~Caught Smoking~


Jan 14, 2003
~Please PM me if you would be interested in joining me in writing this story~

~I need a gentlemanly "professor" and possibly some girlfriends to pad the story as it progresses~

Lee is an 18 year-old high school senior, with creamy white skin which she covers with no makeup save for the occasional pink lippy. She is 5'9, medium to slim build and has shiny jet black hair which is cut in a china-doll style, chin length and with short straight bangs.
Her eyes are large and ice blue, and she is on the dean's list with a perfect 4.0 gpa. She works hard to maintain her good girl image in the eyes of her parents, who in turn reward her with a liberal allowance and the freedom of late curfews, as well as overnights with her girlfriends. Although some of the slumber parties as of late have gotten quite "experimental", she has never been with a man.
She has a raging crush on her english professor and, at the last slumber party, she and her girlfriends discussed and fantasized about this at length. She and her friends keep naughty journals which they often trade off with each other to amuse themselves with.
Today finds Lee dressed in a short pleated skirt and crisp white blouse. She is wearing charcoal colored thigh high stockings under her tall lace up doc marten boots and carries her books and journal in a black leather backpack.
The story opens with Lee in the bathroom stall of an empty girls washroom, sneaking a cigarette during study hall.
Robert Bardini, English Honors instructor:

It was my free period to work on grades, etc and I was en route to the teacher's lounge. When passing the second floor girl's bathroom I detected the unmistakeable smell of cigarette smoke coming from inside.

Knowing that no one was supposed to be out of class at this time I entered stealthily.

There was a bookbag on a basin and a pair of feet under the privacy wall of one of the stalls. The smoke curled up over the top of the partition.

I opened the backpack/book bag as I watched the stall and pulled out the first book my hand encountered.

Still watching the stall I opened it then glanced down. I nearly dropped it as I saw a cartoon figure of a man with one of my school pictures glued where it's head would be. The figure had a raging erection drawn on a page of what must be a diary or journal.

Under the cartoon was a caption that read, "Mr. Bardini and his 7" cock... that I want to suck and have fuck me"

I turned the page and there was a picture of one of my prize and favorite students, Lee, in nothing but a lacy bra and panties, skimpy ones at that.

Under this picture was the caption, "Will you rip them off Mr. Bardini or would you like me to strip for you. Then you'll fuck me I hope with that big hard cock."

Well her picture and the caption had acheived the effect she'd wanted, although a tad bigger than 7" when hard.

Holding the book I cleared my throat... *Ahhhhemmm."
Lee Williams

Blind terror struck me when I heard the "ahemm" outside the stall.
The door to the washroom hadn't so much as creaked.

Maybe there was really no one there, just someone standing outside...no, the echo made it too clear to me that I was on the verge of being....ugh...the "c" word...CAUGHT.

"I'll be right out!"

My voice didn't hide the guilt or shaky panic that betrayed me as badly as the tell tale smoke did.

I hastily flushed the evidence and reached for my bag to retrieve a breath mint and with utter horror realised that I left my bag on the washroom counter...
Robert Bandini:

"Now if you please Lee. We both know you weren't using the rest room for it's intended purpose."

I watch the stall from the corner of my eye still flipping pages. An entry read:
"Ohhh yes Mr. Bandini, eat my pussy just like that. Squeeze my tits harder and pleeeeaaaaseeee let me suck your cock until you're ready to ram it into my cunt again and again."

Under it:
"Ohhhh fuuuuck meeeeeee. Fuuuckkkk me harder, deeper. Pleeassee make it hurt, make me cum and cum and cum Mr. Bandini."

It seemed I was about to aquire what I'd had occasionally, but not in several years. A student who was an adult and who I would control totally, unless she wanted the book given to her parents that is, after all of the faculty and adminstration had a chance to read it of course.

I recognised his voice.

Why did it have to be HIM of all the people who just happened to catch me in here smoking?

I froze motionless, afraid even to breathe. When I finally had to draw in a breath it came in a gasp, as I heard the sound of pages turning.

I frantically covered my face with my hands and prayed to whatever that he didn't have THAT BOOK.

Even though paralyzed with fear, however, I could feel the familiar twinging sensation of the nerves in my clitoris and nipples whenever he was near.

Perhaps if I stayed in the stall he would leave...

"Can we talk about this later?"

I tried to sound defiant and blase...
Rob't Bandini:

"Out here Lee. Now. Right Now. Is that very clear to you."

The next page:

"Ohhhh yesss Mr. Bandini. Rim my ass hole while I'm rimming yours then let me tit fuck you so you can cum on my face, on my tits to show me what a little slut I am for you.
"I'll do just about anything you want Mr. Bandini as long as you give me your cock and cum."

Under the entry was another picture of Lee. Topless this time pinching her nipple with one hand while the other was under her lacy, wet panties and it was obvious two fingers were deep her her pussy.

'Ohhh, yes. Lee has just become my new slutty little sex slave and she doesn't even know it yet,' I think as I rearrange my trousers so my now throbbing cock is more comfortable as it's stretched down my leg a bit instead of curled up in the crotch of the trousers.

I pursed my lips together and let out the sigh in a long smooth blowing sound as I smoothed the front of my blouse and gingerly unlocked the stall door.

I reeled a bit and steadied myself by pressing my back against the wall when I saw him reading THE BOOK.

"No! that's PERSONAL!"

I quickly added:

"It was a joke that my friends and I did, I swear. Put it down, that's MINE!"

Guilt and horror had turned swiftly to indignation and humiliation as I noted the amused expression on his handsome face.

I could feel the heat in my face positively scorching my cheeks, and my pulse throbbed in my lips as I bit them nervously.

"That's private property, illegal search and seizure, Mr.B".

Once again I attempted to gain some sort of control on the situation which had already spiralled way beyond my reach...
Rob't Bandini:

"Let me see Lee. Isn't rule number 4 in the School Rules and Student Code of Conduct that says, "All lockers, backpacks and bookbags are always subject to search and the illicit contents subject to seizure."

Holding up the book so you can see the picture of you pinching your nipple and finger fucking yourself, "The School Administration and School Board both will consider this obscene and pornographic in nature, hence it illicit in nature.
"Since you're already skipping class, I think you and I need to have a little talk. Come with me to my office Lee.

You're handed your backpack and I turn toward the door still holding the book nice and tightly and against the side away from you.

"You lead the way Lee. Now. Right now."

"It isn't class, it was study hall...and I wasn't ski..."

I let the futile defiance fizzle into an unintelligible mutter as I glared at Mr. Bandini, and flinched as I saw he did not look away first.

Not to be easily defeated though, I made a quick ocular recon of THE BOOK's whereabouts and, head held high, sloooooowly shuffled toward the door of the washroom.

I was mortified that the journal was in his possession...but, I figured that if I played the tearful confessions card, perhaps I would get it back and all would be forgotten in a few moments.

After all, I was Lee Williams. Nobody could ever deny me what I wanted. They all gave me what I wanted eventually, so why should this be any different?

I assumed a low voice to cover my rising doubts, and stopped, wheeling around to face the man of my fantasies.

"That's not even me in the picture. It was photoshopped. As a joke. I didn't do it, in fact I found it in the washroom and was going to report it. You just saved me the trouble, thats all."

I folded my arms and tried on a sweet winning smile.
Rob't Bandini:

"My office Lee. Now. No more stalling.
"If I have to give it to the faculty and Administration I'm sure that Mr. Crawford can use his computers in the Computer Science class to see if it's been altered in any way before it's passed on to the School Board for disciplinary action.
"I'd imagine you Mother, if not your Father, would recognize if it was you as not every one has a beauty mark there now do they Lee.
"Not that close to a shaven pussy that is.
"Now go."

My jaw dropped when I heard him say that.

Not only did he say the word "pussy", but in one smooth sentence he effortlessly reinforced the idea that I was not going to win this one so easily.

I couldn't imagine what my parents would think if they saw that journal.

I had always been the little princess, and had even been referred to as emotionally immature from having lived what the school counselors suggested was a "priveleged" life, whatever the fuck that meant.

There was NO way my parents could see that, there simply HAD to be a way out of this...and I had to think quickly...

Mr. Bandini's words were like a rough shove to me.

I stumbled and caught myself before my knees buckled and kept my mouth shut as we walked to his office, feeling my pulse course through my thighs, lips and even fingertips...
Rob't Bandini:

Once in my office I shut and locked the door. There were no windows so, for once, that was a blessing.

The office contained an old sofa of mine I'd replaced at home, my desk and chair, a single wooden chair and book cases and a filing cabinet and computer.

I sat in my chair and as you started to sit in the wooden chair I stopped you.

"Come around the desk Lee and stand right here," I said pointing at the floor in front of me and about three feet away.

"You and I have some serious things to discuss and I want you standing right there while we do.
"I'll speak first. You will stand there with your hands behind you and remain perfect quiet until I've finished is that very clear to you. Stand straight, look at me, hands behind you and not a single word out of your mouth until I'm finished.
"Now move."

"Mister Bandini, please don't show that journal to anyone. My parents will completely disown me if they see those pictures."

I looked at the floor and stood a little farther away then he directed.

I was too nerved up to be concerned about the locked door.

Still, being alone with him like this was something I had wanted all year...just why did it have to be like this?

I read somewhere that there is no such thing as coincidence...was this some kind of joke that fate was playing on me, some kind of karmic retribution?

As much as I desired him, I couldn't bear to look at that handsome face of his now that we were alone together...it was strange how excited this was making me, and I felt completely ashamed of myself for it as well.
Rob't Bandini:

"If anyone except me sees it will be up to you Lee. Now stand where and how I told you to stand. It wasn't way over there was it Lee. It was over here," and again I point only this time it's closer than the first time. This time it's well within arms reach, about two feet away in front of me.

I wait until you've complied, "Now look at me as I've told you to do. You're strict and absolute obedience what I say to you is one of the things that will determine what I decide to do with the book Lee.
"Is the very clear Lee," I ask rhetorically then continue.

"Lee, you and I both know what you want shouldn't happen. I'm a teacher and you're my student.
"However, Lee, you aren't the first student who wanted all of the things I've read so far in the book and I will read it all cover to cover I assure you.
"We know you don't want anyone else to see the book. Not other faculty members, not your counselors nor the administrators of the school. We know you don't want the School Board members to all see and look at it all as they decide what to do as reasonable discipline for you. It could be suspension or even expulsion as we both know.
"We also know you damned sure don't want your parents to see it all don't we Lee.
"I can imagine the looks on both of their faces when their sweet and innocent lil girl becomes their little slut lusting after her teacher so graphically and in print and pictures. I'm sure the consequences at home would be horrific for you Lee.
"Now do you agree with all I've just asked you? A "yes" or "no" answer Lee."
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I nodded and stared at the floor when he asked if he was being clear.

The silence was deafening while he waited for me to comply, and it seemed as though it was a battle I couldn't fight...he just stared and waited until I stood where he told me to.

His voice seemed kindly, though it still had a very stern edge to it, and I thought it better to just quietly listen.

There it was, all out in front of him...everything I had wanted and fantasized about and wished for.

My ruffled undies were damp with nervous perspiration and excitement and my knees slightly shook.

I looked at his shoes, then back at the floor...it was getting very hard for me to not just bolt and run away.

He had the book though, and he was Mr. Bandini, the man of my hormone infused wet dreams.

And it seemed as though he understood that I was desperate to not have anyone else see that journal...for that I almost felt grateful.

I softly whispered:

"Yes, sir, that is clear"
Rob't. Bandini:

"Good I'm glad that we agree Lee, "I say leaning forward and putting my forearms on my thighs.

Now even though your looking at the floor I'm looking up into your eyes past the rather lush swell of your breasts under the white blouse. I can even detect the hardened nipples lightly poking through your bra at the stiff material.

I look into your eyes and inhale deeply as you watch. My nostrils fill with your perfume, your nervousness annnd the scent of a very aroused cunt and I smile into your eyes as I speak again, "Now Lee it's time for us to come to an understanding. If you agree to what I'm about to propose I'll be the only one to see the book.
"I'll keep it as my safeguard, but no one else will see it Lee.
"This is what you'll have to do to be sure it's never seen by anyone else.
"You'll become mine Lee.
"I will own you until you graduate and perhaps after only time will tell about that.
"You will do whatever I want you to do Lee and without argument or hesitation. Anything I want, any time I want it regardless of what I want.
"For doing that you'll live out your fantasies and the book stays with me and no one else.
"You'll tell no one about our arrangement. No one, unless you ask me first and I allow it.
"You're 18 now and an adult so can make these decisions on your own. To protect myself from you having a fit of anger and telling anyone I'll keep the book and if you do talk then I'll produce it, tell all I counseled you on how inapproriate it is and you're just trying to get back at me by trying to get me into trouble at work."

A pause as I again sniff deeply, my face mere inches from your skirt and my eyes still looking past the breasts and hard nipples into yours.

"Lee, become my slut, my sex slave and the secret of the book remains a secret and we both get what we want. I've wanted to fuck you since the second week of school when you didn't or forgot to wear panties and I saw your shaved pussy.
"Think about it for a few minutes Lee then tell me you decision.
"Obey me always in all ways and be fucked often or say no and I turn in the book. It's up to you."

A few moments of silence as I watch you and can imagine what's going on behind your eyes then, "Lee if you choose to agree and become mine then just show me.
"Show me by undressing, kneeling and taking out my cock and sucking it until you've swallowed every drop of my cum.
"If do that then you will come back here after school and more will happen you've fantasized about.
"I do need know if you have any kind of birth control. An unwanted pregnancy wouldn't be a good thing for either of us. If you aren't you will be immediately. I'll pay for it."
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I remember once after class how Mr. Bandini reviewed one of my papers (written on sexual slavery)...

"be careful what you wish for..." he had laughed after congratulating me on another flawless assignment well done.

I wondered if my desire for him had been that obvious...at any rate, especially after he saw the journal, it sure as hell was apparent now.

I wasn't accustomed to being told what to do, ordered, or directed, so I bit my lower lip and stood in silence, my mind reeling with a combination of helpless indignation and blazing wanton lust.

I wanted to be in the drivers' seat, I wanted to be in control...but here I was getting just what I had prayed for with one hell of a twist by fate.

Fate was one maybe twenty steps ahead of me. And I had no choice if I wanted to stay in good graces with my parents and the academia.

I weighed the choices for what seemed an eternity, then looked at Mr. Bandini and gingerly smiled.

"I have only had sex with my girlfriends, and can try to do what we've watched on porno films, but I...I'm afraid that I am not very experienced..."

I blurted out embarassed. The kind look in his eyes was reassuring, and his capable stern manner assured me on some level that I would not be going off to college ignorant in the sexual arts.

I unbuttoned the top few buttons of my blouse with nervous fingers. My breath was quick and deep, heaving my lace covered breasts against the cotton of the loosened blouse.

I felt my blush spread from my face to my throat and chest as I knelt to the floor, dropping my bag next to me as I did. The cigarettes I stashed in the elastic band of my thigh highs dug into the tender pale flesh of my bottom as I knelt.

This was too much, I could barely stand it...he called me a slut and I had never had more than a finger inside my pretty little cunt!

I knew better than to challenge him though, since not only did he have the journal, but he had a rock solid...um...alibi *s* that could ruin me if I pulled a hissy fit or ran off.

I leaned forward, placing my hands on the polished floor. I could feel my firm round tits busting free of the constraint of the lace demi bra I wore, showing in the gap of my unbuttoned blouse.

My shiny black chin length hair swung forward so I tilted my face up to clear my vision, parting my glossy pink lips and half closing my eyes.

I was going to be a verrrrry good girl for the subject of my wet dreams...and I do mean wet!

I crawled to where his feet were, and slowly lowered my soft blushing cheek to the imported leather of his shoe.

I rested there, with my pretty bottom arched up in the air like a kitten, my damp, boy-cut lace undies partially riding up between my creamy ass cheeks, all reflecting in the wall mirror right behind me affording Mr. Bandini a perfect view of my backside and the half crushed package of cigarettes tucked in the top of my stocking.

I was really turned on by now, even more so than when I frolicked with my friends at the slumber parties...and he hadn't even touched me yet!

I could smell my own excitement- a mixture of baby powder and lavendar lingerie-wash...and the unmistakable sweet clean musky fragrance of my naughty, moist cunt.

The leather of his shoe was smooth and cool against my hot face, and the soft corduroy of his pantleg brushed against my forehead.

I whispered to him that I was already on the pill to regulate my cycle, but that I had never had sex with a man before and that I was afraid that it was going to hurt...

Even though I secretly wanted it to hurt some and practiced my kegels every chance I could get to keep myself tight as a bow...
Rob't Bandini:

"I accept your total submission to my and my every whim Lee. You are now my full slave in all ways and my slutty sex slave," I said the emphasis obvious in my voice so there was no chance of a misunderstanding of your place and position.

"I hope you recall your paper on Sexual Slavery Lee. I do as well as my warning to you when I handed it back. It seems the fates have decreed that you'll live it out now," I chuckle softly as my hand caresses your head as it rests on my foot and leg.

"I'll be gentle with you, but the first time will hurt. I'm very happy that you're on the pill as it means we won't have to wait 30 days for a full consumation of your slavery or that I won't have to use a condom if I chose not to wait.
"We'll discuss your girlfriends at a later date and just perhaps I'll select one or more to also become my slaves and sluts too, all with your assistance of course."

"One very important thing to remember my slave. If your obedience is less that total and absolute, if you argue or disobey, if you are less than pleasing to me in any way at all I will punish you and perhaps painfully so always remember my slave."

My hand slides down your cheek and cups your chin. Your head is lifted until your looking into my eyes then, "Now slave obey. Stand and disrobe, no strip, for your Master. Show me all that I now Own. Show me all of your nakedness front and back. Be a good slut for me and spread yourself so I can gaze at every part of you.
"Then slave on your knees and cup and lift your breasts, no your slut's tits, to me to enjoy as you lower my pants to free my hard cock for you to lick and suck as I direct.
"Under my tutelage you will become very accomplished in the sexual arts before you graduate and even learn some of the exotic ones too, some that might be called 'kinky' by most.
"Now my luscious slutty little slave, up and obey your Master."

"One very important thing to remember my slave. If your obedience is less that total and absolute, if you argue or disobey, if you are less than pleasing to me in any way at all I will punish you and perhaps painfully so always remember my slave."

~~I nodded and felt my throat tighten and the first sting of tears well up in my ice blue eyes at these words...~~

My hand slides down your cheek and cups your chin.

~~His warm hand is gentle and effortless in charming my face up toward him with the strength and discipline that only a true Master could possess...~~

Your head is lifted until your looking into my eyes

~~my actions are shakily obedient like a newborn colt awkwardly attempting to stand for the first time and there is a firey rebellion in the frozen blue color of my eyes as they meet his,~~

then, "Now slave obey. Stand and disrobe, no strip, for your Master.

~~and so at his direction I clamber up, tucking my jet black hair behind my ears and blink back the burning tears as I finish slowly unbuttoning my blouse. I shrug off the blouse and carefully drape it over the back of a polished mahogany chair as to not wrinkle it.

Keeping my eyes downcast I turn my back to him, then pause, thinking I had better face him while I strip...I reach my hands behind my back and unbutton my skirt, and gently tug at my zipper.

The sensation of my rosy nipples poking free over the low top of my white lace demi-bra as I bend over to lower the skirt causes another sharp delicious twinge in my clit which causes an involuntary gasp to elicit from my bitten pink lips.

I fold and lay the skirt neatly on the seat where my blouse is draped and take in a deep breath...I still cannot look him in the eyes as he called me a slave and a slut, and after he read that journal...god, I hope he doesn't read anymore, especially the part where my friends and I took turns pretending to be him when we went down on each others' wet shaved mounds.

Standing there in my boots, thigh highs and demi bra and panties
I feel an utter inability to take of any more clothing items, despite the fact that I may as well be naked now that he has me like this and can see right through the sheer white lace of the delicate fabric.

I stand in front of him, blue eyes brimming with tears, silently pleading to him to please let me leave what I have left on.

My hands move to cover the exposed hard rosebuds of my nipples and I try to look him in the face, hoping to elicit leniency or pity...~~~

Show me all that I now Own. Show me all of your nakedness front and back. Be a good slut for me and spread yourself so I can gaze at every part of you.

~~aghast, I let the tears spill over my crimson cheeks and try to keep in mind that I have played a similar scenario over and over in my fantasies...only it wasn't supposed to be like this...I was supposed to be the one in control, calling HIM the names and making HIM obey!

I remove the bra and let it fall to the floor. My 34 full B cup breasts stay firm and high on my chest as the useless bra flutters to the floor.

Bending forward, I climb out of the panties, horrified to see a tiny wet spot of my own tell tale excitement on the cotton lining.

I turn around so that he can take in my high round ass, and triangle back. I then bend forward again, this time with my feet about shoulder-width apart and palms on the floor so that he can see the soft freshly shaved lips of my plump little cunt, pale with the excited pink rosiness of evident excitement, and glistening swollen slit.

Since my knee high doc martens are lace-ups, I ask him if I can leave them and my thigh high stockings on.

He doesn't answer...instead he says:~~

"Then slave on your knees and cup and lift your breasts, no your slut's tits, to me to enjoy as you lower my pants to free my hard cock for you to lick and suck as I direct.

~I stand, turn back to face him, then sink to my knees and part them slightly, the dancers' muscles softened my a very light covering of baby fat. I cup and lift my tit's as ordered, utterly humiliated.
I make no move toward his pants as by this time I am so reeling and humiliated at being forced to expose myself like this that I am frozen...damn, for once in my life I can't even think of a single thing to say!

I bite my lip and listen, kneeling like that, feeling like the trashiest slutty slave ever, even as a virgin!~~~
"Under my tutelage you will become very accomplished in the sexual arts before you graduate and even learn some of the exotic ones too, some that might be called 'kinky' by most.
"Now my luscious slutty little slave, up and obey your Master."

~~I look up at him and hope that the punishment isn't so severe, or at least that his cock isn't as big as my friends and I tease each other like.~~~
Rob't Bandini:

"That's one punishment you have coming slave. I told you to spread yourself open. You didn't spread either your ass cheeks or your shaven pussy lips for me.
"The second one will be for not having freed my cock already slave so now you have to coming for not obeying as instructed and not obeying immediately and as perfectly as you can."

My hands take possession of your high, firm tits and begin to knead and fondle them both as my palms rotate on your prominent diamond hard nipples.

"I think you'd better proceed with what you've been told to do before you earn a third punishment slave. Right Now!"

"But sir, I ...!"

I wondered what he meant by "punishment" I despearely hoped that my journal wouldn't be exposed after all of this so far.

I squirmed in hot pleasure as his hands fondled and squeezed my tits, and recoiled from the force of my own hot darting excitement which was building fiercely.

Standing with my back to him, I bent over once again, spreading my legs far apart and using one hand to part my slippery pink folds and the other to steady myself.

My slit was so slippery I had trouble spreading it at first, and gave up to gently part my ass cheeks.

This was so incredibly humiliating and exciting at the same time!

I then turned back to gauge his reaction. He had a huge bulge in the crotch of his pants. I hoped that it was only an optical illusion caused by the bunching up of his trousers...but as I composed myself and stood straight up again, approaching him to do the rest of his unspeakable bidding, I looked at him and asked if I could please be excused for the rest of the day...
Rob't Bandini:

"Mmmm, most delightful, most inviting my slave. I know I'll enjoy sucking the nectar from you and licking all you've shown me slave.
"We'll 'discuss' what you mean my "excused for the rest of the day" when you finished doing as instructed.
"Now kneel slut, lower my pants and suck my cock until you've swallowed the last drop of cum you can suck from it before I add another punishment to those you've already earned."

When you've kneeled again I once again take possession of your tits and sit watching you. . .

Frowning and wiping the perspiration from my brow I kneel in front of him once again.

My hands shake horribly as I fumble with his beltbuckle, the warm supple leather forgiving and pliant under my grasp. I undo the button fly of the soft grey corduroys and bite back a gasp as his prick springs out at full attention from the opening of his cotton shorts.

I glance up at him knowing full well what I am expected to do - exactly what the trash whores in the pornos are doing when it's "blowjob" scene time...oh my god, I was about to give my first blowjob.

I was about to be one of THOSE kind of women...and I liked it.
I pulled on the elastic of his shorts and gently tugged them down to rest atop his trousers pooled at his ankles.

I slid my shaky hands up the sides of his thighs and over his soft belly.

God, his musky man smell was delightful! I gingerly pressed my lips against his balls, unsure where to begin. His skin was warm and clean and sweet smelling, and I started feeling a little more confident.

I brushed my lips over his sack, breathing out my hot breath over his package...I then traced my hot little mouth up the shaft of his prick and dabbled at the swollen head with the tip of my tongue.

There was really no way out of this now and at this point I was guiltily glad of that fact. I had no choice but to give this incredible man a blowjob and god knows what else...

I covered my teeth with my wet lips and took in the tip of his cock, it's velvety butter-slick head pushing against my circling tongue...
Rob't Bandini:

My hands continue to play with the breasts that your growing lust has hardened and made even firmer that usual. I watch as you nuzzle my balls and then up my cock to lick with your tongue tip at it's head.

A low sigh escapes me as your soft lips close over it's head and I have to restrain myself to keep from using my hips to fuck into your hot mouth.

My fingertips are pulled, as they dig lightly into your firm tit flesh, until they've trapped both nipples to pinch, roll and tug.

"Mmm, yesss very nice my slave. Suck me, lick and lap at my cock, make me want to cum in your hot, wet sucking mouth until my balls empty and give you your first drink of my cum, your Master and Owner's cum."
The low moan you elicited combined with the insanely delicious feel of your fingers gently digging into my tits causes my clit to swell and throb while I suckle the tip of your prick.

It is so THICK that my jaws are stretched as far open as they can be and are starting to ache from the strain.

The sublime fiery pleasure I feel shooting almost painfully into my nipples from your deft pinches causes me to abandon all pretenses I had of modesty or false pride, and I fuck your huge cock with my wet little mouth, taking it so far into my throat that I nearly choke.

I am loving this sensation, the freedom that is making my sexual abandon blossom, the freedom that I have in being your slave.

It makes me salivate more to accommodate your turgid rod, and when I have you sucked in as far as I can take you in my throat I begin swaying my tongue back and forth against the underside of that massive hot missle.

I ignore my aching jaw and bob my head up and down as I lick my tongue like that, sucking at you while let me go like this, and brazenly reaching down between my legs to rub my slick tight cunt with my fingers.

All I can think about during this blind frenzied lust is that I wish I had shown you the journal myself sooner...but then that might have spoiled the thrill of you finding me out like you did...