Cervical Orgasms


Drink. Me. In.
Jul 5, 2016
Ladies— have you experienced a cervical orgasm? If you have via masturbation, what position and what type of toy do you recommend? I’ve been reading about these orgasms and now I want one.
I can't speak for ladies but I think I've been on the receiving end of one a couple of times. When my cock's deep inside, usually just at the moment of or just after my orgasm; that feeling of her cervix opening, moving involuntarily, gripping and almost sucking on the head of my penis. I've seen it analysed clinically on TV shows as a natural aid to conception, and I'm 100% certain at least one of my kids was conceived that way, on that exact occasion.

I'm not sure if the flood of semen and hormones is what triggers it; it makes sense in biological terms if it does.
In addition to the cervix, there's also the anterior and posterior fornix in that same area. A larger percentage of women enjoy stimulation in those spots than direct cervical stimulation. But, a fair number of men aren't long enough to reach those spots for most women (myself included and I'm not small by any means). Can't comment on stimulating them via masturbation because, well, dude and all.
I don't know what its called.... but if you find the G spot and then keep going following a line across the "top" when laying on your back. You will find a nodule that feels as if it is a belly button felt from the inside of the body.

Yes!! Pretty sure that's what's referred to as the A-spot and stimulating it can create some crazy powerful orgasms, especially combined with other stimulation, i.e., clit, nipples, etc.
Hello! Since you’re asking a woman’s input- I’m unsure as to what a cervical orgasm is but now I want one. Guess you can call me an orgasm collector, hah! I’ve had various other types of orgasms however. The anterior fornex which was mentioned above is my fave. First learned about it from a porn video if you can believe that! Can only be reached after heightened arousal so it’s elusive for me. But when you finally get it…oh my god! I found that one while playing with one of my shorter dildos. It’s the perfect length to stimulate that spot. And as long as you keep hitting the spot, I can keep cumming and cumming…
Well the cervix has minimal nerve endings compared to the clitoris and vaginal wall so I think someone has been pulling your leg (or plonker)

there’s enough disinformation about women‘s bodies and sexual response without creating new stuff ;)
I’ve fucked woman and felt their IUD pushing against my cock. So I guess technically I was stimulating it. Not sure if they came though.
I don't know what its called.... but if you find the G spot and then keep going following a line across the "top" when laying on your back. You will find a nodule that feels as if it is a belly button felt from the inside of the body.


I THINK I have felt GF's internal belly button with my fingers. It produces some intense orgasms whatever it is/was.
It may be just us but when she has these orgasms her vagina swells into an unreal size, for her at least. She cannot feel any difference but I sure can, even getting into naughty talk about a double vaginal or fist.
Well the cervix has minimal nerve endings compared to the clitoris and vaginal wall so I think someone has been pulling your leg (or plonker)

there’s enough disinformation about women‘s bodies and sexual response without creating new stuff ;)
Very good to know! I think Lit has paid for it's subscription.
I've hit bottom in some of women, they didnt care for it.. matter fact their hands were on my front hips pushing me back off them... Dont miss them, i need to bury it deep so all of my cock is covered in her cream.