Celebrity Politicians


Game Face Status: On
Feb 8, 2002
These people are disturbing. Have an opinion one way or the other, fine...but quit acting like (1) You are on some higher morale ground and (2) your opinion means anything more than every other Joe on the street corner. Rosy, Martin Sheen, Janeane Garofalo, etc.

Did anyone catch Fox news this morning with Janeane Garofolo...she was on their spreading her typical anti-war rhetoric, and I can't recall the guy's name, but he unloaded a verbal spanking on her ass like I haven't seen in a long time.

I think I read somewhere that N'Sync is on board the pro-Bush stance...that makes me feel secure :rolleyes:

So, does Hollywood influence your political opinions...?
Gunner Dailey said:
These people are disturbing. Have an opinion one way or the other, fine...but quit acting like (1) You are on some higher morale ground and (2) your opinion means anything more than every other Joe on the street corner. Rosy, Martin Sheen, Janeane Garofalo, etc.

Did anyone catch Fox news this morning with Janeane Garofolo...she was on their spreading her typical anti-war rhetoric, and I can't recall the guy's name, but he unloaded a verbal spanking on her ass like I haven't seen in a long time.

I think I read somewhere that N'Sync is on board the pro-Bush stance...that makes me feel secure :rolleyes:

So, does Hollywood influence your political opinions...?

LOL!!! I know, I know!!! These are people who Pretend for a living....... they make believe they are some one else and now they think they are qualified to lead in real life???
No. I respect a well thought out, complete analysis of any given situation regardless of the source.
Re: Re: Celebrity Politicians

huskie said:
LOL!!! I know, I know!!! These are people who Pretend for a living....... they make believe they are some one else and now they think they are qualified to lead in real life???
They aren't qualified to lead, but they are uniquely qualified to be a politician - at least the kind of politicians that we elect nowadays. Think about it.
She was on Canadian television last week and made a lot of sense.

She calmly explained how despite knowing the right wing commentators on American television routinely eviscerate her, she continues to speak because she believes that the USA is wrong to be usurping the UN by invading Iraq.

And she's right.

Americans listen to celebrities...they're your Royalty.

And right now, they're a more effective counterpoint to the Republicans than the Democrats are, that's for sure.

In Canada we have like 600 federal political parties, so we don't get caught so quickly in the paralysis the US gets mired in on contentious issues.
Lancecastor said:
Americans listen to celebrities...they're your Royalty.

Good points Lance, however Americans also remember (ie. Hanoi Jane).
Gunner Dailey said:
Good points Lance, however Americans also remember (ie. Hanoi Jane).

And remember they should.....Jane Fonda was right to show Americans that the Vietnamese were real people too...after that, Nixon's Greedhead power started to slip and the people started objecting to the 58,000 bodybags and naked viet kids running on fire from Napalm.


Jane Fonda's career was much bigger afterwards.

And in Canada, we now have Vietnamese families, restaurants and culture as part of our mosaic.

I love the spicy lemongrass soup and vermicelli with curry chicken.
See, I have a problem with the whole thing she did when walking down the line of American POW's. They handed her scraps of paper containing their ID #'s in hopes she would take them back so the US government would know for sure who the POW's were, and when she finished collecting them all, she turned and handed them to the Viet Cong officer. Bad Jane...still loathed by many in this country.
Lancecastor said:

In Canada we have like 600 federal political parties, so we don't get caught so quickly in the paralysis the US gets mired in on contentious issues.

Ummmm...? 600 Federal Parties ? Really ?

After the ones that sit in Parliament can you give me the names of a few more?

This is going to be good


edited for a typo
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re_Mark_s said:
Ummmm...? 600 Federal Parties ? Really ?

After the ones that sit in Parliment can you give me the names of a few more?

This is going to be good


Federal Parties? hookers and shit ya mean?:p
eagleyez said:
Federal Parties? hookers and shit ya mean?:p

This is what the Mounties are for... To hit the streets in Mountie limos and pick up hookers for the Federal Parties...

If you ever see a couple of Mounties sticking out of the sunroof of a limo you can bet there's hookers inside...

Ahh legeslation in action... It's so heady...
Silly boyz....it's closer to 6 than 600, but my point is that bipartisanship in the USA paralyses debate.

Our best chance at Global Harmony was with the Natural Law Party. Everyone spending their days yogic flying....*sigh*.
