CBS issues dress-code for Grammys


Hello Summer!
Nov 1, 2005
From here:
the good nuns at CBS want the rappers and rockers to straighten up and dress right....According to an emailed "Wardrobe Advisory" sent by the network's Standards and Practices committee -- first obtained and reported by Deadline -- the network wants all breasts and buttocks to be covered.

"Thong-type costumes are problematic," reads the email. "Please avoid exposing bare fleshy under curves of the buttocks and buttock crack. Bare sides or under curvature of the breasts is also problematic."

...CBS executives, seemingly concerned with the potential of wardrobe malfunctions, also caution against sheer see-through clothing, which could "possibly expose female breast nipples."

In addition to the warnings against cleavage and "puffy bare skin exposure" near the genitals, the email also spells out -- in capital letters -- that obscenity on clothing is unacceptable. Clothing that contains writing in foreign languages will be required to be cleared, the email says.
Well, I see a plot bunny or two in this... :devil:
Upper curves of the breasts are fine, however. That's a familiar exposure, even if it goes right down to the nipple.

O tempora O mores and shit.... I can just imagine the peevish emails that the 'rappers and rockers' of today will send out when they are old and responsible for the awards ceremonies of the future!
See if I'd let CBS tell me what to wear to the Emmy's. Whaddathey gonna do, withhold the award? Fat, bloody chance of that.
I just have this great image of some poor corporate schmuck in a suit trying to write a memo talking about thongs and butt cheeks...
See if I'd let CBS tell me what to wear to the Emmy's. Whaddathey gonna do, withhold the award? Fat, bloody chance of that.
Well, it's the Grammys, and CBS has decided that it's the family network (read that as old-uptight-network). It got all kinds of obnoxious and rude e-mails from said old-and-uptight about Beyonnce's wardrobe for the Superbowl. Rather than standing up for her, they seem to be trying to get other singers to tone it down so they can avoid e-mails like that this time around. You know, "My kids were dare you subject them to the curves of a hot woman's body!"

Maybe they really think this will draw in viewers who otherwise wouldn't watch the grammys because it will now be appropriate for kids and mormons? :confused:

I just have this great image of some poor corporate schmuck in a suit trying to write a memo talking about thongs and butt cheeks...
Upper curves of the breasts are fine, however. That's a familiar exposure, even if it goes right down to the nipple.

O tempora O mores and shit.... I can just imagine the peevish emails that the 'rappers and rockers' of today will send out when they are old and responsible for the awards ceremonies of the future!

Now I'm visualising a costume designer using a spirit level to ensure they're only showing family-friendly Upper Curve without any of that nasty Lower Curve.
I just have this great image of some poor corporate schmuck in a suit trying to write a memo talking about thongs and butt cheeks...

Yes, but the schmuck would be laughing as he/she wrote the memo. :D
Well, it's the Grammys, and CBS has decided that it's the family network (read that as old-uptight-network). It got all kinds of obnoxious and rude e-mails from said old-and-uptight about Beyonnce's wardrobe for the Superbowl. Rather than standing up for her, they seem to be trying to get other singers to tone it down so they can avoid e-mails like that this time around. You know, "My kids were dare you subject them to the curves of a hot woman's body!"

Like those kids haven't already seen Beyonce's videos, et al. ;)

Yes, but the schmuck would be laughing as he/she wrote the memo. :D

One hopes. :)
You mean-- tone it up...

well, it was a tough decision...



But I had finally decided to go with body paint.


Not the top pic (although it's a bit silly) nor the middle one . . . but that bottom one. What was he thinking? :eek:

I thought the middle one was quite fetching, actually. And I'm sure it would look well going as well as coming. *cough*
Yet more prudery and censorship! Everywhere I look, I see prudes and censors. Curses! :devil::mad:
CBS should just have everyone go nude. But where's the fun in that? You'd see all the wrinkles and faults and scars and all that. Sheesh.
I can't believe it took them this long. Does no one remember Diana Ross (I think that's who it was) jiggling Lil' Kim's free-hanging, pasty-covered left tit?

Best ... Grammys ... Ever