Catholic nun dominated



can someone write this story young catholic nun kidnaped raped humiliated and dominated by two goth women one an asian on stage in front of an audiance at a club
while i would be willing to write about a young catholic woman being kidnapped and raped and humiliated etc by two goth women, i don't know about it being a nun and i don't know how realistic any story about it being on stage would be.

If I may ask...

What is so sexy about a nun? :confused: Or, is the point of the story not about the woman's sexiness, but of her devotion to God, etc.?

And, I've gotta ask this too... If two people kidnaped a nun from a monistery to rape her, would they really take the time (and risk) to bring her to some public club's stage? :confused:

Dang don't go getting all logical on us. Most of the stuff on this site is not reality. That is the point, at least for me, the unreal nature of it. The fact that I can be anyone, or do anything is part of the thrill.

Just my two cents worth.

Re: Logical?

jakelyon said:
Dang don't go getting all logical on us. Most of the stuff on this site is not reality. That is the point, at least for me, the unreal nature of it. The fact that I can be anyone, or do anything is part of the thrill.

Just my two cents worth.


I think what people are trying to bring up is that you can stretch believability in erotica, but there is a point.

A potential twist is a girl who dresses up like a nun for the fetish and then engages in sex on a stage in a sex club...just a suggestion.

When you go too far out of line, people press the back button, not the "5" button.
Re: If I may ask...

DirtyWhore said:
What is so sexy about a nun? :confused: Or, is the point of the story not about the woman's sexiness, but of her devotion to God, etc.?

And, I've gotta ask this too... If two people kidnaped a nun from a monistery to rape her, would they really take the time (and risk) to bring her to some public club's stage? :confused:

Some things that might add to reality:

1) The nun is someone who is visible in the community. She has a pretty face, a winsome smile and appears to have a beautiful body under her robes. Of course, nuns don't always wear robes, so her skirts and conservative blouses would reveal more about her true physique.

2) A Dom in the neighborhood has wanted her for some time. Now, this Dom isn't a safe person and is a player. That is to say, he isn't a "real" Dom, rather a control freak. Perhaps, rape isnt new to him.

3) He tells his BDSM friends that he is bringing someone to the play party who wants to be raped, but that she, as part of her role playing, is going to fight tooth and nail.

4) He kidnaps her on her way to the grocery, takes her to the party and everyone buys into the pseudo/real rape scene.

Not a story I want to write, but it could be done.
I don't see how fucking with a nun is a turn on, especially if she's raped. Wouldn't it be more interesting if she consciously gives her body to someone because she becomes very horny from her lifestyle? Or maybe someone hits on her, and she doesn't do anything about it. But come on, rape is not cool.
could be the club is a Bondage club and it has a name like the monastery or it is built on the site of an old church something like that so for an opening night attraction the owner aranges to have a nun kidnaped and raped on stage I like Misstakens ideas also but I think she would have to have the nuns robes on during the stage act
I like the idea of a woman who dresses as a nun for a fetish.

Here's what I'd like to see as a twist, though. I always had this fantasy when I was younger about someone being kidnapped by drunken people who don't really know what they're doing. They wake up, find their captive, and freak out. They can't let her go, though, because their screwed up logic tells them that that'll get them in trouble.

What if this woman dressed as a nun is kidnapped and the kidnappers pass out. When they wake up, they are horrified at what they've done, and she becomes the stern dominatrix type, still dressed as the nun. The kidnappers, male or female, are forced to perform in front of her and do all sorts of humiliating things before she leaves.

To add more fun to it they could find out that she's not a nun, maybe see her again some where, and decide to get some revenge.


Re: Re: Logical?

deliciously_naughty said:
I think what people are trying to bring up is that you can stretch believability in erotica, but there is a point.

A potential twist is a girl who dresses up like a nun for the fetish and then engages in sex on a stage in a sex club...just a suggestion.

When you go too far out of line, people press the back button, not the "5" button.

or worse, they vote "1"

how about a costume party at a club leading to group sex on stage?
Re: Re: Re: Logical?

sirhugs said:
or worse, they vote "1"

If it's two lit pages long or more they won't vote one because it's too much effort to find the end = )
Re: Re: Re: Re: Logical?

Chicklet said:
If it's two lit pages long or more they won't vote one because it's too much effort to find the end = )

good point
Dumb-ass question. Why is one of the kidnappers ASIAN?

Also, I thought about this idea in terms of how to make it "real". I'm wondering if it would work as a nun working in an arab country where she's kidnapped, rapped etc. by an Islamic tribunal.

Just another idea there.
If you want to make it more realistic and make it work better why not set it in some south american or african country where there is a "war of liberation" going on.

The Pathet Lao, an extreme marxist group regularly raped nuns during thier gurilla campaigns. Idi Amin's militia's, a radical nationalist group were also infamous for this.

In a country undergoing a revolution traditional morality can become as much a part of the "establishment" that is being attacked as conservative politicians. It is not difficult to envisionage an unscrupulous Anglo opening an underground club that caters to the revolutionary ferver of the populace by staging such spectacles.

The fact that the rapists are women further pushes the bounds of traditional morality as homosexuality may or may not be taboo to the populace, but it most certainly will make the nun's humiliation greater. An audience of cheering, hooting fanatics shouting insults can only add to her misery and if the rapists succeed in making her body respond despite her wish to hate it so much the better.

Not exactly my cup of tea, but some thoughs on how you could make it work without going way off the deep end of believeability.

MightyZor said:
I don't see how fucking with a nun is a turn on, especially if she's raped. Wouldn't it be more interesting if she consciously gives her body to someone because she becomes very horny from her lifestyle? Or maybe someone hits on her, and she doesn't do anything about it. But come on, rape is not cool.

Just for shits grins and giggles - but not many -

The only coherent thing that I have ever seen regarding nuns is the breaking (forcibly) of the vow of chastity.....
Probably started off as a bad fantasy by someone that couldn't get laid.
Oh and it usually proceeds with her discovering a secret overwhelming urge for odd sex --- Jeeze it's the middle ages Young and the Restless.


Somedays I despair of just being an honest Dominant pervert.

I'm not Catholic. However, I've known a number of people who attended Catholic schools during their formative years. Some of these people grew up with deep-seated hatred for nuns in general and a few nuns in particular.

Given the corporal punishment and the level of divine terror inflicted by these servants of God, those feelings might be somewhat understandable.

There is probably a "market" for stories that feature brutality directed toward nuns. For those who were mistreated by nuns in their younger days, it might be quite satisfying to read about a nun being raped.

The vows of chastity and celibacy are part of the "essential nature" of what it is to be a nun. Celibacy provides much of the foundation of the perception that nuns are more righteous than the students they are assigned to teach.

To strip a nun of her distinctive clothing and her chastity in a public way would be to strip her of her nun-ness and reduce her to being no better than anyone else.

A lack of reality in the story is not necessarily a problem. The level of degradation is more important.

Again, this isn't my kink but I can empathize.
Just for shits grins and giggles - but not many -

The only coherent thing that I have ever seen regarding nuns is the breaking (forcibly) of the vow of chastity.....
Probably started off as a bad fantasy by someone that couldn't get laid.
Oh and it usually proceeds with her discovering a secret overwhelming urge for odd sex --- Jeeze it's the middle ages Young and the Restless.


Somedays I despair of just being an honest Dominant pervert.


beyond the initial break of the vow there's all sorts of fun with the contrasty or hypocrisy of a sex crazed nun- the Domme Nun for example.
Been Done

All these ideas, and more, were fully explored in "The Devils of Loudun" by Aldous Huxley years ago.
Re: Been Done

snooper said:
All these ideas, and more, were fully explored in "The Devils of Loudun" by Aldous Huxley years ago.

Re: Re: Re: Been Done

snooper said:
Not so - I merely quoted a source for more ideas.

Mad Magazine is a source.
Huxley is a master