Celeb idea


May 19, 2011
- Mike an attorney is headed back from LA to NYC after working a probono case. He's about to board the airplane in first class, he sees an army corporal lined up for economy boarding. Without making a spectacle e goes to the flight crew and offer a switch.

- The flight attendant who does this is glowing in appreciation. Mike begins to walk to his new econmy seat when the flight attendant taps his shoulder telling him a new seat opened up in first class.

-Mike shakes it off at first but. Mike eventually relents and is now seated in first class, next to familiar enough face. She's an attractive blonde who thanks him or originally giving up his seat for the soldier. Mike has had a hard couple a weeks and is sure he's going to get chewed out at his law firm n the morning or taking personal time on hs his probono case.

-He lets her know he's really tired, trying to find a polite way to avoide conversation. She's supervised by this and is soon off to sleep.

-Somehow he was so tired he slept through the landing.

-The girl leaves forgot her iphone in the seat. He pics it up to drop it off with the flight crew, there dealing with things and are unable to help. He heads into work and forgets the phone untill it rings.

-She organizes a pick up, his office is set a buzz when she walks in. He hands her the phone they exchange greetings. He introduces himself as Mike Smith, he asks what her name is and she smiles hiking he's joking but smiles further and says Scarlet Johansson.

-He surprises her furher when he recalls her. Instead of pointing out a movie he says he saw her speech at the Democratic National Convention in Charlote. He admits he dosent watch tv or films at all.

- She asked about the fact that he watched the convention, he responds that he was a delegte.

- She ends up asking him out by way of enviting him to a premiere. He checks his caender and admits he has previouse commitment. She's floored by him, until he bluntly asks for a date outright. The next night there seated together at le cirque chatting up a storm.
The first two bullets are a complete waste.

Beyond that it's not a terrible idea if a tad bit unbelievable without being the fun kind of unbelievable.
The first two bullets are a complete waste.

Beyond that it's not a terrible idea if a tad bit unbelievable without being the fun kind of unbelievable.

Thanks, I almost wrote it yesterday. I wrote another one I was going to write under story idea's, instead.