Chance Encounter (closed)


That one guy
Feb 22, 2008
Lance Morgan stretched his lithe 6 ft swimmers frame in the warm morning sun , his muscles rippled ad flexed as he stepped onto the boardwalk. He ran his hands through his short dark hair as his blue eyes surveyed the sun rising over the crisp water. Sure he was a little old at 32 to be enjoying spring break, but if his students could, so could he. Granted he wasn't having the same kind of fun they most likely were. But a vacation down to Florida for a week was exactly what he needed

He spent a few minutes stretching before heading out on a jog, cutting along the boardwalk in the late morning. More an more people beginning to fill the wide avenue of planks. He had just begun to head down into the beach when he saw someone heading for the same sandy ramp


His mind flashed back to the beginning of the semester whe his classes had been troubled by the curvy blonds insistence of unhinged necklines. Every class he felt like he couldn't get enough of her swelling cleavage. He was a little abashed to say that her chest had been half of what made him certain it was her. The other part was her blond hair and blue eyes and that twinkling smile that always lit up her eyes. He slowed as he approached

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Erica James was a 21 year old college student and was determined to make this spring break one of the best yet. School had been killer lately and she was upset that she had had to change one of her classes due to the fact that she had had the hots for Mr. Morgan and couldn't consintrate on her studies. She had enjoyed the class to he had made it fun but her sexual fantisies kept getting in the way so she had switched to another professior on the same subject and found the class to be a bore.

Erica had her blonde her curly hair loose and her lean 5'7" tan body was covered in nothing more than booty shorts and string bikini top as she jogged toward the beach eager for a morning swim in the ocean. When she heard a male voice call her name she knew she had to be mistaking the voice who it belonged to as she was just thinking about the man. She froze and spun to see the tall lean body she had just been thinking about in far less than she had ever seen him. Her panties instantly went damp.

"Mr. Morgan?" She asked in shock with her smokey bedroom voice. "What are you doing here? Wait let me guess, you decided since all the hot young bodies left campus you'd follow them and get a better look?" She laughed and discretly ran her hand down her body.
he chuckled at her comment, but his eyes did dip down to watch her hadns run over that body that was always distracting him. Her full chest, sli waist adn curvig hips. The bikini she wore showed the full roundness of her breasts, something he had often thought of before she bailed out of his class

"Well of course I am, adn who would have thought I wold run ito a student of mine who bailed out of my class" he said with a grin as he walekd to jsut a few feet from her, thise eyes twinkling like he remembered

"After all how else can I stay cool if I don't keep up with you kids" he said with a grin, " but I certainly never thought I would run into you here. Are you staying here for the break" he asked as he smled dwon at her, that vibrance from her flowing into him as if he had never missed a class. He found himself being drawn to her again....shit, this was no good

"Yeah I am just out for a run, and I wanted to get familiar with the boardwalk and all that. Whats got a party gal like yourself up so early?"
She smiled wickedly as his eyes ran over her body and let her manicured fingers linger in the valley of her cleavage. "Yeah a couple of the girls and I are stay at the hotel sharing rooms and such to keep cost down."

She ignored his comment about her bailing on his class as she couldn't very well explain that she was hot for teacher in every since of the word. "I don't party too hard and I am heading out for a swim and to tan while everyone else sleeps." She explained to him.

She kept pace with him as he head toward the beach and did her best to keep her eyes from wandering of his lean well shaped form. She loved how he was almost a half foot taller than she and imagined she would fit just right in his arms. When they got near the water she kicked off her sandles and began to shimmy out of her shorts revealing matching string bikini bottoms.

"Care to join me for a swim professor?" She asked teasingly.
He swalloed as her fingers lingered in the swelling valley of her breasts, his eyes didnt leinger too long. But soon they were walking t the water, adn he thanked the reprieve from having to face that figure. SOon they reached the water as she told him where she was staying.

She stopped and kicked off her snadals, ten her delicate fingers dipped into her shrts, an soon her shimmying body swayed and jiggled in a way that made him have to look away, but he didn't. He watched her hefty orbs jiggle in her bikini, he watched her slender hips become exposed as the shorts were peeled off ehr delicious little ass, adn drop to the sand

"What...A swim... I dunno I was just gonna run. i dont have my swiming truks on" he said in a hesitatn tone as he looked around, then looked to the water, then bck to her. What harm was there

"i mean i guess I could, but you gotta tell me why you dropped my class" he siad as he began to kick his shoes off. He didn't know if this was ok, but he figured if he could keep talking about school, then maybe it could all be appropriate and professional
Erica nibbled her lip thinking up an excuse that wasn't the truth and let the first thing that came to mind pop out of her mouth. "Technically I didn't drop you class I just changed class times to fit my schedule better and you didn't have class at that time so I got stuck with Professor Wenton." She sneered the name in obvious distaste.

She shrugged and laid her towel out by her shorts and sandles. She knew what she had told him about leaving his class was a lie she had had to rearrange all her classes just to get in the opening in Wenton's class but it was that or carry a couple extra pair of panties and maybe a vibrator whenever she was in his class. She smiled at him, "Last one in has to buy breakfast." She called and dashed toward the water diving in seamlessly.
He nodded as she explained the situation. Stuff like that certainly wasn't uncommon and he had to chuckle at how she referred to professor Wenton. Before he could say anything though she had set her stuff down, announced the wager, and before he realized it, he was chasing her cute little ass into the water like a dog chasing its favorite toy

She beat him of course as the swam through the breakers and surfaced in the calmer deeper water

"Hey you cheated" he said as he splashed at her, unable to deny how cute and gorgeous she was with her blond hair plastered back and the blue water setting off her blue eyes

"But I'll buy anyway" he said as he swam away from her starting to stroke through the water as she followed

"Where we swimming to. The other end of the boardwalk and back?" He asked trying to get his mind on more appropriate things, and not the memory of her firm ass flexing a d bulging in her tight little bikini bottoms. He had been her teacher after all

" so how are you doing in his class? I remember you having issues focusing in mine. You always seemed to be distracted"
"Sure" she said following him as they swam toward the boardwalk. She admired his form as well as his well toned body and did her damnest not to drool. She decided as she caught up to him she was just going to have to make him suffer like she was suffer it was only fair after all.

"I may have been distracted in your class, you shouldn't fill out a suit so well, and I am boared to tears in his." She commented casually as if she didn't just admit she found him good looking.

"I am going to have to find a tutor who doesn't put me to sleep in my favorite subject or I am going to end up failing it."
Full a suit huh, the thought of his interest being reciprocated was a dangerous one

"Well you know my office hours, and I always want to help someone who is interested" he said as they swam, thankful that the swimming his her form from him. At least for the most part. Here and there he caught a glimpse of the round swelling side of one breast as her arm strokes
Forward. Could he really tutor her. Could he focus?

"Well you never made teaching easy with those low necklines if yours" he quipped back as the neared the bed of the boardwalk, soon he pulled up paddling water

"But I'm serious about the tutoring. I'd love to be of some help since I couldn't be your teacher"
She stopped when did slowly swaying her arms back and forth to keep herself a float as she faced him and looked into his eyes. She had to hold back a groan at the lust that suddenly swamped over her.

"Me and my low necklines will think about it but it spring break so I don't have to think about school at all at the moment. I am just a girl at the beach." She said with a saucy smile.

While she talked she drifted closer to him and finally leg her wet breast brush against his chest.

"Come on let's get back to the beach I am ready to suck up some sun before you take me breakfast." She said and turned swimming away from him and splashing him with water while she laughed to her self.
He smiled at her comment about her tops

"Just a girl at the beach huh? Well I guess that makes me a regular old guy at the beach then" he said in reply as she swam closer, so close that he felt her chest slide against his, and then before he could react she splashed at him and began to swim off, calling back that she wanted some sun, and Lance had to agree. A little sun would be nice

He swam after her and it wasn't long until they had returned to their pile of clothes. The two trod out if the water, both forms glistening with beaded water glistening in the early morning sun, the beach practically vacant where they were at the end of the board walk

"Are you gonna share that towel" he asked as they approached there stuff

"Drying off in te sun sounds perfect"
She laughed at him enjoying spending regular time with him as she always knew she would. At his comment on sharing her towel she glanced down at it then up at him with a naughty smile.

"Well it's kinda smile so I guess we need to figure out who's on top first?" She questioned with a slightly raised arched brow. She had deffinately put some double innuendo into that meaning.
That naughty look of hers made him swallow, but he was proud that he had been able to keep his eyes on hers. The light glistening off the curves of her wet skin was indeed distracting!

"Good to see your still trouble" he told her with a smile. "I'll just sit on the bottom here. You can have the top" he said with a chuckle as he nudged her with his elbow. Then he slowly lowered himself to sit down in the bottom edge. He stretched his legs out into the warm San and leaned back on his arms. His muscles flexed and stretched as he did so, his abdomen well formed and cut, the lithe muscles of his chest and arms glistening in the sunlight

"After all I wouldn't want to get between you and the sun"