Case for blood ~closed for Mayu~


Say Goodnighttothe Badguy
Apr 21, 2002
Darkness always seemed to fall in this little town on the outskirts of the ocean city. Here the people lived in peace and didn't deal with much of the noise from the noisy city. That was what they loved about it. Here people came to relax and rest, the city is where they went to party and cause trouble. It was clean here, and most important, it was calm...

A man wearing a long dark jacket over looked the city at the edge of the small town, standing over a cliff face. He sighed as he took a long drag of his smoke, his eyes seemed to glow in the dark, giving off a red glow as he looked down through his sunglasses.

"Night falls and the noise begins... damn Fridays..."

He sighed again as he saw the cars driving in from there long work weeks, coming to party and let go. Release all that is built up from the work week. But up here is was different, they always relaxed, they always wanted the quiet. That is what they liked, and that is what he liked.


He could hear the kids laughing and making trouble as they yelled and screamed, even though the city was miles away, he could still hear them, he could feel them, feel there hearts pounding, he could smell them as well, smell the booze, smell the sex... smell the rape...

He looked quickly to a different area of the city and he heard the scream of a woman, he looked to the sky and than to his watch...

"Shit... its early and this already..."

He threw the smoke to the ground and shook his head as he seemed to vanish into thin air.

The young man was drunk and the woman was scared as he held her down in his car and tried to get her clothes off, he was ripping at them, tearing them, trying to get them off her. She screamed, but the music was loud and no one was in the alley behind the club. The young man looked down at the woman and slapped her as she kicked out trying to get away, the woman lost any fight there she had and her head hit the door and she fell unconscious, and the young man started to take her clothes off, revealing her tits. He leaned his head down and started to suck on her nipples, moving his hand down to her pussy... than he heard a tap at the glass of his car and he saw a large black wolf in the rear view mirror. He looked back again and saw it was gone... the young man started to undo his pants and he rubbed at her pussy, than he heard the tap at his car window again and he saw horror as that big black wolf was right up on the car...

The man screamed as the wolf vanished and he opened the door and fell out of the car, looking around, with much fear in his eyes... than he heard a voice.

"So you like to rape girls... do you?"

The young man spun around to find a large man in a dark jacket behind him. The young man fell back and scooted back quickly as he pulled a small knife from his pocket. The large man grinned wickedly and he extended his hand out and the knife seemed to stab into his thigh as the large man started to laugh, the alley way filled with the darkest of blacks and the last thing the young man saw was him being levitated into the air and slammed into the wall and the large man bearing fangs...

The car shook and the woman came to, clothes torn and she looked to find the man that was trying to rape her gone... it was all dark around her and she was confused. Tears fell from her eyes as she realized what was happening, she was about to be raped, but she didn't feel anything, she looked around and wondered why it was so dark out, than she heard the mans painful scream and a loud gurgling sound... than it was over... 3 maybe 4 seconds passed by and she got out of the car and waved her hands through the darkness... it soon cleared and she saw the man that tried to rape her pinned to the wall by a large metal rod through his chest, his eyes wide with horror, his thigh stabbed with a small knife in it and his neck bleeding out from a small wound... the woman saw this and feinted.

The man looked down as he wiped his face from the blood smiled as he knew the woman would be safe. Her sexual history was now wiped of rape, the Vampire looked down at the city now and laughed. His long black hair flowed with the wind as he laughed and knew there would be more work to do tonight.
Lisa Fox had been doing this job for a couple years, she was only twenty five years old. She was the youngest in the cities history to be a detective, but she had the brains and a lot of people respected her greatly. She had been in her office as she sat back enjoying a cup of coffee, it was nice and warm. And she always drank her coffee black and rather strong. She was humming to herself as she looked outside her window. She could see that the night was still young, she finished her cup of coffee when her boss came in.

Hearing what her boss told her about a man in his forties had been killed, in a not so friendly sort of way either. So she grabbed her car keys and took off for the crime scene, she ran the facts into her head. She was a bit of a Profiler as well, her father had been one of the best the city had seen, but his work killed him. She vowed to not let that ever happen to her, so when she got to downtown. She pulled into the front of the club called "Raven" She had been in that club a few times while she wasn't working.

Once she stepped out her gray eyes scanned the front of the club, she saw some people being questioned by the boys in blue as she called them. She walked to the alley, her shoes making a tapping sounds and it was easy to hear her coming. Pulling her black jacket up to her neck, she always had a thing about alleys. They frightened her but she would never admit it to anyone, not even to friends or family. Thinking a lot she began to wonder what had happened here tonight, she saw some more boys in blue securing the scene.

When she saw the man it looked like he had been pinned against the wall, she didn't even think it was possible. Perhaps the killer was on something that made the killer rather strong, the metal pipe went right through the chest. It was amazing how it was holding the man up, a police offer handed her a pair of gloves that she put on. And she searched his person for a wallet, when she found it she found the mans name. Looking at pictures to get a better clue of who this man was, she sighed. This was a rather brutal death, by the look on the mans face.

"Eric Jones...45 lives five blocks away from here. Looks to be married and I guess he pissed someone off tonight" Looking over she saw a woman who looked to be about her own age, and she was talking about how the man tried to rape her, her clothing was in tatters so she believed the girl. Listing to her statement about a mysterious man that helped her. Thinking to herself she began to think perhaps there was a vigilante in the city? She began to write down some of her notes so she didn't forget anything. Since she hated to forget things.

The corner came to collect the body, two police officers had to help put the body on the ground and into a body bag. This was a rather strange case, she had seen a case like this a few weeks ago. But didn't know if it was connected to the case, she just shrugged her shoulders and walked over to her car. Leaning against her car she looked up at the full moon, she loved the night. Which was most likely why she had the graveyard shift. Reaching into her car she took out a small bottle of diet soda and took a swig of it.

As she began to do a lot of thinking, it almost felt like someone was watching her. She wasn't one to ever have a partner, some partners in the past were rather negative with her. Because of her age some people don't trust that she got the job fairly, which she did. No one ever wanted to work with her, so she got the best cases. Because she always got her man as they say. She began to think about the man that had been murdered, the look on his face meant that he saw the murderers face. And that how he died he didn't put up much of a fight which means it happened rather fast.

The night was chilly and she got a chill up her spine, she didn't know why she got a chill. She loved the fall and this night was a very strange one, so she decided to take a walk around the block. To make sure that no evidence was away from the alley way, she was always very thorough. She didn't know if there would be any links to the case, it didn't appear that anyone saw the mystery person who did the killing. Her hands went into her pocket as she began to do a lot of thinking.

"This is a rather strange case, a man being killed like that? I know it wasn't done by a car because the end of the pole isn't dented. I don't know if there is a street drug that can do that? Man I don't know, wish I had a partner on this case" She said talking to herself, when she talked to herself it was always easy to tell she was rather lonely. She leaned against the wall, and put her foot against the wall just relaxing. She felt that there was nothing more she could do, so putting her foot down she went back to her car.
The Vampire laughed as he saw how fast the cops worked. "It must be a slow night for them cops..." he thought to himself. He scanned the area and saw the most interesting one there was a young woman... she had long dark hair and these mystical gray eyes that just called out to him. He took a step back as he watched her, her scent was intoxicating... he could feel her heart, her pulse felt so alive.

He watched her close, he even moved his sunglasses down to the brim of his nose and his eyes glowed red as he smiled brightly.

Her face was that of an Angel, an Angel that has fallen from heaven, her long hair was that of grace itself. Her eyes, her eyes were the biggest mystery, they held a sort of power in them, something he has never seen before in a human, in a mortal... they also showed how lonely she was. The Vampire knew pain, he knew loneliness when he saw it. For he was an immortal, forever to be alone...

He was tired of the loneliness, he was tired of having no one in his life, but why, he was a monster, he was evil in incarnate...

"Damn it!"

He wanted to meet this woman, but should he...

He than vanished into the night again. He appeared behind her car, a cold chill rang through the night as he appeared, his long dark coat, his long black hair flowing through the breeze as he looked to this woman's car. He saw her up close now, she was even more beautiful here than from afar.

"You know you can stop a mans heart by looking at them..."

He looked at her through his dark sunglasses with a grin on his face.
She felt the loneliness hit her and it truly was hard, but she didn't sulk least she didn't think so. Letting out a soft hum of a song, she did a lot of writing of music when she was younger. When she was in school she was actually a musical prodigy but no one cared about it now, but as she walked to her car she could sense someone was near. Sure she was human but it was more like just a sixth sense, she had always had it. Course she learned at a young age to rely on your hearing and not just your sight alone.

Her hand was on her gun which was on her right hip and she heard a voice giving her a compliment, she turned around and was taken back by the stranger behind her. Putting her hand down, she brushed a strand of black hair out of her eyes. She blushed at the compliment, no one ever gave her compliments. Course this was the same woman who had no friends, who never had boyfriends. People thought she was to smart in school, but she just shrugged the past right off her shoulders.

"Thanks, I had a feeling someone was around here. Always follow my gut instincts, but I will admit I'm surprised anyone is out here. I thought I was alone, but you prove other wise that I was very wrong" She said with a kind smile on her face. She didn't know what to say and what not to say to this man she didn't know. But she was rather curious about him, his voice was smooth like chocolate. May have been a corny thing to think, but it's not like he could read her mind. That she knew of.

Looking around as no one was around but the two of them, she smiled a bit "What's your name stranger?" The way she addressed him was that of an old friend, she may have been rusty to talking to people, really talking to them. But she did her best to stay on top of how to make chit chat, and right now she liked the thought of talking to someone. Not being out alone and having the feeling of loneliness hit her. She gave him an innocent smile, as her eyes looked at him. Waiting for what he would say.
He watched her closely, how fast her hand went to her gun on her hip. Right side, took about 1 to 2 seconds to react. Every movement she made he took note of. He timed everything. He was a Vampire, what would he be afraid of from this mortal, she was slow, she was predictable, she was...


He shook his head as he took a step closer to her, he felt a strange want for this woman.

"My name... my name is Jereth..."

He cleared his throat as he looked to her.

"And your name my dear sweet Angel... or do Angels not have names?"

He grinned as he said that to her, his features shouted beauty, he glowed with a "Come to me Aura" he just smiled now as he looked and waited for an answer.
She realized she had almost drew her gun on a civilian but this job that she had tonight, kinda gave her the creeps, but then she heard the name and smiled at him. "I'm sorry for my trigger happy hand, I am a homicide detective the youngest in the city. And I got a new case tonight that has me on a bit of the edge don't know why" She said she felt that she needed to apologize to him, since it was rather rude of her. But she felt something with him, and did not know what it was. She felt calm around him.

But then before she knew it he asked for her name, smiling a bit she decided to give him her name. "My name is Lisa Fox, but Lisa is fine" She certainly didn't want to be formal with the man. She leaned against the car and was still rather shocked at the compliments. "I am far from an angel but thank you. I'm not use to compliments been alone all my life, so forgive the silliness that I have now" She chuckled a bit and grew rather comfortable with this man, and didn't know why since he was a stranger. But it felt like she knew him all her life.
Lisa Fox... yeah she was a fox alright... he grinned as he thought that, she looked so innocent. But she was a cop, a young detective at that. Yet she keeps talking about how she has been alone for all her life. Why? Was there something wrong with her? He could tell she has been alone just by looking into her eyes. He took his sunglasses off and looked at her with his own eyes. There was a shade of ren in his crimson eyes as he looked at her soul it seemed.

"Miss Fox, woul you like to go somewhere and sit down, maybe the club right here? If you have the time that is? Are you still on duty?"

He looked to her, he wanted to know more about this Lisa Fox, who she was and why she was o intriging to him.
She looked at her she always babbled and she saw the look in his eyes, she smiled happily at him and when he asked her out, she didn't have anything else to do. Looking up to the club he was talking about she nodded a bit. "Sure why not" She said simply, she kept her badge with her and her gun just in case something happened. She hoped to god it wouldn't, but only time would tell who this man was. His name was cute, and when he called her miss fox she had a feeling he was calling her a fox.

So she followed him to the club and sat down at the bar to get a drink, her eyes looked around at everything and it was great. Looking at him she smiled "So tell me about yourself" She said happily grinning to him. Sipping her drink that she had, she was still carded which was always fine with her.
The club was Raven, it was a very popular club here in the city, insides were decorated in a very gothic manner, dark and mysterious with lots of alochol being served o the crowds. The waitresses were always very attractive and he gogo dancers were very teasing and slutty. Everything a young one coul want... it had a huge dance floor where the thousands danced on, had sex on, drank on... it was a rather erotic place. Jereth was known here, because he was one of the owners of th place, just a silent partner because the other was n immortal as well. Jereth kept the place clean, made sure no drugs or rape happened here, he was a avenger... so they say.

Jereth led her into the club where people moved fr him, making a clear path as his eyes seemed to glow red if you looked into them through his sunglasses. He walked over to a private table that said reserved on it and he opened the chain for her.

"Miss Fox, a table for you, VIP of course for the enchanting, or should I say enchanted..."

He let her sit down and he motioned the bartender that was approching.

"Two glasses and the best wine, red..."

He grinned as he looked to some of the bouncers and they all nodded. H looked very in charge here, but clearly he was not. Just a VIP so to seem here.

"So miss Fox, what do you want to know about me?"

He was intrigued by this woman, why did she want to kno him, why did she want to be near him? He wanted to know...
She was surprised by how they acted and it made her realize that they did in deed know him, or perhaps he was a customer that always was there? She was surprised by the VIP table, but she just smiled and sat down. When he looked at her she thought his eyes appeared red, perhaps it was contacts or something. Since they had all kinds of contact lenses these days, when there drinks arrived she smelt the wine and tasted it. Her eyes went rather wide as she looked at him, she knew her wines well.

"This is 1945 Chateau Mouton-Rothschild Jeroboam is it not? they made very few of these" She knew a bit about wine, her mother had been a professional wine taster. And she taught her daughter everything that she knew. But then he asked what she wanted to know about him, and the look he gave her. Looking down she sighed softly looking at the red wine. "You probably want to know why I want to know anything about you. Perhaps that is the detective part of me, or perhaps my curiosity for the way I feel about you right now. "

She said simply looking up at him "Has anyone ever told you that they were drawn to you, by some invisible force?" Because that was how she felt about him, like something was drawing her to him and it was rather confusing. She didn't want to stroke an ego of his in case he had one, but she was rather interested in if people ever told him that before. She sensed something about him and had no damn idea what it was. It was confusing but it was erotic and she liked the feeling it gave her.
She was good, very good. It was a good thing he didn't bring out the wine from the 1800's... that would have been a dead give away... he smiled as he watched her drink and taste.

"I must say that I am very impressed by your knowledge, your mother must have been a very good teacher. So young and so full of knowledge, I am happy to know that you can appreciate things like this Miss Fox."

The music than started to boom, the fast techno that the kids loved to dance and grind to. He scanned the dance floor and already could smell the lust in the air. It could drive a man insane if they could see and smell what he could. There in front of him was a couple dancing, they did not care who saw them, the mans hands all over her breasts, his cock basicly inside of pussy and she was dripping for this man. It was highly arousing. Jereth just grinned as he saw Miss Fox watching this as well. He could sense her arousal, feel her pulse quicken.

"Have you never seen a couple in heat before? Happens here all the time, there heightened arousal from the booze and the dancing leads they here all the time. The way he moves his hands over her skin, teasing her nipples, drives the woman wild with desire, he whispers in her ear sweet nothings and she falls for him instantly..."

He said this with much passion in his voice as he seemed to drift off to a different place.

He was than brought back to this place as he heard her question.

"Have I ever? No I have never heard that before... I am a loner as well. I travel alone through this life, passing through places and peoples lives like I was never even there..."

This was an outright lie though. When he wanted to, he could lure anyone to him, with his Vampiric powers, it was all to easy. He was everything a woman could want, sexy, desirable, passionate... he chuckled at that thought.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are like a magnet, drawing in things because you are a very intriguing and interesting woman"

He signed something on the table and sent it off with the waiter. Than two women walked up to the table and Jereth didn't even bother looking at them, as his eyes were set on Miss Fox. Two bouncers took the women away, telling them that they were not allowed in the VIP area.

"I tell you, people think that they can just walk into any where these days."

He knew why this woman was pressing into him, she wanted answers about the murder that he committed, well he did not see it as murder, he saw it as justice.

His eyes stayed locked on Miss Fox as he just smiled at her
She smiled at him as he was impressed, she was never very good at expressing herself to people. Being shy was a number one problem, though she couldn't let her shyness effect her work. "My mother taught me well, she was the number one wine tester around. She had been able to get her hands once on an 1800's bottle of wine, She never did explain that one to me. But figured it was stored away in an old building or something, just forgotten and left alone by people and by time." She said kindly.

But then when she saw two people making out in the dance floor and it did turn her on, she wanted to belong to someone. When he noticed the man slipping himself into her, she felt herself heat up. She was still a virgin, she made her work her number one priority. And she knew that didn't help anything, but she did feel her own pulse raise. When she heard the question he gave her. She didn't know what to tell him, but looking into his eyes she decided to be rather honest with him.

"No I have never let myself experience pleasure of any kind, I always found trouble trusting people. I had one guy I was interested in, his name was Mark and he was sweet. At least that is how it started any way, one night we had been going out for six months. He wanted to have sex and I just was not ready, I was only sixteen. He grew angry because he was patient and he no longer was, he tried to rape me but I stopped him. My father was in the military so he gave me a pocket knife for protection."

Looking down she sighed a bit "I hurt him but not to badly and ever since then Ive been alone, I don't want to be. Sometimes I Just wish life was black and white and never added with gray, but maybe I'll find the man I'm meant to be with. Or perhaps I'll just die alone, but you seem rather interested in me. Ive never been complimented before, so I am sorry if I seem to be making a big deal out of small things" She said just throwing that out there so he knew more about her and she sipped her drink again.

"I will admit at first I wanted to see if you had seen anything about the crime scene in the back alley here, but now that I am here having drinks and talking to you. Ive just let it rest, I needed this" She said happily and was thankful that he took her here. Sitting back in her chair she looked at the woman that tried to get to the VIP section and wondered who she was, it was like she knew the man she was talking to. But she just shrugged it off, it was something she didn't want to get caught into if it was a problem.
She got more and more interesting as time went on and the more she said, the more he got lost in her eyes. She was such a anomaly to him, normal mortal women never phased him like this.

Her scent... intoxicating

Her eyes... mystical

Her hair... grace filled

Her mind...

He cleared his throat as he looked to her, he could not read into her, there was too much. This frustrated him, she was a normal mortal, what was it about her...

"Miss Fox, pleasure you are talking about, are you talking about pleasure like that?"

He pointed at the couple now just have sex, not even making love anymore, the woman faced the man and he had her leg in his hold as he now just fucked her for lust and pleasure. He laughed as he saw that.

"Or are you talking pleasure like that."

He pointed to another couple, one that looked rather strange, a dark black mist flowed out and she saw a woman sitting in a booth with a man that looked like Jereth, his hands were all over the woman, feeling every inch of her, kissing her with a passion and desire that has been locked away for ages...

Jereth cleared his throat again.

"Miss Fox? All work and no play makes you something, something?"

He grew angry when she told him about the man that tried to rape her.

"I do hope that man..."

He stopped himself and he looked to her.

"I do hope he is dead for what he did to you, no woman deserves that... filthy beasts..."

He sighed.

"To the 9 hells with them..."

He looked back to her and composed himself.

"Forgive me."

He shook his head looked back to her.

"You should live your life out, you are a young woman, you need to get out."
She liked the way he seemed to talk to her, he didn't talk to her like a child or an idiot. She always liked people to talk to her normally so that was a big plus with how he talked to her, when he questioned about the sex she pointed to the second couple. The thought of not just lust, she wanted passion in the sex. Sighing softly she looked at him, perhaps it was just a day dream she had about the perfect man? But she just didn't know, sitting back she smiled at her newly found friend and thought for a moment.

"Ive never known love, I know for some lust is everything. But I just want to be loved, sure even in love there can be lust. But I never wanted meaningless sex and my ex, that was all it would be to him. He was put away for fifteen years for trying to rape me, I ended up moving to a different city. Originally I am from here but my fathers job sent him all over the place, I met my ex in New York City. So after what he tried to do I moved back here, I graduated high school a few years ahead of everyone. And knew I wanted to join the force"

Crossing one leg over the other she really enjoyed the red wine, she wasn't much for it but something about it was very sweet and it was delicious. She liked Jereth he seemed to be very down to earth and she enjoyed that. She was surprised that he wasn't hanging with a girl, he was rather handsome. She thought of asking him, but she knew personal business wasn't her business since they didn't know each other. But she shrugged off that idea and since she wanted to know more about him, she decided to ask.

"A handsome guy such as yourself must have a woman who hangs around him, if you were to tell me you were Single I don't know if id believe it. Your a nice guy, sure I don't exactly know you. But Ive not gotten this far without being able to Gage people's motives and ambitions, frankly I am glad for this talk. Helps to get out but when you try so hard to meet new people, and I have to admit I hope I don't lose track of you. Your really the first guy Ive felt comfortable with in my entire life"
He looked to her as he took his sunglasses off and set them on the table. He slicked his hair back and laughed.

"No, I am single, been forever since I have been with another... mo... woman..."

He shook his head and smiled again at her. He was slipping, she was unraveling him as they spoke. He had to strengthen his mind, she was powerful.

"Will your ex ever come looking for you, I mean you are a cop, so I know you are not worried, but are you at risk? I can do, I mean I have a set of skills that can help if you are ever in danger..."

He looked at her with all seriousness now.

"Do you like the wine, do you want some more, my apologies."

He took the bottle and poured her another glass.

"You know what, I am not a handsome guy, I am just a normal everyday..."

He closed his eyes.

"Type of guy, women only want to hang around me because of my assets... I have money and they know it... it attracts them and I cannot stand it..."

He sighed and he stood up.

"Miss Fox, would you like to dance?"

He held his hand out to her and smiled brightly.
She looked up at him and was taken back, she had a feeling that something was up. So he had money? The thought of loving the money and not the man made her sick, taking a deep breath she nodded to more wine and took another sip from the wine glass. It was tasty wine and then he asked her about dancing. Lisa could dance, hell she took a lot of dance lessons when she was a kid. Looking at his eyes again, she reached out and took his hand. Enjoying the feel of his hand against her own, it felt like a dream.

Walking out on the dance floor with him she smiled "I would never want to be with a man because of his money, Ive struggled all my life to make ends meat. Money may make life easier but it doesn't give you true happiness, you are the kind of guy id love to be with. I am no gold digger and just the thought of women being gold diggers make me truly sick." Smiling she even blushed a bit admitting she would want a man like him, it was like admitting she wanted to start something with him.

"As for my ex I always have my gun because of him, normally I do not bring it into places like this. But I may take you up on your offer about him, that's if I don't loose track of you after tonight" She said happily.
He was a rather good dancer, he executed old style dance moves, turning her and spinning her in rather exotic ways, she smelled so good, it was rather distracting, but the crowd seemed to move for them as they danced there way to the middle of the room. His hands roamed over her body as they moved to the rhythm of the music. Suddenly the music slowed down and Jareth had Lisa with her back to him as he moved slowly against her, letting his body press into hers. He kissed over her neck as he breathed her in.

"Mmmmm Miss Fox.... you dance well for a shy one... I think you just need to come out of your shell and let go..."

His hands moved from her hips and started to run up her body, rubbing up very slowly, massaging her body as he moved them up, so close to her breasts and than to her shoulders as he massaged her tense shoulders, still keeping his face close to her neck as he kissed it now. She could feel he was hard as he suddenly spun her again and had her back in the same position. This time his hands ran down her body as he felt her shiver to his touch.

He could take her right here, he knew it, she wanted it, he knew it... but he did not want to take advantage of her loneliness. He would play this one safe and smart.

"Miss Fox, I have a present for you... do you see the blonde there with tattoos, he is a criminal and he thinks it is smart to deal in this club, on him now is a rather large possession of coke and X, watch him close as he dances with those girls around him... it is rather sexy..."

He again moved his hands over her body as he moved against her with the flow of the music. He was actually enjoying his time with her. He let his hands rub just underneath her impressive rack. She was wearing a button up top, his hands moved quickly as a few of her buttons were undone now, letting her show off her sexy tits a bit...

"Mmm yes you are sexy Miss Fox..."

He licked her neck some and than kissed over her ear lobe.
She could always dance, she did it as a kid and even in her adult years, she enjoyed the music as well. It wasn't hard to keep up with him, it was actually rather fun and it was a feeling she rather enjoyed. Taking a deep breath as he spun her around, a big smile could be seen on her face. This man was something else, she noticed that he was something special. Jareth could turn her on like no man had ever, course she always did keep her guard up. Always played it safe, and smart but right now she wasn't doing that.

When the music changed to slow music his way of dancing changed, and of course she followed along as well. She felt his lips to her neck as her blood went rushing through her whole body, she got goosebumps on her and a shiver up her spine. Hearing what he said as well, she realized he was right. Which was why she let her guard down for him now, she had a smile on her face as she turned her neck in a way she was able to look into his eyes. "Yes well your helping me do that now" She said with a thankful expression.

When he turned her around again she felt his hands going over her body, touching her in a manner no one had ever touched her. Not even her ex who she would shoot if she had to, she couldn't help but let her body react to Jareth's and it was an enjoyment as well. But she wondered if she would ever see him again after tonight, then again the night was young and didn't know how this would play out. But she wouldn't play it smart this time, she was sick of that lifestyle that she knew for sure.

But then as he moved along her body with the music he said he had a present for her, hearing about the drug dealer her job wasn't to bust people that wasn't in her job description. She was homicide however, she made drug busts when ever she could. She was grateful for this information, but as he told her to watch him that he was rather sexy. She actually let her mind say what she would never have dared before to say. "No Jareth your the sexy one in this whole club" She realized what she said and knew that he heard it as well.

She bit her lip unsure how this was going to play out, now she had let it slip she was highly attractive to him. And before her was an X dealer but didn't know what to do, she wanted to bust him. But then she just wanted to keep dancing, she would keep her eyes on him and she actually had seen him before. He had been in trouble with the police before, light stuff unfortunately. She felt his hand went down to undo a couple of her buttons letting her breasts show off a bit more, she let a soft moan escape her lips.
He laughed hard when she said that. Jereth was not a egotistical man... well Vampire, he was more than modest about himself and his well... abilities. This woman was something else, she was funny, she was interesting and she was sincere.

"I am far from handsome Miss Fox, but thank you for the compliment, but as you can see, there are far more handsome in this room. Take for example..."

He smiled as his vision veered off and he seemed to get lost in the sight of Miss Fox, the black mist surrounded the room and women seemed to be highlighted in a red light.

"As you can see Miss Fox, you are the most beautiful in the room, look at there fake features, there enhanced bodies, there fake persona's..."

The women in the room were moving and dancing with invisible partners, they all were revealed to there fake natures. Jereth just grinned as the red light revealed Miss Fox.

"Look at that... the only woman in the room and no flaws, no fakes, nothing... but perfection..."

He moved around her like mist as his hands went over body like a snake, he took her back into his arms from behind her and danced as the room cleared of the mist and the music could be heard loud and clear. Jereth spun Miss Fox and dipped her down low as the song came to an end and he moved so he was right in her face.

"Now what do you think Miss Fox?"

He could smell her breath, the scent of sweet wine was on her breath, he could feel her breathing hard, he grinned as he looked to her with his crimson red eyes.

"Miss Fox..."
Lisa heard what he said and heard what he said about being the most beautiful woman there, she always thought she was just a plain old person. But she was flattered by what he was saying about her, watching the woman there moving. She could tell who had natural breasts, and fake ones. All the women had fake breasts and that surprised her highly, she was the only one with natural breasts? and realized a lot of the woman had vanity issues, she believed in plastic surgery yes. But for something like burns, surgery that is a must not for vanity.

"I always thought I was just a simple plain girl, I try not to be vain you know? I have never been one for vanity, sure plastic surgery is a wonderful thing to have available if it's for a surgery you need and not for vanity, you know like fixing up a horribly burned face? But to me there is more things in life then trying to get big breasts, or no wrinkles. It's rather sad but I am honored you think that I'm perfect. You may think that you are not the most handsome, but my taste in men have always been for mysterious men. So in my opinion your the perfect man in this place"

She felt how he moved around her, he was almost like moving around her like water. Shifting and changing around her, he heard him still call her Miss Fox. She thought it was rather sweet but she was willing to go on a first name basis since she hoped that she would see him again after this night. When he dipped her down she could feel his breath against her, her own breathing was heavy because he turned her on. When he wanted her to say something, she began to think about what to say.

"I think I like you Jareth you are very interesting and please you can call me Lisa, since I admit I hope that our encounter tonight isn't the only one we will ever have" She said being again open and honest with him.
He looked down at her as he still held her in the dip.

"Ahh Miss Fox... I mean Lisa Fox, the ever so beautiful and so dangerous... our time is not up yet... the night is still young like you said. We still have time, the glass slipper has not yet come off your feet."

He than raised her up as he made a motion with his hands, throwing them back and his long black jacket flew from him it seemed and landed in the hands of a woman. He was now just in his long white button up shirt and black slacks, his suspenders kept them up as the red gleam came from his eyes, his long black hair flowing as he held his hand out to her.

"Lisa, come to me..."

He waited for her to take his hand.

She was perfection, she was everything that he wanted... now he knew, now he had to have her... but for what...



Raw Emotion...

Damn his thinking...

"Miss Fox, Miss Lisa Fox... care to take a ride on the wild side?"
She looked into those fiery red eyes, she just assumed that they were cool contact lenses so she didn't question the red in them. She heard what he asked her and looked at his hand, she smiled contently and reached for his hand. And grabbed it contently she closed the gap between them, she was happy to be touching him. He was tall, dark, handsome and rather mysterious. She began to wonder what he wanted from her. But she decided now would be the time to get out of the shell she put herself into.

"Yes I'll take a ride on the wild side, as you said I need to get out of my shell" She said with a rather happy smile on her face, She had no idea how tonight would end. But her heart was racing because she was rather excited, it was amazing how he could make her feel. Her pulse was racing as her heart was. But her smile never faded, as her gray eyes looked into his red ones. She wished she could read his mind, but he seemed to be rather open and honest with her. Which was rather rare for men.

Most guys just wanted sex now a days but he seemed much different, and that was very refreshing. Squeezing his hand as she allowed him to lead her, since she had never been on the wild side. Hell she was still a virgin, not that she would tell people that. Because it's not like she would break, she was a tough girl and wanted to make sure to make Jareth want to see her after tonight.
He took her hand and he pulled her to him as he danced very close with her now, his hands again moving over her breasts, he pressed his hard on into her as he moves slowly to this erotic beat.

"Miss Fox, I am sorry, Lisa... you really bring out a side in me..."

He breathed down her neck as he really wanted her, he wanted to see her naughty side, he wanted...

"Mmmm Lisa Fox, you feel wonderful against me..."

He let one hand move down her breasts, than slowly down her tummy, than down her pelvis, he stopped there as he waited to see if she would stop him.

"What do you think Lisa... how do you feel?"

He could feel her heart, it was beating like crazy, she was fuming with lust, he could smell it. It just made him grin.
The music had changed and she had yet to hear a song she did not like, but she felt his hands on her breasts. She moaned a little bit, she hadn't realized that she had desired the touch of a man all her life. She didn't realize it till now, because she didn't stop him. She didn't even put up any kind of fight, feeling his hand going down her stomach. She bit her lip a little bit and offered a smile to him, his touch was incredible and she didn't even know him to well. But that was what taking a trip to the wild side was like.

Then when he asked her opinion on what she thought? She smiled happily at him and let what ever came to mind be her answer to him. " Mmmm your touch is incredible, I am liking this ride" She decided to do something as well. Since he was touching her, she took her hands and then placed them against his chest. Looking into those eyes as her hands traveled all over his chest. He appeared to have a firm chest, which seemed to turn her on just as much. Moaning happily again as she rubbed him to see what he would do.
Jereth moaned out at her touch on his chest, it was a surprisingly good feel. He has not felt a feeling like this in such a long time. He moved his hand over her pelvis again and little lower. He than had a thought, he would let her experience a bit of his power... as his hand roamed to her lower regions he breathed out and a bit of black mist swirled and went under her skirt, black tendrils now moved over her covered pussy. They moved back and forth over it as Jereth continued to move his other hand over her breasts as he danced with her.

"Yess Lisa, how do you like that... you are the one..."

He than kissed over her soft neck and felt the power tense there, he was at her kill spot and he gulped as he resisted the urge to bite, he used his lips and he kissed there. He could smell her pussy wet from the attention.

"Do you like this..."

He hissed from her attentions, she could feel the effects she was having on him.