, to her eyes and sensuous lips, down over her breasts, full and inviting to her hips and well formed ass.

I walked up and stood close, intrigued by her strange eyes, reached up and placed my hand behind her neck and bent in for a kiss. Her lips moved on mine, her hands touched my shoulders. I probed with my tongue and to my delight her mouth opened to receive me
the rain started slowly but soon we were soaked on the porch area as our lips met. He opened the door and we stepped in...I smiled and gently suggested we get out of our wet clothes. I partly turned away from him then opted against it as i slowly removed my clothing until I was clothed in just emerald green bra and panty set. My skin felt warm to me and I felt an odd tingly all through my body centered inside me covered by my panties.
earth man

She looked exquisite. I peeled off my clothes, watching her do the same. I ended up in my silk boxers, tented with obvious arousal, she in green bra and panties. The rain left them transparent, two hard nipples visible, beckoning to me, and a dark vee under her panties just begging for attention.

I walked over to her and stood behind her, bending a bit to kiss her neck, choosing that soft spot under her ear. My hands rested on her waist, above her hips and I first pulled her to me to press my hardness against her shapely ass, then I raised the slowly, up over her ribs to cup her breasts. They rested perfectly in my palms and I lifted them slightly to feel their weight, my fingers brushing over her nipples through the transparent fabric. A sharp intake of breath thrust them farther into my hands as her head fell back on to my shoulder. Her hands slid up to cover mine, squeezing softly as she began to writhe, gyrating her hips to rub against my cock.
ummm sex after forty.......she knew the abilities of her body and had studied humans extensively through their visual transmissions. But to feel things up close, was entirely different than watching. She leaned into him, encouraging as her head tilted to give him access to her neck. It had been interesting seperating fact from reality as humans evidently liked to watch impossible things happen.

Her mind snapped back to him as she felt his hands cupping her breasts, holding them like precious cargo and while she wanted to turn towards him and see what was going on. At the same time she wanted to enjoy the surprise of his touch.
earth man

I kept devouring her neck, offered up to me, all the while fondling her breasts. Good breasts, full and womanly, not the breasts of a child. Her hard nipples pushed through the bra and I caught them in my fingers, rolling them as my tongue licked up and down her neck. She kept moving her ass,this strange woman from out of nowhere, rubbing against my erection, so i slid one hand down across her belly and into her panties. Her hair was wet from the rain, lower down she was wet from my attentions. Down across her wet lips, I stroked, easing my finger between them as soon as it was coated with her juices, down to touch her insides, up to tease the clit I found hard and swollen.
She knew her mission and felt an odd exhileration as his hand slide into her panties. How did earth women stand it she wondered. It was a sensation of the flesh, a form complicated and unexplored as it was difficult to maintan for a long time. My nipples were taut and large. She was glad that her current form was a composite rather than a replication of someone. It made life interesting. She wondered how long she would remain on earth.

Her thoughts were brought back to the present as she slide his boxers down, feeling his hot thick skin next to her. She wiggled wanting more, unable to articulate the need that she felt deep inside.
earth man

She slid my boxers down without turning, a deftness that bade well, and returned to wiggling her ass against my cock with the writhing expertise of an accomplished lap dancer. I unhooked her bra and released her full breasts from their damp prison, then slid my hands down to her hips and began lowering her panties so I could rub my cock against her bare ass. I reached around to cup her breasts again, grinding against her and reveling in her response.

As precarious as our privacy was, we had thrown caution to the wind and if someone saw us, well, we'd just have to inspire them. I knew my friends were about, perhaps pairring off on their own, perhaps looking for me.

Her hands came up to cover mine and squeezed them upon her breasts as I devoured her neck with my mouth. I took her hands in mine, and slid them back down her body to her knees, bending her over in the process, thrusting her ass up . Instinctually, she held her knees while I spread her legs and placed my swollen tip against her wet nether lips. I rubbed my tip across them, lubricating us both, then paused and slid forward
She was off to a good start as his hands ran along her body, bending her body over, exposing her pussy to his cock. She purred a low unnatural rumble as his cock teased her. She felt the heat, the power, the life force, as he nudged the head in, rolling it around in her wet hot body. She pushed back against him, holding her knees rotating her hips circling the tip as he kept still for a moment as she played. She felt his hands kneeding her ass, as he pushed forward so slowly it felt like an eternity.
earth man

I held her hips and moaned as she rotated her hips, moving back on me, slowly spiraling around my cock. I didn't even have to move, only hold her hips as took me in deeper and deeper till my balls pressed agaisnt the back of her thighs. Still holding her hips, I pulled out till only my tip was held by her wet lips, then slid back in , not fast, but steadily and began to stroke in and out of her. I could see her breasts swaying under her as I bounced her ass against my stomach, driving myself deeper and deeper. The rain beat on the tin roof of the shed, and, lost in the feeling of her wet pussy, it sounded to me for a moment like the applause of nature iself.
George, Park Worker

ooc: tall, moderate build, late 40's lives a solitary life.

ic: muttering: "Damn, Looks like kids have broken into the shelter again. Hey, maybe they're still there, Wonder if I can catch them this time. Damn rain. Gonna be soaked by quitting time.

Holy......... Lookee at that. Them ain't no kids.
I was so caught up in the sensations that I forgot why I was there as he moved in and out. The feeling was far different than I had ever imagined.....feeling was believing I thought, as unarticulate little purrs and moans escaped my lips as I my hands gripped my legs holding myself in place. I mentally set aside space for storing him sperm inside me as I continued enjoying the feel of his cock sliding in and pulling out, slow fast slow fast
George, Park Worker

I bet at least one of thems is married. Why else would they come to the park to screw!! Nothing like that ever happens to me. Can't meet no one worthwhile with this job. No one ever comes to the park alone anymore. And the few who do, don't want to talk with the likes of me.
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earth man

I tried to vary my rhythms, slow at first, and as she got wetter, quickened up the pace. She kept her hands on her legs, bracing herself, even pushing back with her ass to encourage me and squeezing me inside. Her muscle control was fantastic, absolutely out of this world. I pulled out almost all the way and she whimpered as if she might lose me, but I thrust hard and deep, slapping her ass against my stomach, faster and harder till the sounds of our bodies slapping together filled the room.