Cats, and why we hate them


King Taint Kicker
Feb 3, 2003
1. they're annoying little bitches that sleep all day

2. they're cats

3. repeat 2.
If I had a dollar for every time I punched a cat in the face while eating a burrito, I'd have enough money for more burritos.
I cannot condone animal cruelty.

Even if it is cats.

I'm sorry, but you're less of a man now.
Q: How many ferrets can fit into a microwave?

There is no A, I was asking for a friend.
I Love Cats, the people in my house love dogs. We got a chihuahua and she acts just like a cat. If I sit down with a blanket she is under it and curled up in a ball before you know it. If you leave the front door open, she is out the door in less then a second. (She sprints fast) She has learned to get on the kitchen table, just like a cat..

So all the things I listed up there are the reasons why people in my family hates cats.. Me, I love this chihuahua like she is a cat...

I don't remember a cat ever licking everyone's feet though and this dog, lick's everyone's feet that comes in this house if they are exposed. My chihuahua has a foot fetish.
I like cats, even owned a couple, but please stop with all the cutesy cat pictures. Thank you.

See how the ferret is nice and calm.

And how the cat is being a complete douche.
I'd take a cat over a ferret any day.

Still I have no desire for either, only girly men have weasels for pets.
Cats are awesome, until they get old. Then they become whiny annoying bastards.
And ferrets stink.
My cat plays fetch. It doesn't make him cute in any way, especially when he wants to play between the hours of 3 and 6 in the morning. :(
The Egyptians worshiped cats not dogs as gods. I rest my case.